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  1. Robin Ann

    Today is a new day and I feel grateful for it being peaceful. Yesterday my daughter called me up crying. I do and need to trust in the process of her healing and professional help guiding her along the way. I continue to have hope for her to someday have a more normal and enjoyable life. Her life time friend since she was 15 txt me yesterday checking on her and wants to be supportive to her. I am also grateful that he stays in touch. He is a good guy and has cared about my daughter for many years. Now a disabled Vet who also has his own challenges but a good guy!

    11 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      The support you provide for your daughter is a blessing Robin Ann. We all need support.

      11 months ago
  2. Linda

    My husband has an important chore that he keeps putting off, much to my frustration. He knows how important it is but cannot seem to manage it. He also won’t let me do it.
    However, because I am deeply grateful for his presence in my life, I could let this go…just for today. 🙂

    11 months ago
  3. Dolores Kazanjian

    It can’t because I cannot imagine being more grateful than I am right now. My husband and I are solidly into old age and a couple of months ago our health took a nosedive at the same time and in the same way. (Yes, we are that bonded.) Yesterday we had a telemedicine visit with our primary care doctor, a real sweetheart and very spiritual person, and the news was much better than we had anticipated and feared. Nothing immediately alarming or life threatening. Whew.
    Also, at one point I had four of what I call my “guardian angels” – the people who have been helping out with chores and such – in the house together. Dog walker, household helper, handyman and cleaning service. They have all adopted us as if we were family. I feel so blessed.


    11 months ago
  4. Charlie T

    Practicing gratitude always shifts
    my perspective. I think that’s the whole
    idea. Training my brain to have a
    more balanced view of my world.
    Creating new pathways and beefing
    up the atrophied paths. By starting
    my day with this practice, I am
    attempting to exert some control
    over my general outlook. Just taking
    this action seems to have its own benefits.

    11 months ago
  5. Carla

    (I think this is a repeat question). If I stay in the present moment and the now of my actions, I can choose to have a grateful heart or negative attitude. Either one colors potential outcomes.

    11 months ago
  6. Nannette

    At this moment I am very grateful. I have had a house full of guests for the last three days. Last evening we also had my step-daughter and grandson for dinner…the last celebration dinner of having family visit. I am very grateful for the time spent with all of them. Our family left this morning heading home to Ct. and Maryland. I am grateful now of the quiet and retruning to “normal”…How Blessed we are to have family who visit!1 Wishing everyone here a day filled with happiness.

    11 months ago
  7. m

    Gratefulness is shifting my perspective in this moment by giving me the space to acknowledge that I am an essence who gets to take up space, who gets to be here, who gets to experience, who is allowed to wonder and imagine in this moment. But also being able to just soak in the present moment and feel grateful to be alive. I have an office that is curated as a reflection of my energy and it is soft, sweet, and pure. I am able to cherish that I have grown to admire myself in my accomplishments and am proud of who I have grown to be. I am sincerely understanding self love by shifting my perspective here in this moment. I am at peace.

    11 months ago
  8. Antoinette

    With my shifting emotions gratefulness shows me that this very longing feeling is ok. I can choose it notice it and let it go. Let go of this very me who holds onto anything- any story of past or future that may kindle more of the same nostalgia or negativity. Letting go is gratefulness in action ! Each moment we have this beautiful opportunity! Thank you 🙏

    11 months ago
  9. Pilgrim

    “Today is a new day, with no mistakes in it (yet).” This quote from Anne of Green Gables is one that I call to mind often. And from Mary Oliver, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your wild and precious life?” These are the offerings that popped into my head … invitations for the day.

    11 months ago
    1. Barb C

      I’ll add Maya Angelou: “This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before.”

      11 months ago
    2. Antoinette

      Lovely! Thanks for those pilgrim!

      11 months ago
  10. Carol

    I’m in the winter of my life. Losses occur on a regular basis. Everything from the loss of friends and family to talents and health. I grieve my losses but I don’t resent them. I seldom ask “Why?” I just pray for the wisdom to learn from every one and everything that happens and give thanks for the opportunity to learn. Sometimes, I do wish I had gained this perspective of gratefulness at a much younger age but NOW is all any of us ever have so I do my best not to squander it. For me that’s the gratefulness of each moment. I don’t shift to that perspective. I do my best to live there. As today’s quote from Eckhart Tolle states: “Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life now is the true prosperity.”

    11 months ago
  11. O.Christina

    It does immediately. ‘Taking perspective from the inner position of gratefulness right now allows to relax and calm my breath, mind and heart if it was not so before. If it be the perspective from the heart´s eye, possible replies will be fine. ✨

    11 months ago
  12. F

    Having a rough night and trying to get rest while sick could influence my day and put me in an ungrateful mood today, but instead I will appreciate and be glad that in that time, I was led to this site. I’m grateful my Higher Power leads me to new tools that help me to grow. The lack of sleep also makes me appreciate those nights that I take for granted when my body lets me have the good sleep. It makes me want to appreciate my body more and love it’s cycles.

    Have a wonderful day friends!

    11 months ago
  13. Laura

    Gratefulness can shift my perspective from the work waiting in my office to the peace of this moment with my first cup of tea and the beautiful thoughts and insights from everyone who posts here.

    11 months ago
  14. Joseph McCann

    It already has. We did not wash the dishes after the beef and vegetable stir fry I made for supper last night. The beef, yellow squash, kale, carrots, peas and onion were raised here. The red pepper, broccoli. olive oil and soy sauce were purchased. I am fortunate/grateful that I produced a good portion of the ingredients and was able to purchase the remainder. I am grateful that we have dishes. hot water and I get to wash them. Many in this world do not have the luxury of washing dishes much less a home to sleep in. I saw many such people in Anchorage just last week.

    11 months ago
  15. EJP

    Gratefulness shows me the silver lining in another rainy day.

    11 months ago

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