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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    4 days ago

    My immediate purpose is to support by daughter financially and emotionally. I also support my son in many ways with his life.

    My career purpose has been in Health Insurance and 401K Administration for most of my life. For the past 10 plus years I have worked for a Health company focusing on Medicaid members. In addition my company does a lot for the community. It definitely aligns with my values in helping the most vulnerable in our state.


    1. S
      Ana Maria
      3 days ago

      Thank you Robin Ann! Helping our children at whatever age is so important. It is not easy for the younger generations. A whole different world for them. Thank you for your work and for the work your company does in your community. I retired two years ago and in my work we benefited from such a companies and their generosity to do the work for the many families that need the support. I am grateful for the company that makes our community a better place to live!

  2. sparrow51014
    4 days ago

    How am I currently living — or working towards living — my purpose?

    This is an awfully grand Question . . .
    I’m not in the mood to be grand
    especially after suffering a bad head cold for a week.
    I am humbled . . .
    from being limited to the sofa,
    with my beverages,
    and handkerchiefs
    (my husband’s cotton handkerchiefs
    are so much kinder to my nose,
    so it is not red and peeling),
    cough syrup,
    echinacea, and ibuprophen,
    watching endless television all day,
    going back and forth between CNN
    and the home improvement channel.
    The laundry and the dishes have piled up too,
    so I am not feeling very grand.

    I think my purpose in life right now
    is the same purpose as when I am well and full of vigor . . .
    to do the very best I can
    in whatever circumstances I find myself.
    My best is not the same as it will be when I am well,
    but it’s my best in the moment,
    and I try to promise myself
    not to beat myself up
    when I fail by others’ standards.
    That’s how I forgive others too . . .
    they are doing the best they can
    with what they have got to work with. ♥

    1. pkr29022
      3 days ago

      Dear Sparrow, sending you love, light & strength to heal & a hug.
      Bless you.🙏🏻✨🤗❤️

    2. sparrow51014
      4 days ago

      Thank you,
      dear ones . . .
      I am starting to feel better. ♥

    3. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      4 days ago

      Amen, Sparrow. 🩷

    4. Michele
      4 days ago

      Feel better, wishing you a speedy recovery Sparrow.

    5. c
      Carol Ann
      4 days ago

      yes – not in the mood to be grand….. I get ch’u!…
      thank you for not being grand today, Sparrow. I wasn’t feeling’ it either. sigh. But it is nice here on this site, isn’t it?
      sorry for your loss of time to feeling crummy. hope it is over soon!!

    6. Mary
      4 days ago

      I hope you are feeling better dear Sparrow.
      Sending love and best wishes for feeling so much better. ♥️

    7. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 days ago

      Feel better soon dear Sparrow. How come this is no cure for the common cold yet?! I had one when I came back from Florida.

      1. sparrow51014
        4 days ago

        Thank you,
        dear Robin Ann . . .
        I don’t know why either. ♥

  3. Patti
    4 days ago

    When I came to visit this morning, I was stumped for an answer. It was early, I only managed a short meditation and was preoccupied with getting my car to the service shop on time. And just last night, my husband and I were talking about why we did the things we did – work and career-wise, and I was feeling less than because when I graduated college, I took a job that was pleasing to my parents, mostly my mom who always stressed salaries, benefits, insurance, etc. While I know these things can be positive, they were shoved down my throat with a heavy sauce made of fear and worry. So while I got the degree that *I* wanted to get (Psychology), I never did anything further with it. I can’t blame it all on my mom since I made the choices I did, but I admit that regret pops up causing all kinds of feelings.

    My husband being the wonderful supporter that he is reminded me of all the good things I’ve done over the years, from my roles in non-profit events and organizations, the dogs and cats I helped when I was in the holistic pet food and supplement world, and “all the people who love me” (his words, not mine!) for educating them on cheese, being kind to them, giving them a surf lesson, and other things I won’t go on about.

    But most importantly, he reminded me that I am pursuing my passion now, and that’s yoga. Not just the physical practice, but the embodiment of what yoga is, mind, body & soul. And these days, I do believe that my purpose is to share yoga. To share light. To BE the light and help guide others to their inner light. To help people heal. To help people find the things that yoga can surprise them with. Yoga has been so healing for me for so many years now, and the truth is I wanted to get certified a long time ago, but I didn’t have the confidence nor any support at the time. But everything happens when it’s supposed to. I believe that. And I truly love this path. I am always learning something about myself, God, and life in general, and it all gives me a very peaceful feeling when I think about it.

