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  1. C
    1 year ago

    I like this question. I can embody gratefulness by giving thanks for and appreciating that I woke up this morning and drew breath into my strong lungs this morning. I have MS and am grateful for my mobility and for my good health and for my ability to feel strong and fit. I’m grateful for the beautiful weather and the stunning scenery that I enjoyed on my bike ride with a wonderful group of smiling people this morning. This was possible because of my previously mentioned blessings. I am grateful for the camaraderie that I have with my ride buddies, for the post-ride coffee talk, for the inside jokes that we share and for the memories that we have made together. I’m grateful for sitting here at my work computer because it means I’m employed and can support myself and my 2 beautiful boys. I’m looking forward to picking those savages up from school and seeing their handsome faces this afternoon. I’m grateful that it’s almost lunchtime and I have food to eat. I’m grateful that it’s Friday and I’m looking forward to having some nice weekend time with my kids and my boyfriend. I’m grateful for and love them.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 year ago

    By giving my full attention to a speaker at work today. We learned about Narcan and how to save someone’s life.
    I work for a Health Company and I am very grateful that they keep us informed. In 2022, 107.000 people lost their lives
    to overdose. It is a major crisis, now being the 4th largest killer in the US.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      As part of my job I read EMS/ER records (in addition to autopsies, PCP,IHR). I read many times how Narcan is given, unfortunately in my case, the patient is deceased (and an organ/tissue donor). I do often wonder about all the ems records I don’t get where the Narcan worked and the patient is alive.

      1. Robin Ann
        Robin Ann
        1 year ago

        Yes, that is very sad. There is a lot to it, seeing symptoms and knowing what to do and hopefully doing all of this before EMS gets there. Also one dose may not be enough to revive someone.

  3. null
    1 year ago

    By being open to every moment as it happens. By giving my full attention to people that want it. By remaining curious about anything that pulls me away from the moment.

  4. Yram
    1 year ago

    To be present to all possibilities!

  5. m
    1 year ago

    I can embody gratefulness by appreciating the good energy I am blessed with receiving throughout the day. Not everyone can have people around them that can put a smile on their faces and I am grateful that I always have at least one person around me who can make me smile throughout the daily transitions.

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    This is a good day for me to have to think about this. I have a very long drive ahead of me for a work trip. I usually bike or take transit and I no longer love driving the way I did as a young woman, so “road trip!” doesn’t engender any anticipation. I can be grateful that I’ll take a carafe of good, hot coffee with me and a sandwich on some really good bread I baked; that I’ll have a box of CDs I haven’t listened to in a long time and that I’ll spend hours with music, which isn’t a part of my everyday routine; and that I’m doing this while the mountain passes are open and I’ll only encounter rain, not snow or ice. All things to feel grateful for!

    1. Nannette
      1 year ago

      I hope you are having a good trip. I know the feeling of a long drive and not looking forward to it, Next week…I have a long drive from WV to NY….I am not looking forward to it. Like you, as a young woman…I loved “raod trips”…not anymore. So..thank you for the advice…CD’s, for me a mug or two of tea, and a good sandwich will help the time pass. Happy Trails!

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 year ago

      Safe travels Barb!

  7. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    By consciously remembering that everything belongs. Creation is One and that compassion (to be with) is needed in all situations.

  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    I can embody gratitude today, the
    same way I attempt every day.
    By being conscious of the world
    around me and make intentional
    choices. I will choose gratitude
    instead of pessimism, hopelessness,
    or cynicism.

