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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Today I needed a walk in nature (service to myself) so I went to one of my favorite spots. It a nature preserve and coastal Lagoon. I always see different sightings. , Today I saw many butter flies, an osprey in her nest and a large snapping turtle swimming in the Lilly pads of a small pond.

    I also enjoyed listening to my son’s recent trip to Whitefish Montana and Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

    1 year ago
  2. Don
    Don Jones

    Sundays are my quiet day. I feel it may be self-care so I can be the best version of myself for the week ahead.

    1 year ago
  3. pkr29022

    Not sure as my day is just unfolding here on the West Coast (California). My daughter needs me to listen to her today as she tries to understand something that just happened between her & her partner. I will actively listen & give her my full attention. I will give advice if asked otherwise I will just listen.
    I can also be of service to our world by being Love. Giving love, being love, praying for love.
    Our world needs it….❤️

    1 year ago
  4. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    I enjoy serving others. So I would say,
    I am “of service” pretty much every day.
    My weekend job as a chauffeur is all
    about providing service. Of course I am
    paid for this. So not exactly altruistic.
    I am taking car of my neighbors cat and
    doing some yard work while she is away.
    I also check in daily with friends. Most of whom
    are suffering to some extent. I am also
    fortunate to be able to work and provide
    for my little family. Which feels good.
    It feels weird to list these things like this.
    I am available to help, because I like to help.
    I have a great selfish need for connection.
    I’m helpful, and I get to be connected.
    Pretty simple and kinda self serving.
    But hey, whateryagonnado? 🙂

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Thank you so much for your service! We need more people like you in this world!

      1 year ago
  5. Barb C
    Barb C

    My husband and I are walking downtown for our 16th date to celebrate 16 years of marriage. I can be of service to others by making our interactions pleasant and friendly. Later today I can fill the holes in the yard where I dug out weeds and plant clover to make the yard greener and more inviting to pollinators. My friend whose hens lay the eggs we eat has a headache and I could drop off some tea for her when I pick up the eggs. Or better yet, the macaroon cookies she likes from the local bakery I can pass on the walk back from downtown.

    1 year ago
    1. Iamme35664

      Happy Anniversary, have a wonderful day!

      1 year ago
  6. Iamme35664

    I’d not been in the most comfortable state of mind today, but as I said in a reply on this thread, had forced myself to do things that I knew would make me feel better. I’ve been unusually tired which I attribute to completely messing up my thyroid medication over the past two weeks. Anyhoo, I was having some quiet time this afternoon with my feet up and a cuppa and taking inspiration and nourishment from this website when I saw my neighbour approaching our door. My first thought was “oh no, I don’t have the energy to be sociable.” She came with a gift in her hands for my daughter who has recently become engaged to her boyfriend of ten years, and so I asked her in. While we were sitting together chatting my heart softened, my neighbour is sole carer for her very poorly husband, for her, contact with others during the day is vital for keeping her spirits up. It was a reminder to me that all of us are managing our feelings around something, whether caring duties or grief or stressful work or family situations and knowing that there are people close by that you can take some time out with to chat and restore your reserves is a wonderful gift. I’ve had several neighbours over the years that have been absolute angels with the help and support they have given me and I’ve always done my utmost to look out for my neighbours in return. This afternoon was my opportunity to be of service in a tiny way even though I was feeling somewhat depleted, and it was also a gentle reminder to have an open heart and home and to have gratitude for all the kind and wonderful people in my life be they family, friends or neighbours.

    1 year ago
    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T

      So nice to hear from you, Iamme.
      And thank you for the honesty and
      the reminder. 🙏

      1 year ago
    2. Barb C
      Barb C

      This is a wonderful reminder. Thank you. The other day as we came back from a walk we encountered three sets of neighbors all out chatting. One of them has a son who’s recovering from appendicitis. She mentioned that she had been up against a bind needing to care for him and also pick up another child from school while her husband was at work and she had thought to herself that she could always come over and ask us if we could help out. I said absolutely, any time since we’re both home most of the time. It felt really good to know that she figured she could count on us and also to know that in fact she could.

      1 year ago
  7. Emmaleah46781

    Today I will be of service by doing my best to be a loving, patient, and fully present mother to my son.

    1 year ago
  8. Carol Ann Conner

    I’m not exactly tripping the lights fantastic today so I’m thinking a focus on self care is in order. Calm the monkey mind. Remind myself that everything belongs–even things that challenge my fierce desire to hang on to my independence.

    Also, wanted to share that I found today’s quote from Pema Chodron quite meaningful and helpful for me today . “We can learn to rejoice in even the smallest blessings our life holds. It is easy to miss our own good fortune; often happiness comes in ways we don’t even notice.”

    I don’t often think much about the word “rejoice” and its relationship to the word “joy.” Best definition of joy I’ve found is from Zen Teacher Charlotte Zoko Beck: “Joy is exactly what’s happening minus our opinion of it.”

    May you all have a joyful weekend.

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Thank you Carol.

      1 year ago
    2. Charlie T
      Charlie T

      That quote is so good!
      Thank you 🙏

      1 year ago
    3. Barb C
      Barb C

      Thank you for sharing the quotation from Zoko Beck. That is wonderful.

      1 year ago
    4. Iamme35664

      Same here, today is definitely a self care day as I’m feeling mentally and emotionally rubbish. I’ve forced myself to do things that I know will help me feel more positive such as eating healthily, doing my foreign language practice, a little bit of tidying to make my home feel relaxing and pleasant, carefully arranged some cut flowers from the garden, did some laundry and now sitting with my feet up and a cup of tea while checking in on this wonderfully enriching website. Usually on days such as this I can spiral further into misery by eating badly while doing nothing other than doom scrolling for hours. I feel better having made better choices over how I am spending my time.

      1 year ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        IAMME Your comment is helpful and uplifting to me. Thank you.

        1 year ago
  9. Yram

    Today is our eldest son’s 47th birthday! Yikes. I have told him that I appreciate the gift of him.

    The day is pretty quiet, so my service is homebound. My services will be in the form of praying, cleaning, calling friends, appreciating nature and attending to the needs of my husband.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      How I love your comment! “So my service is homebound”. Attending to the ones we love is so important. Thank you! I needed to be reminder that my service is important and I can add a bit of joy to my husband’s day by being present in our day together. Happy Birthday to your son and happy birthding day to you!

      1 year ago
    2. Carol Ann Conner

      Yram, Sounds like a very meaningful day!

      1 year ago
  10. Michele

    I can be of service today by taking care of my yard. I missed mowing the front last week and it really needs it – will do front today, back tomorrow along with some weeding. My banana tree that my son planted last week, one of the new leafs unfurled. 🙂

    1 year ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Michele, It is truly exciting when a new leaf unfolds on a plant. Hooray!

      1 year ago
  11. Nannette

    I will be joining my Saturday morning meditation group of ladies in a few hours. Hopefully, I can add something useful in our discussion. Other than that it will be back to the “hollow”…and whatever that brings.

    1 year ago
  12. Patti

    I’m going to have to step in and be a server in my restaurant since we are short-handed, so I will do so with a smile and be sure that everyone leaves happy 😊

    1 year ago
  13. Butterfly

    I will be putting out food for the birds. There are lots of youngsters around now that have recently fledged and they need a helping hand to stay fit and healthy and grow strong. Many of our birds are in decline, even those we think of as common.

    1 year ago
  14. Christina

    Today I will be on duty for people who need help.

    1 year ago
  15. EJP

    I will provide kindness and compassion to all.

    1 year ago

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