    1. Mary
      4 days ago

      SunnyPatti, I am so happy for you.
      You are on such a beautiful path.♥️

  4. pkr29022
    4 days ago

    Like others have said I am not really sure what my purpose is. These last 4 years have been filled with so much death, sadness, sorrow, a complete upheaval of my living situation, aloneness, change, new everything, that I am left feeling empty & hollow. I have had to turn inside & build me up, nurture my growth spiritually & physically, which I have pretty much been doing for years anyway but now it is even more important. I am resilient, I believe, because of all the work I have done & continue to do, especially inner work. I have been lucky to have many teachers cross my path & I have learned so much. I have always felt one of my purposes in this life is to share my knowledge, share what these teachers have taught me, so that’s what I have been doing & will continue to do. I share the wisdom that has been shared with me.
    I have always firmly believed one of my purposes in this world is to “sow good seeds”, so that’s what I do. I also believe one of my purposes in this life is to be peace. To be a ripple of peace, so I try to be peace in my actions. My purpose is to be kind, compassionate & love, so I try to emit these traits on a daily basis as well.
    So many of us feel our purpose has to be some big big thing & feel lost if it is not. Maybe our purpose is the small things, behaviors, attitudes that when added up are truly big important things. I don’t know……perhaps.
    I also believe I have a purpose to pray for peace for our fractured world. 🙏🏻🕊️✨🙏🏻❤️

    1. sparrow51014
      4 days ago

      I think,
      dear PKR,
      that being a gardener of the heart
      is one of the most important things
      we can do . . .
      thank you for your shared insight. ♥

    2. Mary
      4 days ago

      It sounds like you have been through a lot of heartache PKR, but you did not let that stop you from growing and learning.
      What you’ve gone on to write reminds me of a Mother Teresa quote.
      “ Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
      I think doing for others with great love is a great thing and a great purpose.

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      4 days ago

      “To be a ripple of peace,” Thank you PKR.

      Ripple still water
      When there is no pebble tossed
      Nor wind to blow


    4. Patti
      4 days ago

      What beautiful purposes, PKR, to sow good seeds, be a ripple of peace, be kind… all truly virtuous ways of living. Thank you.

    5. D
      4 days ago

      Always know you make a difference with your kindness. This is beautiful.

  5. D
    4 days ago

    When first reading this, being asked about my purpose I found myself unable to provide a clear response. Then I read Barbara Brown Taylor’s post today and find that maybe I am not that for out of it. Winter is difficult. In my little mind I found purpose in gardening, prairies and creation. Guilty as I am unsure if there is any purpose in that. Having spent a good part of my life in a business setting where purpose was a constant. I left that life with a goal to eliminate a recurring cancer. (Is that considered retirement?) From that time ‘purpose’ has been a guilty void that has never been filled. Maybe Barbara has a point in today’s posting. “Dream up ways to invest as much of yourself in creation as you do in redress and repair.”

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      4 days ago

      Yes, we are all creators!

    2. S
      Ana Maria
      4 days ago

      Thank you Don for a powerful quote! Retirement for me has been that! Dreaming ways to invest in creation and repair from my working days. Now is family, outdoors and learning to relax and experience joy. Wishing you the best!

  6. D
    4 days ago

    After a lifetime of doing what I thought other people wanted of me, I am working towards my purpose by practicing discernment. It’s a long journey towards accepting what is, what comes up. Then, letting myself feel it, and making the decision to cultivate or discard it. I express this outwardly by trying activities that I feel drawn to, and embracing or discarding them. Eventually, if I can stick with this process, I’ll have a clearer sense of what works. And my purpose will emerge naturally. I already see green shoots after 5 years of this slow discernment process … so I’ll keep going, and eventually the garden will take shape.

  7. Carol Ann Conner
    4 days ago

    My purpose is to evolve, to grow in self-awareness by doing my best to live in the NOW, be kind, be compassionate in all situations, and be an instrument of peace. I think of the St. Francis Prayer.

    Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is despair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    Where there is sadness, joy.
    O Divine Master,
    Grant that I may not so much seek
    to be consoled, as to console;
    To be understood, as to understand;
    To be loved as to love.
    For it is in giving that we receive;
    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life

    For me the last line: “And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” says I must die to the small self, the egoic self. That is my purpose.

    1. Mary
      4 days ago

      Beautiful prayer Carol.

    2. Patti
      4 days ago

      I heard the St Francis prayer as a song during a kundalini class I took last week. It was so lovely to hear and almost brought me to tears!

    3. sparrow51014
      4 days ago

      This is indeed a noble purpose,
      dear Carol . . .
      I have this prayer on the mirror in my bedroom.
      Thank you for posting it. 🙏

    4. D
      4 days ago

      Thank you Carol.

  8. Linda72766
    4 days ago

    I agree with Mary, since I retired I have not had a clear sense of purpose. With my husband ill now, everything has changed in terms of what the future holds. His dementia is worsening, which makes me feel so terribly sad. I dread the day he doesn’t know me. Still I soldier on and do the best I can as I still love him deeply.

    1. sparrow51014
      4 days ago

      dear Linda,
      your purpose right now
      is to navigate these waters,
      this painful challenge.
      Grace and wisdom
      are your reward.
      I hold you tenderly in my heart
      with love . . .

      1. Linda72766
        3 days ago

        Thank you dear Sparrow.

    2. Anna
      4 days ago

      dealing with dementia is a real challenge, dear Linda, I know. I feel your love for your husband, through your words, and I truly believe it is not wasted. he needs your love and I’m sure he feels it. Our world needs and deserves love, to keep on in difficult times. Filling the universe with unconditional love is a balm and everyone can take part in this healing process.

      1. Linda72766
        3 days ago

        Thank you, Anna. He does need my love and I am doing my best to give it.

    3. Mary
      4 days ago

      I am so sorry for the heart ache dear Linda.
      Sending my love to you and your husband.

      1. Linda72766
        4 days ago

        Thank you, Mary.

        1. Mary
          4 days ago

          Linda, I lit a candle for you and your husband.
          If you go to Light a Candle
          you can find yours under- from Mary for Linda and her husband.

          1. Linda72766
            3 days ago

            That is so kind of you, Mary.

    4. Patti
      4 days ago

      Linda, I can imagine how challenging this is for you. Doing the best you can is definitely the best you can do right now. Sending prayers for comfort and peace.

      1. Linda72766
        4 days ago

        Thank you SunnyPatti. I always enjoy your posts.

    5. Carol Ann Conner
      4 days ago

      Linda, sending you loving energy. May you live one day at a time. I have found that the strength I need is always available when I can be present. When I am in the past or the future I go there alone. Hugs, Carol

      1. Linda72766
        4 days ago

        Thank you, Carol. I understand appreciate your wisdom.

    6. D
      4 days ago

      Linda, thank you for your tender share. Your husband is blessed to have you. Wishing you moments of grace and joy.

      1. Linda72766
        4 days ago

        Thank you, Drea. You are so kind.

  9. Mary
    5 days ago

    Since I retired, I have not had a clear sense of purpose.
    I do try to grow emotionally and spiritually
    as well as get exercise to take care of my body.
    More energy would help me to increase my activities
    which could bring a sense of purpose.
    I’m trying to get more sleep
    and trying to find a way to spend time with my Mom
    without feeling so drained when I leave.
    I do behave and seek growth in ways that align with my values.
    But, still I’m not clear on a purpose.

    1. D
      4 days ago

      Mary, I want you to know that I enjoy and learn from your sharing and support on this site. Your words reflect an openness and honesty that I think is beneficial to others.

      1. Mary
        4 days ago

        Thank you so much, Drea.
        I am so touched to read this.
        Sending love

      2. Carol Ann Conner
        4 days ago

        I agree, Drea. Mary’s posts are very helpful to me. I had a dear friend (RIP) who use to say, “Bring your cares to the foot of the cross.” That always reminds me of the importance and the empowering nature of vulnerability.

