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  1. Don Jones

    Jumping to or forming quick conclusions. Suspending judgement and cultivating an openness, I think, would be helpful.

    7 months ago
  2. D
    Deborah Baynes

    I think I could reexamine my habit of spending more time than I need to online. I don’t think it’s healthy to be caught up in all the information I try to ingest. I gave up television for that very reason, but now it seems I’m being caught up in social media instead.

    7 months ago
  3. Robin Ann

    I have been trying to examine them! Less emotional snacking and lack of exercise. I did sign up for 3 days off in the near future where I will be doing 2x exercise classes back to back. I also do yoga once a month which I really do not like because I am not good at it and not in shape for it but I push myself. Worrying, I am trying to take a huge step back with this. I know it is so bad for my health!!

    I do love this habit though of coming here daily!!

    7 months ago
    1. Michele

      I too love my ‘ritual’ of coming onto this website and answering the Daily question to start my day.

      7 months ago
  4. Anna

    If I had to pick one habit I would re-examine out of the others I should re-examine, it would be my health scare and constant overthinking about it.
    The second is my strong shame and the resulting locking up of my muscles when there is an opportunity to dance.

    7 months ago
  5. Kevin

    Again, I thought about this during the day today. I think it would be beneficial for me to re-examine all of my habits, and not just one. I’m not that perfect actually!

    7 months ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian

    What came to mind it that I could spend less time playing word puzzles on the computer and on paper and do something more “productive.”
    But, on another level, are any activities more or less “worthy” than any others? (Assuming you’re not doing anything destructive or unkind.)

    7 months ago
  7. Charlie T

    Thank you for this question. I really
    had to ponder this. I made a mental
    list of my “good” habits and “bad” habits.
    And then I just thought about having habits.
    I don’t think I want to do anything out of
    habit. I would much rather do things with
    intention. Certainly, examining my habitual
    negative thought patterns has been a long
    journey and has led to a better understanding
    of where those thoughts come from.

    7 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      “I don’t think I want to do anything out of habit.” I like that idea, Charlie. Some of my daily routines could be called habits but I prefer the word ‘rituals’.

      7 months ago
      1. Michele

        Same, I like rituals too.

        7 months ago
  8. Yram

    The habit of ruminating on the “what ifs”.

    7 months ago
    1. Barb C

      My mom called this “borrowing trouble”.

      7 months ago
    2. Carol

      Yram, I can identify. What ifs and If only…

      7 months ago
  9. Avril

    Some habits are more obvious and some more subtle. I have a habit of engaging in impostor syndrome, thought patterns. I addressed that head on this year in our churches Whitestone ceremony. You have the opportunity to give yourself a new name. And I am sharing with the world that my new name has to do with my work position. I am ready for a promotion and a raise. I need to believe that I have the skills to do this. So my new name is Executive Director instead of program coordinator. The other habits are the usual. I need to stay consistent with my morning practices. I’ve been doing them, but the time keeps shifting and I noticed with that shift there’s more distraction. I need to be consistent with my eating. I know what to eat. I know dairy doesn’t work for me. I also need to be consistent with getting on here!

    7 months ago
    1. Dolores Kazanjian

      I wish you well with all of it. Apologies for unsolicited advice, but on my doctor’s recommendation I switched to almond milk years go, and it’s made a big difference. I love the taste of it, as well.

      7 months ago
  10. Carol

    Better adherence to the FODMAP diet, more meditation and less thinking, consistence practice of my PT exercises and more singing in the shower!

    7 months ago
    1. Robin Ann

      Love the singing in the shower!

      7 months ago
    2. Avril

      Amen to all of those

      7 months ago
  11. Carla

    I join Michele about exercise. I struggle with consistency. And there’s still some shadows of procrastination that make moving forward with some tasks a challenge.

    7 months ago
  12. Journey

    Here are some habits for reexamination:
    Checking my phone and email every few minutes when I’m expecting something. I should check every hour or couple of hours.
    Sitting on the couch eating rubbish after I’m already full instead of walking on the treadmill or practicing yoga.

    7 months ago
  13. Josie

    My drivenness. A recent quote I came across encouraged replacing “being driven” with “being drawn.” This guidance helps.

    7 months ago
    1. Mary Mantei

      Love this Josie, thank you. Am I being driven or am I being drawn? A beautifully simple screen to sift life’s ideas.

      7 months ago
      1. Barb C

        Agreed! Wonderful phrase.

        7 months ago
  14. Joseph McCann

    My addiction to alcohol. I have been abstinent 7 days short of 23 months, this go around, this very morning. I reexamine my addiction and subsequent mental issues on a daily basis. I call my journey one of discovery instead of recovery. This is not the longest period of sobriety from alcohol in my 66 years, I have had many relapses, but I am in the best mental frame of mind, in my many years of alcohol use that began at 14 and was a daily habit by 17. I am grateful for the gift of another day.

    7 months ago
    1. Robin Ann

      This is wonderful, you are an inspiration!!

      7 months ago
    2. Journey

      Thank you for sharing your story and your commitment. It is very inspiring.

      7 months ago
    3. Josie

      And I am grateful for the witness of your on-going willingness to begin again each day. Your honesty & commitment to discovery are supports to me on my journey, Joseph. May you continue to continue on this road . Namaste.

      7 months ago
  15. Michele

    Lack of exercise.

    7 months ago

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