  9. Nannette
    1 year ago

    For me today..that is easy! Yesterday my cat, Finn seemed to not be feeling well. As the day went on it became clear that he really was sick. He wouldn’t eat and he lay facing the wall. When I went to talk to him and pet him- he looked sadly and twitched his tail….very unlike it. By now it was 5 PM…and our vet was closed. We had to take him to the Emergency Clinic an hour and 20 minutes away. My husband had been changing the oil in the motor home and was filthy. He was still working when I said we had to go. Finn just layed in the carrier- not a sound. I prayed all the way there. Our visit was long- of course there were other animals to tend to. Finn had a series of x-rays, blood work, physical exam and several medications. We arrived back home at 10 PM…I was emotionally exhausted….but Finn was feeling better. He ate a little, sat on my lap and then settled to sleep. This morning he was just about his normal self…woke us up- had some breakfast and asked to go outside. Later this morning we have to return to the Emergency vet for a re-check of abdominal x-rays. The doctor said she could not really see the intestines well- but they seemed “bunched up”…I pray that there is better visualization today. He is better and I am so thankful for the clinic and those that work there. I said thank you many times…it comes from my heart. I will be patient and pleasant with all I meet and offer those people in prayer for whatever they need. I am also so very grateful for this site and all who come daily. I am also very grateful that we could go to the Emergency clinic- that we can pay for their services without hardship….many can not,

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 year ago

      Fingers crossed that Finn will be just fine Nannette. A good sign she was feeling a little better : )

    2. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 year ago

      Our cat Tiggs (short for Tigger) is on my lap as I write this. I hope Finn is better! I share your gratitude for those who help our animals and that I could pay for help if we had an emergency.

      1. Nannette
        1 year ago

        Thank you Robin and Barb!!! Finn seems much better today…praying that it continues. Thank you so very much for your kind words. Hugs to Tiggs!!

  10. Patti
    1 year ago

    By staying in the moment and remembering what a blessing it is to be alive.

  11. Josie
    1 year ago

    As I journey to my 0ncologist today for a routine check-up, I can lead with gratitude for enjoying the past six months cancer-free vs. focusing on limiting side effects of my treatment.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 year ago

      Hope all was well with your appointment today Josie.

    2. Nannette
      1 year ago

      Thinking of you in prayer, josie as you visit your oncologist today.

  12. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    1 year ago

    Reflecting here is always a good start. Yesterday I was sawing firewood. For some reason I had a hard time starting my chain saw. Thought I may have flooded it. I got it started and cut one tank of fuel. I needed to shut down and restart several times while using up that tank of fuel. After piling up the wood I blocked, I refueled. The saw would not start. I had a new spark plug. replaced the old with the new. Still no go. Maybe it is the magneto. Checked to make sure all wires were connected. Still no go. I then got a bit upset, just what I need, an unexpected expense. Then I shifted my perspective to how old was that saw. I remember I was building a corral when the last one crapped out. The year 2000. That saw has been of good service for twenty-three years. I became grateful for that longevity and realized that it only had cost me about $20 a year to own. I have enough money to purchase a new one. I am able to get to town to shop for a new one. For all these reasons I let gratefulness take over and calm my anxious mind. This morning I will go to town.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      I loved reading how you turned a negative into a positive. You initially reacted, but then turned to reflection. Maybe when you got to town the saw was on sale:)

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 year ago

      My 30 yr old son just bought one. It was nerve wracking to me but he came home with all the safety gear plus the newer ones seem to have safety features. He is only using it for cutting firewood for a fire pit. Have just heard some horror stories about them.

    3. Don
      Don Jones
      1 year ago

      If swearing at it doesn’t fix it, nothing will…

    4. Nannette
      1 year ago

      Good Luck getting your new chain saw, Joseph. Sounds like my house!! My husband was a forester so a chain saw is always handy. He would be lost without it. Living in the country…is a great thing! Best wishes getting your winter wood cut.

  13. Laura
    1 year ago

    I can share my own gratefulness with the people I encounter today.

  14. Antoinette88615
    1 year ago

    I will embody gratefulness by knowing every moment as a gift, and even if it’s not going my way, or I feel badly, it is still a moment to be grateful for. I will let go of the pain and worry. Thank you 🙏

  15. EJP
    1 year ago

    I will embody gratefulness today with every heartbeat and every breath.

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