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  1. Robin Ann

    My daughter, hoping to get some good news tomorrow morning. She is so deserving of some good news right now.
    I also know I need to focus on myself and eat well and exercise more. The worry is consuming but I do know what I need to be doing. Also looked at Joseph’s site of meditation for stress and considering that too!! Thank you Joseph!

    1 year ago
  2. O.Christina

    it seemed this “what” is not so easily to be perceived by me right now. When I listen to my heart, compassion and perceiving resonance with the state someone is in is easy and often also to reply to. But the “what” ? Pondering on this during the day, to open my heart to His all-encompassing Love and, inspired by the word for the day, to perceive His Grace in all of life needs my care? And that awe and inspiration might be waiting around the corner for all of us, including me? To believe that is possible is radical, almost taking my breath away. To dare to. Thank you for this beautiful question. 🙏🙇🙇🙏 ✨

    1 year ago
  3. Dolores Kazanjian

    I know this was meant figuratively, but for me it is literal. Along with a few others who have posted, I have heart issues that are worsening. ( I suspect our bad air is a big contributor). To make matters more difficult, my husband was also recently diagnosed with heart problems.
    I asked my heart what it needs, and the answer was to be kind to myself and to others. I also need to accept the situation as best I can. This site and my friends on the forums are helping me a lot to be grateful for the time I have and for the things I can still do, even as they diminish.
    As the day goes on I will keep checking in.

    1 year ago
  4. Charlie T

    Quite literally, my heart is calling out
    for more exercise. 😮😁
    More philosophically, it’s a bit like this
    morning’s quote, I need to re focus
    on my own contentment.
    Spending more time in this moment.
    Appreciating all that I have and all that is
    around me.

    1 year ago
  5. Barb C

    My relationship with my husband to make sure I don’t take that for granted. We’re in the midst of “16 dates for 16 years”, following up on last years 15 for 15. I suggested it just for fun and it has become a way of making sure we carve out time specifically for each other and being together in the course of days that might otherwise start to blur together. We do a weekly walking date to the farmers’ market on Saturdays year round, and we sit together for a while each morning and review the day’s plans and what’s going on for each of us. That has been more calendar-checking and chore-reminding time than anything else. This question prompts me to think about how I can consciously make sure that time is also heart-check time.

    1 year ago
  6. Chester

    In the moment, I’m not hearing anything – likely a sign I need to spend more time listening and considering.

    1 year ago
  7. Yram

    This is a timely question. A physical heart issue
    surfaced recently and needed quick attention. I answered the call by calling my doctor.
    Lately I have been presented with many spiritual heart resources. The Sacred Pilgrimage, offered here, was one. It called to me and I answered.

    1 year ago
    1. Nannette

      Blessings to you YRAM, I am so happy you called the doctor right away. Praying for your healing heart and all will be well….and all will be well.

      1 year ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      Glad to read you are tuned into your body and called the doc in a timely fashion. Loving Kindness your way Yram.

      1 year ago
    3. Christine

      Take care, Yram 🍀💕

      1 year ago
  8. Carol

    My body and my mind…Both need attention. Not feeling comfortable sharing details but my heart know and that is what is most important.

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      healing energy/prayers your way Carol.

      1 year ago
    2. Laura

      Be good to yourself in whatever way you need moment to moment.

      1 year ago
    3. Christine

      Take care, Carol 🍀💕

      1 year ago
    4. Nannette

      Thinking of you, Carol…and wishing you well….You will do what you need to do to take care of your needs…because that is what is important…You are important! Sending love.

      1 year ago
  9. sunnypatti

    My yoga practice is calling for my care. I have neglected it since we opened our restaurant, and while I find time occasionally to practice, it’s not what it was. I miss it. My body and soul miss it.

    1 year ago
    1. Christine

      I hope you find the time for yoga, Sunnypatti. And how I would like to eat in your restaurant and have cheese as desert 😊.

      1 year ago
      1. sunnypatti

        Maybe one day I’ll do some cheeses for dessert, but for now we have homemade banana pudding ice cream 😋 perfect for pur 100 dgree July days 🔥

        1 year ago
        1. Christine

          That do sounds delicious 😍

          1 year ago
  10. Nannette

    I feel very selfish saying this…but right now…my heart is telling me that I am the one that needs care. I have neglected myself for some time…I have gained weight…not caring for myself….putting everything ahead of my needs. I need time for meditation, time for walking…time for just being. My life revolves around my husband, my animals and my home. I am always taking care of everyone and everything else. I made the decision this past weekend- to start doing things for myself. A daily walk -I used to be a 10 mile a day runner…now walking a mile and a half is a big deal…but I was 40 then and 71 now…but not an exuse!! I need time uninterrupted for meditation. I started an 8 week on-line Mindfulness Course and yesterday my meditation time went poorly…and the day was a might frustrating…but today is a new day and I am going to make this work…One step at a time…I am worth it! If I become ill…I will not be of help to anyone. I may be selfish…and I think I have to be selfish- to a point …to care for myself….mentally, physically and spiritually. It is long overdo. This post evolved along the way as I thought things out…I didn’t mean it to- Thank you all for being here!!

