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  1. barba
    3 months ago

    This year there are only a few walnuts on our tree; it snowed again while the trees were in bloom. And now the tree is dropping these few nuts far too early – it’s too dry this year. We won’t be able to harvest anything in the autumn. What a pity. And then I collected the bright green fruits, chopped them up and made a walnut liqueur. I’m looking forward to it. In half a year it will have infused and will remind me of today, because I’m grateful that I’m grateful for the green nuts, now.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    3 months ago

    What comes to mind for me is my daughter, she is still struggling to find a part time job . She thought she had one but it didn’t come thru.
    I am supporting her. My shift is being grateful that she is sober and tomorrow will be 6 mos!. My shift in perspective is not about finances, it is about her health. She is getting healthier each and every day, she is doing PT, cardiac rehab, the gym a little and is on top of all of her doctor appts and mental health appts : )

    1. Yram
      3 months ago


    2. Nannette
      3 months ago

      That is great news. We have been rooting for you and your daughter. Such happy news to hear she is doing well. Soon she will find a job!!

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      3 months ago

      So good to hear Robin Ann.

  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    3 months ago

    As I read the question, this morning at 3:30am,
    I didn’t know quite what to say. So, here I am,
    at 2:00pm and I still didn’t really have a good
    answer. So I read all of your responses first.
    Not something that I normally do. Your
    responses are inspiring. So, as I sit here in my
    suit and tie, waiting for clients, in 95° heat,
    I am grateful. Grateful for this life. Grateful
    for the opportunity to make a living.

  4. Ose
    3 months ago

    Last week after a very warm and humid day, when my night shift was finished after midnight, surprisingly it was raining cats and dogs when I left the building and water was pouring down from above like a tropical monsun shower. I had not brought a rain coat and no taxi available. It was in the middle of the night and the only chance to come home was to walk home through the pouring rain. Then thought switched to that being in warm summerrain could be great joy also, and gratefulness appeared for this extraordinary possibility to walking after midnight in the silence of the already slleping town, all deep dark above, all wet to the bones like never before but joyfully laughing about this wonderful pitchy patchy dripping dropping happyly walking home.

    1. Nannette
      3 months ago

      You turned walking in the rain to be a fun experience!! I remember loving to walk in the rain on a summers day!! As a child putting on a bathing suit in the summer and running outside to experience the rain…Glad you finished your evening smiling!!

  5. Carol Ann Conner
    3 months ago

    I needed your comments today. I am very grateful for them.

  6. Nannette
    3 months ago

    I recently had a serious heart attack….I have been recovering. Some days…I feel that perhaps I should not be here…maybe it is too hard on my husband. Then; I look and I am so thankful that God has given me more days. I don’t know how many- but I am thankful for each one. I walk in my driveway- hear the birds, listen as the wind blows the trees, watch a leaf fall to the ground, look at the beautiful sky, see the wildflowers, and all the trees that I so love…and I am SO grateful for another day…to care, to love, to share. We were never told that life will be easy..we all have disturbances in our lives and we carry on…There is so much good to be grateful for…And all of you here are proof to how true that is. Thank you all for your posts each and every day. Blessings to you.

    1. Nannette
      3 months ago

      Thank you FRIENDS…for your responses!! You ALWAYS fill my heart with love and joy!!

    2. Josie
      3 months ago

      What an inspiring post, Nannette. So grateful you were spared to witness to all of the beauty I can so easily take for granted. Today gratitude for your post is what has changed my perspective. Namaste.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        3 months ago


        1. Joseph
          Joseph McCann
          3 months ago

          Me, three.

  7. Patti
    3 months ago

    Just a bit earlier, when the alarm went off. I haven’t been sleeping well for weeks now while we’ve been waiting for our business transaction to finish up, so some mornings are harder than others. But then I remembered I have a funeral to go to this evening. The husband of one of my best good friends passed earlier this month. He was a good man and leaves a beautiful family behind. Life is short. We don’t know when our time will come, and I am grateful to have this day.

  8. L
    Loc Tran
    3 months ago

    The family party from last Saturday was a prime example of a recent experience I chose to be grateful, and it shifted my perspective. This response builds from my 2nd one from the daily question relating to what happens if we shift from fear to love. Having Ngoc helps a lot. 2 people who have a harder time getting involved is better than 1.
    Even without Ngoc, I’d still be fine. I’m grateful for Paw Mu to have come into my life at one point in 2011 and give me a sense of direction even if I felt uncomfortable with her approach. Surrendering to her vision for me allows me to be present and eventually, age more gracefully like LeBron James and Steph Curry. 32 is still young, but it’s no longer the age where we’re the new kid on the block, and those years fly. We go to sleep at 30 and find ourselves waking up at 50.
    On one hand, the hows and whys bring purpose and direction. On the other hand, they can easily lead to overthinking or what I like to call, stagnation, the opposite of the Warriors ball-movement system when Steph Curry and Klay Thompson were at the peak of their powers starting in 2014 under Steve Kerr. There’s so much film watching one can do. We must go out there and put it out into practice. We develop to win.

  9. Michele
    3 months ago

    My work, everyday I see the full circle -death-transplanting tissues/organs to save/improve others lives. I am grateful because there is no guarantee for tomorrow.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      3 months ago

      Michele, I can resignate with you in the area of work. I’m grateful to get to play the piano for people.

  10. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    3 months ago

    A bit over two years ago I was introduced to the concept of living gratefully. I always considered myself a glass half full kinda fellow. Now I am grateful I have a glass. It is afternoon thunderstorm season here in the San Luis Valley. Hit or miss. As the clouds rolled in, I was finishing up my last load of hay for the day. Instead of getting anxious, or monkey minded as I like to refer anxiety as, I stopped to enjoy the cool breeze and look at the clouds. Never the same, always the same, water vapor, agua es vida. It did not rain, and I will finish up this first part of 2024 hay harvest today. I am grateful. Namaste.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      3 months ago

      Joseph, you just spoke to me. I was introduced to the concept, and I’ve noticed that it’s made a huge difference in my life. Having a community of people who share common ground with me gives me direction and simplifies my inner life. When all said and done, we’re all echoing the same sentiment.

  11. Laura
    3 months ago

    Just this morning. The alarm woke me up in the dark. My first thought is, Ugh. I don’t want to get up. Then I remember that this day is a gift not a guarantee, and I thank God for it. In just a few seconds my outlook has shifted.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      3 months ago

      Laura, I love your line of “This day is a gift; not a garentee.” It’s very tempting to lay in bed too long and be groggy. I’ve been there, and have done that back in my high school days and college to an extent where getting up around 6 or 7am was the norm. Fortunately, I’m at a phase of my life where getting up early is a preference; not a priority.

  12. Antoinette88615
    3 months ago

    It’s easy to have a negative mind about many things. I’m so grateful to meditation because it shows me so clearly what remains in the mind and I’m therefore able to discard more “negative thoughts, judgements, discernment, and everything else that the negative human mind holds onto. By cleansing the mind will become one.
    So just a small example is that I have a part-time job and someone is on sick leave currently. It is the owner who is asking me to do extra work so that this person is able to be on sick leave and she obviously needs help. Now I don’t really have to work as much as I am however now that people need help I am able to see that I can be of service and just be grateful that I am allowed to be of service. Choosing my perspective each day is a wonderful opportunity of letting go and becoming more grateful.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      3 months ago

      Antoinette, it’s very easy to think negatively. Been there, done that. I meditate every morning on Soothing Pod, and it’s made a very noticeable difference.

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