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  1. Don Jones

    In ancient Hebrew, there was a word – “hevel”. There is no direct translation in English, but it lands in the space of futility (kind of). It is often used when thinking about the relentless march of time and the inevitability of death. It sounds a bit dark, but I feel there is a gentle, loving whisper of acceptance for what is. And the invitation to look at the here and now is pure delight. So, I think I honour the tenderness within me through the lens of hevel.

    10 months ago
  2. Dolores Kazanjian

    By having more patience with my husband is becoming more forgetful and confused. I know that some, maybe most, of my irritation and impatience are covering up fear.

    10 months ago
    1. Yram

      I appreciate your openness and honesty.

      10 months ago
      1. Dolores Kazanjian

        Thank you, Yram.

        10 months ago
  3. Linda

    While I don’t own an animal, I love watching animal videos on the Dodo website! They are usually so heartwarming and positive. They bring out the tenderness in me, and the wish for all sentient beings to be safe and free of being.

    10 months ago
  4. null

    Externally – By revealing it to the world and sharing it with others.
    Internally – By ensuring I check in with it to see what it has to say.

    10 months ago
  5. Barb C

    By letting it show, thus inviting others to honor their own tenderness. If we wore our hearts on the outside more often the world would be a gentler place.

    10 months ago
  6. Charlie T

    If I think of the tenderness in me, as my
    sensitivity. I can honor it by freely
    expressing it. I am a sensitive person
    after all. Of course, growing up male,
    I was/am ridiculed, judged, teased, and
    bullied for expressing sensitivity or
    tenderness. Really, expressing myself
    freely can be an act of strength. Call
    me what you want. It’s okay. Now I understand
    it’s your way of expressing your un-ease
    with where you are on the sliding scale
    of “masculinity and femininity”.

    10 months ago
  7. Carol

    “If we hold our vulnerabilities and sensitivities as sources of rich information about how we deserve and need to be treated, and if we honor ourselves with compassionate care, we can forge an abiding friendship that will deliver blessings into every aspect of our life, and into the lives of others.” Kristi Nelson

    How can I honor the tenderness within me?

    By admitting and honoring the power of vulnerability that dwells in us all. We crave security when life calls us to risk. As I pondered this question this morning, a poem began to form. It’s rough and I will probably revisit it so this is not it’s final form but I’m willing to share it because I know that sharing here each day has taught me to honor the tenderness within me and the tenderness within each an everyone of you. Maybe, the title will be “Try a little Tenderness.”

    We rant and we rave
    and we judge and we joke.
    We laugh and we cry
    We jab and we poke
    at Life.

    We deny our feelings
    because we have been told
    that to feel
    is weakness
    We must be bold

    So I come to the foot of the cross
    where Vulnerability hangs.
    I hear the words.“Father, forgive them.”
    And I feel the pangs
    of tenderness.

    I witness how
    the willingness
    to be vulnerable
    changes passion
    into compassion

    Let us all have eyes to see
    and ears to hear.
    Let us all have the
    willingness to try
    a little tenderness.

    10 months ago
    1. Charlie T

      Amen, Carol. Lovely, lovely poem. 🙏

      10 months ago
    2. S
      Ana Maria

      This is gorgeous!! What a beautiful comment and poem! I thank you so much for giving me peace every single day as I read your comments.

      10 months ago
  8. sunnypatti

    By being tender with those around me. Feeling it and sharing it!

    10 months ago
  9. Yram

    To be aware that it exists in me and I express it to others.

    10 months ago
  10. Nannette

    By forgiving myself when I mess up. Also I can be kind and patient with others…honoring my inner qualities. I loved todays quote…we should never be afraid to start over…and what a refreshing and exciting idea that is.

    10 months ago
    1. Charlie T

      I agree, Nannette. That quote really
      opens up some freedom. I like to
      remember that every day, I can make amends and move on.

      10 months ago
  11. Pilgrim

    Patience with myself, kindness to all people/creatures.

    10 months ago
  12. Ngoc Nguyen

    Don’t think of paying back to those who helped me. Think of Pay It Forward (the movie that was released in 2000). Like somebody in our community already said. Passing the tenderness on to someone else is the way I honor the tenderness in my life. Additionally, accepting those who refuse to receive our help with kindness is also a way to honor tenderness in life I must learn.

    10 months ago
  13. Laura

    Express it whenever it arises.

    10 months ago
  14. Joseph McCann

    Making eye contact and greeting children with a smile. Rarely children do not reciprocate with a smile or a wave. Always warms my heart and hopefully theirs.

    10 months ago
    1. Rabbit

      I feel blessed when I grownups smile at me. Sometimes, it seems to express they understand just what might be going on in my mind.

      10 months ago
  15. EJP

    Let it always shine bright……

    10 months ago

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