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Hello dear Nannette. I have not treated myself kindly in the past but have for quite a spell now. I told my therapist awhile back that one way I gave myself permission to relapse was because I deserved it after I raised my children without. She gently told me “But you do not deserve to harm yourself.” This has been a catalyst for me be to be kind to me. Sending good thoughts your way.

      1 year ago
    2. J

      Nannette, I don’t believe you are selfish for knowing that you are the one who needs care. Like you, my life revolved around taking care of others. It wasn’t until a series of life changing events that happened last year that made me realize I need to slow down and take care of myself, once and for all. It sounds like you are already making steps to nurture yourself, by taking a daily walk and signing up for the mindfulness course. You should be proud that you make changes, even if they feel small. With time, it’ll build momentum and you’ll begin walking more miles and being more mindful. But a big part in this journey too is being gentle and kind to yourself. Putting yourself down because you can’t do x, y, z will not get you where you want to be. Just as you would to someone you love, you offer them grace and compassion. This is something I am still struggling with, I am quick to ridicule myself. But something I have tried doing is when I find myself being harsh to myself, I simply say “I love you jenifer”. It sounds silly, but shame and guilt can’t take control when love is present.
      May you continue to grow, may you continue to learn, may you continue to love. Best of luck.

      1 year ago
      1. Nannette

        Jenifer, THANK YOU! for your beautiful words, advice and kindness…What a gift. I cannot express how much your reply means to me. I recently watched a mindfulness video that speaks to saying “I love You” to oneself…and I think that I am going to take your suggestion and start that. Again…Thank You and Blessings to you as you learn to love yourself.

        1 year ago
      2. Barb C

        Jenifer, your loving advice reminds me of the poem “Self-Compassion” by James Crews, which he has on his site along with others, and it also appears here

        1 year ago
        1. Nannette

          Barb, Once again…Thank you for your suggestions of poems…I replied to you yesterday or the day before…saying how much I NOW enjoy poetry…thanks to you and your posts and your links. Sending my best to you for being so kind and helpful!!

          1 year ago
    3. Yram

      Nanette, if you need permission to take time for yourself, I fully give it. You are worth it because you are wonderfully made and loved.

      1 year ago
      1. Nannette

        YRAM, How blessed I am to have found all of you…and such wonderful support and affirmation that you give. A big hug to you…and many Thanks!

        1 year ago
    4. Rabbit

      Maybe it isn’t so much selfish as the most important thing you do.

      1 year ago
      1. Nannette

        Rabbit, Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you….SO many good and kind people here on this site. Thank you for your care and kindness. Sending love.

        1 year ago
  11. Laura

    I’m going through an incredibly stressful time right now. What calls out to me is the need for tenderness and patience.

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      loving kindness and positive energy your way – if you can, I highly recommend treating yourself to a massage – they are great at relieving built up stress in the body. relaxing.

      1 year ago
    2. Robin Ann

      Thinking of you Laura and hoping you find ways to relieve your stress.

      1 year ago
    3. Christine

      I hope you feel better very soon, Laura🍀💕

      1 year ago
    4. Carol

      Laura, Hopefully, not only with others but with yourself.

      1 year ago
    5. Yram

      Hugs and prayers!

      1 year ago
    6. Nannette

      Holding you in warm tenderness, Josie. As they say “this too shall pass”. Sending you strength and kindness.

      1 year ago
    7. Josie

      Your pain calls out to me, Laura. Keeping you in special 🙏 today.

      1 year ago
  12. Joseph McCann

    When I think of “my heart” I think of my inner consciousness, the soul as religion’s refer to, not the physical beating power of the life force within. The heart pumps the blood coursing through our veins. Our grandchildren, Aubrie 12 & Emerick 5 are here from Sacramento and will be for a few more weeks. My blood is in them as their blood is in me. Both that heart and “my heart” call out to care for them. To laugh with them and enjoy their wonderment of the natural world. The flora and fauna, their love of animals and the attention they bathe Pooch with, for Ivy and Boba are in Sacramento deprived of the affection Aubrie and Emerick show for them. We are truly blessed to have these two young human beings to care for. They help me to focus on the now which is fleeting, for this I am grateful.

    1 year ago
    1. Rabbit

      Lovely. I can almost see and hear their joy and yours. They grow up so fast you need to enjoy these lovely days with them in their young years.

      1 year ago
  13. W

    My daughter, my husband, my father, my boss, the underserved population in our school, the new friends I visit in the local nursing home weekly. In order to care for, about and with them, I need to start with me. That’s why I’m here. To look at each day as a new opportunity when I reflect on the daily prompt.

    1 year ago
  14. EJP

    Kindness and compassion…..lots of self-care.

    1 year ago
  15. Michele

    more exercise. I would like to get back into yoga.

    1 year ago

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