        1. Mary
          4 days ago

          Thank you so much Carol.
          I’m so pleased to read that my posts are helpful to you.
          Blessings. ♥️♥️♥️

  10. Yram
    5 days ago

    My immediate purpose is to be present to my husband’s needs as he continues on the path of better health.

    My purpose is to take care of myself so I can be present to others.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      4 days ago

      Your clarity is so poignant, Yram. 🩷

      1. Yram
        4 days ago

        Thank you!

    2. D
      4 days ago

      Wise words, Yram. Wishing you support and lightness as you continue to give care.

      1. Yram
        4 days ago

        Thank you! I don’t feel light.

  11. L
    Loc Tran
    5 days ago

    I’m already living my purpose with the part-time piano jobs I have.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      4 days ago

      I love this, Loc Tran. I have been wondering -apparently along with several others here….. just what my purpose is! – how do you find it? — are we truly even meant to be here with a purpose?…. where does that concept even come from?…. it was weighing me down. I just read your response and it delights me and I find it very refreshing and I thought, “Ha! Maybe my purpose is to lighten up and enjoy each focused “purpose” at its time and not think about this too much!!” Once again, Loc Tran, thank you very much. Maybe my most immediate “purpose” is to follow the clarity and stop muddling myself up!!

      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei
        4 days ago

        Carol Ann, I have a friend whose purpose is so simple, yet so clear. Your response made me think of it because the notion of purpose can seem so BIG. His purpose? Leave people in better shape than he found them. I have been influenced by his words often. Follow your heart, Carol Ann.🩷

        1. c
          Carol Ann
          2 days ago

          thank you, Mary M. lovely input!!!🙏

      2. sparrow51014
        4 days ago


      3. L
        Loc Tran
        4 days ago

        Carol Ann, I’ve been down the overthinking rabbithole many others have been through before. Often times, the answer is right there in front of us.

    2. D
      4 days ago

      Loc, what a gift to have such a clear purpose, and help others in such a tangible and defined way.

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        4 days ago

        Oh yes, the world needs music. It calms the mind down.

  12. D
    5 days ago

    I am currently, reading, listening, praying, learning and acknowledging there are always lessons to be found to guide me on my purpose.

    I am practicing staying present.

    That being said yesterday I listened to a podcast with Mel Robbins and Martha Beck, actually on purpose. They did an interesting exercise that actually was more like a future trip. It involved answering questions about a future time using your senses. For example 10 years from now- what do you hear when you wake up, when you look out your window what do you see, ….questions like that. No questions based on thoughts, hopes etc just the senses. They talked about the feeling of peace and lightness in your body to guide you. Not using your mind. I think I will explore this further.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      4 days ago

      DeAnn, That exercise sounds very helpful and very interesting. I’ve always been drawn to Martha Beck’s take on things. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 days ago

    When I feel overwhelmed, I remind myself, that kindness is my purpose.
    This includes being kind to myself.
    That’s generally the hardest part.

    1. Patti
      4 days ago

      You are worthy of your kindness.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      4 days ago

      Amen, dear Charlie.

    3. L
      Loc Tran
      5 days ago

      Charlie, we are our own harshest critics. A part of it is that the US is a country of productivity.

  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    5 days ago

    This question challenges me. There have been times in my life when my purpose has been crystal clear. My purpose/s have evolved/changed throughout my lifetime. Presently, I do not have a strong sense of purpose. And I am okay with that. And as I write that, I wish I did, yet it can’t be forced if it is to be authentic. I trust it will come. 🩷

  15. J
    5 days ago

    I got good grades in school. Mo parents asked me to work with a younger brother of mine on math, and it worked!
    In college, there was a member of my fraternity who struggled with German, so since I took German, too, I helped him out.
    After med school, I taught medicine at my community hospital.
    Now, retired, I tutor 2nd and 3rd graders reading.
    I guess my purpose is to be some kind of teacher!

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      4 days ago

      You are definitely a gifted and caring teacher!

    2. Linda72766
      4 days ago

      I agree! Thank you for giving so much back to others, John.

    3. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      5 days ago

      I think you guess correctly, John. Reading not only has the potential to expand our world, it is essential to living productively in our world. You are a gift giver in addition to being a teacher.🩷

      1. Mary
        4 days ago

        I agree. John, you are a gift giver and a teacher.

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