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  1. c
    2 years ago

    Gratefulness state is without need for anything, an energized state of peaceful appreciation, that is open to contentedness and no need for the defenses of aggrandizing or self deprecation.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    2 years ago

    I was very humbled last night, my son and his fiance invited me to dinner and a movie to celebrate our new house. We had a great night.
    We saw the movie Otto which was funny but sad as well. Many life lessons to be learned for sure in that movie. Tom Hanks deserves an academy award!!. I am so grateful for the humbling moments in life, it definitely helps keep the tougher times a bay.

  3. sparrow51014
    2 years ago

    The number of things to be grateful for
    in any given moment
    is so vast as to be infinite,
    which is humbling in itself.
    My gifts
    humble me
    that I could be so loved.

  4. Don
    Don Jones
    2 years ago

    I like to live a simple life these days. I am grateful for that. It resonates.

  5. Rabbit81616
    2 years ago

    It is a reminder of what is going right instead of dwelling on the poor emotions.

  6. Patti
    2 years ago

    Gratefulness absolutely is humbling. It reminds me of all the good I have, all the love I’ve been given and am surrounded by. It shows me there is still so much good in this world despite some of the things going on in it. It helps me stay or brings me back to the present moment.

    When I went to pick up my cat’s ashes this past week, I was expecting to pay for his end-of-life assistance. They didn’t charge me the day of, so I knew when BC’s ashes were back at the clinic, I’d have to take care of the bill. But when I went in and they brought everything out to me, the girl at the desk told me that I was all set. I was already teary-eyed, but I asked if she was sure. She was. And then the vet, whom I’ve known for years, came out. She consoled me a bit, we talked about BC visiting me, and I thanked her again for all of her help. She got me in last minute before things got worse with BC. And she’s not even our regular vet. I love her, but she’s 30 miles away from us. Anyhow, it was totally unexpected, and I was deeply humbled by their kindness.

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    2 years ago

    It feels true. Gratefulness is such a simple
    action, with such profound results.
    The way it reminds me of how much
    time I spend dwelling on the hurdles and
    challenges and re-living the past, and brings
    me here to the present. Again and again.

  8. Yram
    2 years ago

    Gratefulness opens my soul to myself and others.

  9. Laura
    2 years ago

    Gratefulness shifts my perspective from ego-centric to me as just one of many others making our way in the world as best we can.

  10. Ose
    2 years ago

    Gratefulness opened the door to alter my hidden unhealthy inner state of haughtiness as well as helped perceiving and then resolving my underlying strong fear; it opened my heart for the fear- underlying strong grief I had carried almost all my life, altering my feeling of loneliness, of insecurity and of shame. I cannot express how grateful I am for this deeply humbling and touching process of having had the chance to transform the very painful state I have been in. It was not easy at all and to confront myself as well as be confronted with all of the mess I was in, while in the same time, I am so grateful that it was possible. Thank you all, dear friends, for having been of such great support during this process. Without you and your generosity and your patience, I doubt if this would have been possible. Deeply grateful, dear friends. May I be able to pass forward what I have received in abundance. With all my heart, greetings and blessings to all.

    1. c
      2 years ago

      thank you 🙂

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      2 years ago

      Lovingly written.

    3. sparrow51014
      2 years ago

      We find healing in this place
      through each other,
      dear O. Christina…
      I have faith
      that we are all helping to heal ourselves
      and each other
      with love…♥

      Your healing helps me too.

    4. Laura
      2 years ago

      I’m so glad you have found healing, O.Christina.

      1. Ose
        2 years ago

        Thank you, dear Laura for your kind and loving reply. 🙏

    5. Yram
      2 years ago

      Thank for sharing. I felt your pain but also your joy.

      1. Ose
        2 years ago

        Thank you, dear Yram for your heartfelt compassion and loving kindness. 🙏

  11. EJP
    2 years ago

    Gratefulness enables me to understand how very blessed I am.

    1. Laura
      2 years ago

      Well said, EJP.

  12. Michele
    2 years ago

    I know that there are others who suffer more so than I … that is humbling. I am grateful for what I have.
    Happy relaxing Sunday to everyone:)

  13. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    2 years ago

    The beauty and the fury of nature is always awesome. It provides life and can extinguish life just as easy. Gratefulness gives perspective that I am interconnected to all, and all is interconnected to me…………which helps to ground the ego.

  14. devy39652
    2 years ago

    Gratefulness means being thankful for what one has in their life and acceptance. It is humbling because it makes me realize how fortunate I am having those things as well as realizing that we are all the same and part of the greater sum of the whole.

  15. Kevin
    2 years ago

    Of course, gratefulness can be humbling. It comes on suddenly, without fanfare, pretense, or transactions. And when I’m present, It’s a gift that arrives, unseen, on silent little feet.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      2 years ago

      It’s a very foggy day at our house and my cat is on my lap so your last line immediately took me to the fog coming on little cat feet. A Carl Sandburg moment.

      1. sparrow51014
        2 years ago

        I had the same thought,
        dear Barb…♥

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