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  1. Anna
    5 months ago

    With a gratitude perspective, I enjoy old and new relationships and I can be braver at work and home. I started a new sport and a singing course.
    Gratitude beckons gratitude and I am calmer and happier than before. I also have a clearer picture of my life context.

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      Hi Anna!
      How wonderful that you have started new things to bring more joy into your life.
      I am so happy that you are singing!l
      I am grateful for my drawing classes that bring joy and openness into my life.
      Sending you so much love dear Anna!❤️❤️❤️

    2. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      5 months ago

      « I also have a clearer picture of my life in context. » Anna, thank you for the words I couldn’t find yesterday to describe how gratefulness has created perspective shifts in meaningful ways.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    5 months ago

    Helps me focus on the positives instead of some of the negatives life may bring.

  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 months ago

    For me, gratefulness is one of the tools
    I use to keep me in balance. Even as I sit
    here looking at my living room and
    kitchen, my first inclination is to notice
    all the stuff I need to do and everything
    that needs cleaning. When I can practice
    gratitude, I can also be grateful that I have
    this place at all. A house to clean, things to
    tend to, a job that allows me to live this
    way. Not that I won’t do some cleaning
    today, it’s just that I might do it with a bit
    more love and less resentment. I seek to sit
    in the middle space. Contentment.

    1. Linda72766
      5 months ago

      This is a great perspective, Charlie.

  4. Carol Ann Conner
    5 months ago

    It has helped me to trust myself and has shown me that life will show me a way in all situations. As Wendell Berry’s quote says: “Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts.” I no longer tend to turn situations into problems.

  5. Mary
    5 months ago

    I have learned through programs to look at the unknown in a positive way.
    Thank you gratefulness team for this!!!
    Since I don’t know what is ahead, anything is possible.
    Maybe I will be able to make a dream come true.
    Maybe a wonderful experience will come to me in an unexpected package.
    This understanding has given me hope, because it is not false hope.
    It is leaning into, and opening up to possibility.

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      loved this, made me smile as I was reading it – it really is good advice 🙂 Thank you Mary.

      1. Mary
        5 months ago

        I am thankful to the Gratefulness team for this awareness, Michelle.
        It has helped me so much!♥️

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      Mary, So beautifully said. Thank you. “It (gratefulness) is to lean into, and open up to possibility.”

      1. Mary
        5 months ago

        Yes, Carol, leaning into gratefulness and opening to possibility.
        Just writing this makes me feel lighter!♥️

  6. Antoinette88615
    5 months ago

    Now I was disappointed by a mistake I made due to not paying attention to reading my airline ticket information correctly. So I’m back to having to find a new ticket to Korea . This “mistake “ has made me see that I can’t take getting to go to Korea without being grateful as well as humble .
    There are people who don’t want me to go and I also have a lot of worries about others being right .
    I see that I often don’t trust myself and look to others to make up my mind for fear of taking responsibility. I’m grateful to be able to see what happens in my mind when all this dis- ease is coming up. It gives me a real opportunity to let go and see how much I’m holding onto. Thank you .

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      Hi Antoinette. I identify with looking for the approval of others, especially those who are close to me, to reassure me that my decisions are wise. I have worked on breaking this reliance on others by taking baby steps toward greater self reliance and self confidence. For me baby steps are the way I begin this process.

  7. pkr29022
    5 months ago

    Having an attitude of gratitude makes me a happier person. I choose to focus on my blessings & not on what I don’t have. Overall, I am content when I am count my blessings.🙏🏻❤️✨☕️

  8. Patti
    5 months ago

    The daily quote is a good one, and directly related to this question. Practicing gratitude for many years now, I can remain calm in situations where I probably wouldn’t have before. Despite things not being the way they should be in this house we moved into, I am still grateful that we are here. And I am trying to remember that this morning.

  9. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 months ago

    Instead of paying attention to self-pity, gratitude shifts my perspective to accepting the fortunes in the current gifts of life.

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      That shift in perspective has made all the difference for me.♥️

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      My Ngoc, I’ve noticed your attitude continuing to improve.

  10. L
    Loc Tran
    5 months ago

    Grattitude has shifted my perspective in a meanningful way by giving me confidence in challenges. I have the natural ability to adjust my behavior to suit the environment. Staying prepared for responsibility keeps unpleasant emotions away.
    Introverted sensing thinking judging is my consistent 4-letter code on fun Myers Brigs quiz websites. For the ennielgram quizzes, out of the 9 ennielgrams with wings, I consistently get a score of 5W6, the troubleshooter, on different quizzes. Kawhi Leonard is a 2-way NBA superstar for the Los Angeles Clippers who has the same personality profile as me. His strong work ethic, reserved personality, strategical approach, and lock down defense suggests that he’s a Type 5W6 ISTJ.
    I’ve admired Kawhi over the years, but his isolation has caused frustration among his teams before when he was unhappy in San Antonio by deciding to sit out almost the 2017-18 season with a knee injury when he was available to play. The next year, he got his wish by being traded to the Toronto Raptors. He played like an MVP and led his team to a championship. Then, he went to the Clippers. There were reports everywhere on how he used load management to use his private jet to hang out and have a good time with friends and family and was often late to games. I can see truth in that, and it led to a breakdown in the bubble when they blew a 3-1 series lead in the 2nd round against the Nuggets, because chemistry was affected between the players.
    There’s a fine line between solitude and isolation. It’s good to have our own space to recharge. There comes a point where we need to get out of our own heads an open up. As if for Kawhi I hold him to a higher standard, because he’s a team leader, and whatever he does has a larger effect on his team. When you’re in that business, you’re also in it for the fans as well. There’s no choice but to stay prepared for interacting with people at all times. Afterall, he chose that path.
    Needing to get out of my own head and putting more trust in my people are life lessons I’ve continued to learn from Kawhi Leonard’s isolation for when the going gets tough. Fear of going down a similar path as him may have been an underlying motivation for me to improve in Traditional Vietnamese social settings. Paw Mu gave me a reasonable circle. Some of her advice for me such as: needing someone which ended up being Ngoc, not going alone, staying closest to my: family, elders, culture, and bros became the blueprint for my relationships later on. Her system detaches me from myself. It’s the same as the Traditional Asian value system and the opposite of mine which is intended to maximize individuals. Getting out of my head allows me to enjoy life, gain experience of the real world, and adds color to my life.

