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  1. N
    Savannah Susanna

    I would like to free myself of the thought “I can’t do it” or “I am not ready to do that”. I am a young professional in the beginning stages of a great career that gives me a lot of autonomy and control of my own business. These thoughts are drastically holding me back and causing a lot of stress and self-doubt in my capability. If these thoughts were gone, I would have 1,000 pounds lifted off of my shoulders. My ADD and task paralysis and my tendency to seek perfection also does not help these thoughts.

    11 months ago
  2. Antoinette88615

    I would like to be free of negative thoughts and inner dialogue! Meditation is helping !

    11 months ago
  3. Christina

    For sure on negative thought loops and still, fear, trying to find inner balance, need to perceive own habits of thought better which are only hurting myself and others. They always ended in despair. Don´t know better for the moment being,. Thank you for your patience and support all the long way. From my heart.

    11 months ago
  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Free myself from worry and trying to control the future !! Need to try to let go more.

    11 months ago
  5. A

    I need to free myself from procrastination. I have all these high hopes but I do not follow through with them so often and therefore I am not using my gifts like I should be.

    11 months ago
  6. Laura

    My penchant for self-criticism. The critique in my head is too often waaaay out of proportion to the perceived mistake.

    11 months ago
  7. J
    Joao Cardoso

    Compare myself to others, and think there is something wrong with me when I see someone achieving something and I am struggling with it.

    11 months ago
    1. S
      Ana Maria

      Good morning! How I hear you! Why is this so hard?! We are part of a culture that does not allow us to grow and learn at our own pace. I send you good thoughts for self compassion as I struggle with this issue as well.

      11 months ago
      1. J
        Joao Cardoso

        I completly agree with you, Ana! It is interesting how people judge/expect us to fit in and follow what is massivly accepted. One thing that is helping me overcome this is to be mindful of my past, and remind myself that we all come from different backgrounds. I graduate from school with a perfect 4.0 gpa, and when I get myself struggling, I get myself thinking that I am not good enough. However, I am learning to shift if to thoughts reminding myself where I come from and how far I have came, and use other as inspiration instead of internalizing all that energy as if there was something wrong with me. I hope what I wrote is not that confusing and helpful for you!

        11 months ago
      2. Anna

        Laura I love your reflection on our culture, I am with you.

        11 months ago
  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Yes, there are a few.
    One would be, the habit of dwelling on
    the future and past.
    Another would be catastrophizing.
    I am working on both of these habits
    and a few others. I have a feeling it’s
    a life – long project.

    11 months ago
  9. Cathie

    Yes – I would like to get rid of the annoying, kinda snarky, knee-jerk thoughts that pop into my mind when my hubby doesn’t understand what I am trying to say. I let the thoughts go right away and practice a grateful prayer that I have someone who loves me – but I wish that those thoughts wouldn’t pop in at all🤷‍♀️

    11 months ago
  10. Nannette

    I have a few things that I am working on…it seems I am always a work in progress…then I slip off the rails…and think….mmmmjust live!!! But I want to live a life worth living, a thankful life….and a life that I am proud of…so I continue to work on mind, body and spirit. Thank you all here for being a source of encouragement and care.

    11 months ago
  11. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    The habit thoughts that I’d like to free myself from are thoughts of dreaming too much for what I want to have and that leads me to forget of what I already have in my life. I will never observe life in gratefulness if I immerse myself into these thoughts.

    11 months ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      A case of the “if only’s”………If only I have this or that. I have known them well and I must remember, I have enough, and I am enough, Ngoc Nguyen. Thank you for the reminder.

      11 months ago
  12. Patti

    There is… and I’m working on it.

    11 months ago
  13. Yram

    That my son SHOULD keep more consistent contact with us.

    11 months ago
  14. Carol Ann Conner

    Ruminating…interesting article on the subject at

    11 months ago
    1. Anna

      Very interesting, Carol. Thank you.

      11 months ago
    2. Laura

      Thanks for the article. The term “over engaging” hit home for me.

      11 months ago
    3. Josie

      This is the same word that came to me. Appreciate the resource, Carol.

      11 months ago
      1. Charlie T
        Charlie T

        Same here, Josie.
        I actually couldn’t think of the
        exact word. But that’s definitely it.

        11 months ago
  15. Rabbit81616

    Self judgement. Feeling like I am the cause of everything that goes wrong. I say “I should have” or “I should not have” over and over again.

    11 months ago
    1. Laura

      Good to have you back, Rabbit!

      11 months ago
    2. Yram

      Thanks for your entry. Hope all is well!

      11 months ago

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