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  1. Carol Ann Conner
    5 months ago

    I will take a nap today as I had an unsettling night and my body needs rest.

  2. L
    Loc Tran
    5 months ago

    One thing I just realized is that I have a lot of the achiever aka the ennielgram 3 mindset already in me. It’s what helped me stay with piano for more than 20 years and land the part-time piano jobs I have. I can do just about anything if I put my mind to it.
    I talked about returning to Facebook from my longer post concerning my changed stance on the LGBTq community for the positive a couple days ago. I returned there a couple days ago. Once I did, I got a rousing ovation from my people and was able to pick up where I left off after a 5-month hibernation to recharge my mind and perspectives. As I saw my posts before deactivating my account, I was on to something.
    Now, my advocacy project has a name. It’s “Project 9X.” The name comes from me being a New Years Baby of 1992. My generational system goes by: 7X, 8X, 9X, 2K, 2K10… If you’re born in 1948, you’re 4X. The mission of 9X is to help people with autism, mental health struggles, and those who feel different from the majority with the LGBTQ community included, feel comfortable in social settings.
    I accomplished a lot from the get go. Giving my body some rest is what I plan on doing to take care of my body. That can be any day. Project 9X is important but not urgent.
    While I’m resting, I can shift my focus to piano. My piano skills gives me credibility, makes my voice carry more weight, and gives me greater influence within my community of people. Culture is big. I cannot change that. But however, I can certainly gain influence within my circle. Even if I’ve mentioned that I intend on using piano for fun instead of fame, being well-known within my community and gaining influence there feels within reach. Being well-known vs famous is like the difference between governor and president.

  3. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    5 months ago

    I think I’ll start out by thanking my body for all the adventures it takes me on, its ability to heal itself, just the very miracle it is.

    1. Jenifer
      5 months ago

      So true Mary 🙏🏽

  4. Michele
    5 months ago

    I got no sleep last night so I’m hoping to take some extra breaks today. My daughter grabbed her 2 cats and came inland to me (she had recently moved to St. Pete).
    I’m still working remote, till power goes out…

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Update – I have a full house – my dad ended up coming here bc his cancer drug got approved and is having it delivered here bc he had to evacuate from his Zone A (Clearwater Beach), my son also came here – his apt complex has some Sec 8/Affordable housing and he said like 8 cop cars came in there telling people to evacuate even though he is Zone E – apparently part of the contract, and my daughter’s friend/coworker, Stephanie is also here.
      Thank you all so much for your kind words/thoughts/and prayers, much appreciated.

      1. Robin Ann
        Robin Ann
        5 months ago

        Glad you were able to take in a lot of your family. Hope to hear all is well once the storm is over

      2. Mary
        5 months ago

        Wishing you the very best Michele!

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      Michele, You’ve been on my mind all day. Praying for your safety.

    3. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      5 months ago

      I listened to the FEMA director last week and she said going in land about an hour would make a big difference (which looks like you are about) and she also said they have a huge staff of utility trucks in Florida so folks will get power back asap. Glad your daughter will be there with you! Be safe!

    4. L
      5 months ago

      I’ll also be here, working remote until the power goes out. Zone E, so likely staying put. Stay safe… I know I won’t be sleeping much the next two days…

      1. Mary
        5 months ago

        Be safe Lauren.

    5. Jenifer
      5 months ago

      Thinking of you and your daughter Michele 🧡

    6. Patti
      5 months ago

      I pray everything will be okay for you.

  5. Laura
    5 months ago

    My body works hard and deserves nutritious food, lots of water, fresh air and above all plenty of rest.

  6. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    5 months ago

    Continue with my daily 20-minute standing yoga routine led by Dr, Lynn Rossy. It sure helps with my flexibility, balance and general wellbeing. As the good doctor says, “If your mind wanders bring it back to the breath and the body.”

  7. Pilgrim
    5 months ago

    Intentional care and kindness for my body.

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