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  1. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    10 months ago

    By stopping and pausing and taking
    into account the small moments.
    By tuning into my senses and letting
    them register.
    That is all. Just paying attention is my
    way of honoring and celebrating.

  2. Lydia 50952
    10 months ago

    Little things I can think of right now: New plants for our little balcony gardens, especially the roses! Jugs of wildflowers in the dining room. Seeing our local river running and sparkling again after recent rains, and snow on the mountain peaks. And my younger dog – a little ‘monkey’ who keeps us smiling and laughing and scolding all day! Coffee with a girlfriend, my husband baking this week’s cake…birdsong just now outside the window. So much, when you start thinking about it, so much to give thanks for. If only everyone could have joy and peace in their lives.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    10 months ago

    From small things grow bigger things… just like a mustard seed all good things grow & matter.

  4. C
    Carissa Thomas
    10 months ago

    To celebrate the little things in life, I need to first slow down and notice them. Taking a minute to acknowledge where I am, in this moment– how much it took to get here and how privileged I am to have this. When speaking with a friend, taking time to pause and really listen to them, rather than waiting for my turn to talk. While in a routine, trying to take a minute to notice and recognize the intricacies of what I’m doing.

  5. K
    10 months ago

    We can experience so many good things in a day like a good cup of coffee, beautiful weather, a phone call with a loved one, etc. When we look for the good, we can always find it. I have some little things at home that make moments of my day feel more special like my favorite lotion and coffee pods. When going through the motions, sometimes I take them for granted, but once I run out, I realize how much they mean to me. If we don’t pay attention, we lose some of the value that these things bring us. You might have moments of difficulty, but if you look for the good and appreciate the little things, you’ll notice your life gets much better.

  6. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    10 months ago

    Simply by saying “thank you” to our creator. I say grace before each meal, and throughout the day say “thank you: for my husband;s love and care, my friends, my paid helpers (I call them my guardian angels)my dog’s affection, the trees and flowers coming into bloom, a cozy house, a comfy bed, all of it.

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    10 months ago

    I honor (but Im not sure I celebrate) the
    small things, by trying to be present in
    my own life.

  8. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    10 months ago

    The little things in my life are seeds of happiness. I cultivate these seeds by watering them every day with gratitude and hope. When flowers and fruits grow from my seeds, I share them with others. Simply put, I appreciate the little things in my life and then share them with others.

  9. Yram
    10 months ago

    When a “little thing” comes my way, I thank it. I am having a hard time thanking the weather lately. My thanks comes in that I can stay inside.

  10. Carol Ann Conner
    10 months ago

    “How do we cultivate the conditions for joy to expand? We train in staying present.” Pema Chodron’s quote answers today’s question. When we are present to “what is,” we are honoring the little things and the big things. I try to remember that everyone and everything that enters my life is meaningful and I do my best to greet them all with gratefulness. Gratefulness always brings me into the present moment and heightens my awareness of the need to honor and celebrate the gift of each and every day.

  11. L
    Loc Tran
    10 months ago

    I’m very passionate in speaking up on social issues. Just like with a lot of malenials and gen zers, I have a strong desire to make the world a better place. Having a mild case of autism and bipolar mania, I’m committed to helping others with autism and other forms of mental illnesses chase their dreams like myself for piano. Vocal leadership through example and self-care are some of my ways. Self-care helps me be greatful and appreciative of everything I have going for me. Learning to take care of myself even better is also partly why I chose to come here.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      10 months ago

      Thank you for adding your voice here and in the world.

  12. D
    10 months ago

    With a ‘thank you’ that comes from the heart. A ‘thanks’ that I was able to recognize. A ‘thanks’ for the blessing.

  13. Patti
    10 months ago

    I get excited when my flowers bloom. When I left for work yesterday morning, my orchid was showing several buds. Two weeks ago, there wasn’t much going on with it other than the leaves showing good health. When I came home yesterday, one of the biggest buds had opened up into a beautiful purple and white flower. I thanked it for sharing its life with us and can’t wait for the rest to bloom.

    So I guess I honor & celebrate the so-called little things by noticing them and appreciating them 🙂

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      10 months ago

      I have 4 flowers blooming on mine, it hasn’t bloomed in 2 years so it is very exciting!

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      10 months ago

      It’s that time of year. I hope you get some rain. April showers bring May flowers.

  14. Michele
    10 months ago

    I honor and celebrate the ‘little things’ in life by staying focused on the Present.

  15. Laura
    10 months ago

    The little things in life aren’t little at all — lunch with a friend, pausing to inhale fresh spring scents, listening to birdsong in the morning, a hug from one of my kids, feeling a thrill at the colors in the morning sky. None of it is little. It’s what makes life beautiful.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      10 months ago

      So so true!

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