    1. L
      5 months ago

      As I’m still quite new to watching basketball, I’ve only know Kawhi to be on the Clippers. As always, I appreciate the NBA history lesson, and your ability to relate basketball to our questions here daily. Less than to months to go before the season starts! 🏀

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        5 months ago

        Lauryn, Paul George is now with the Philadelphia 76ers. They have quite a good team over there in Philli. Embiid, PG, and Tyrese Maxey are for real. Not only that, they’re surrounded by quality role players such as: Eric Gordon, Kelly Oubre Jr., Andre Drummond, Kyle Lowry, Kaleb Martin, and Reggie Jackson. The Clippers will struggles, and LeBron’s Lakers are not much better.

  11. Carla
    5 months ago

    By maintains a mindset, attitude, and focus on gratitude/gratefulness it sets me free from past entrapments of a victim based ideology. I do not dwell or live in the “poor me’s”. My needs have been abundantly provided for me. Have a Great week All!

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Carla, I know that sound and dance. It’s very familiar for introverts and aspies especially. Living there can feel comfortable momentarily, but only gets us stuck in a vicious cycle further. I talked about getting out of our own heads in detail from my response.

  12. Nannette
    5 months ago

    As I continue my recovery from a heart attack–things that I always took for granted now are the very things that I am so grateful for. I am able to get out of bed on my own, make my own tea, take a walk, breathe in fresh air…and make good food. Everything that is occurs in normal every day life is something to be grateful for. I now see gratefulness in a whole new light. Each day is new and promising. There may be pitfalls and discouragement and upsets along my journey but I will get through it with the presence of God and the support of this community. God Bless You all.

  13. Laura
    5 months ago

    I love that quote from Wendell Berry. I came across it years ago, and it struck a deep chord within me. In the midst of challenges there is also an element of joy, not in the challenges themselves but it can be found when I view life through a wider, grateful lens.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago


  14. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    5 months ago

    The “Word for the Day” was appropriate for me this morning, so I copied it in my journal of quotes I began 30 months ago. Then I opened the “Daily Question”. “Be joyful. though you have considered all the facts.” This small collection of words describes how practicing gratefulness has shifted my perspective. My lovely wife Cheryl has been quite overwhelmed of late due to, as I see it, a mental health crisis in her family. My brother-in-law is currently in a facility on a 72-hour hold. The details would take a whole page for me to express the situation. Cheryl has taken on the role of the responsible party, and it has wreaked havoc upon her own psyche. Her anger, grief, general discontentment, sadness and denial of many issues in her family has taken a heavy toll since Thursday. This has caused me to look inward, as some of the thoughts that I have had have been selfish ones. To compound all the hub aloo, I am in the midst of harvesting my last cutting of hay. I cut hay most of yesterday then hooked on to the baler and moved to a small patch of hay to try out my repairs. The repair to the baler worked but it needs some adjusting. I have maintained composure and so far, have left my old go to for problems, alcohol alone, and have chosen to look not at my circumstances but my capabilities. I will be joyful though I have considered all the facts. Thank you all. Namaste.

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Prayers for your wife, Cheryl, and her brother. May his mental and emotion illnesses be addressed and healed.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      5 months ago

      I’m sorry to hear about your wife’s family member’s health. Hoping all will be well.

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      Joseph, May you keep that monkey in your lap one day at a time.

    4. pkr29022
      5 months ago

      Praying for your lovely wife Cheryl & her family & you dear Joseph.🙏🏻✨🙏🏻

    5. Patti
      5 months ago

      Sending prayers and good energy to your family.

    6. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Joseph, I hope all goes well for you and your family. You’re continuing to show improvement with your coping skills. Alcohol for you is similar to isolation for me based on my response to the question. I did that for awhile out of cultural incompatibilities, discomfort from Paw Mu’s sarcasm, and some of my own doing of rebeling against her. As I opened up more over the last year or 2, I’ve noticed myself healing faster and have more enjoyment for life. Of course, the occasional slip ups are going to happen just like where you mentioned in your post about some selfish thoughts.

    7. Nannette
      5 months ago

      Joseph, you are a rock and such a good person…These trials and tribulations shall also pass but sometimes as you know it is hell getting through them. You and Cheryl and your family will be in my prayers. You always have such a good attitude and have come so very far….You are strong and you are not alone.

    8. Josie
      5 months ago

      Your can-do attitude inspires me in my circumstances today. Thanks, Joseph. Sending prayer energy your way.

    9. Pilgrim
      5 months ago

      I will hold you and your family in hope and prayer, Joseph.

  15. Michele
    5 months ago

    I think incorporating gratefulness throughout one’s day helps to stay focused on the present.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      Michele, thanks for the wisdom.

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