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  1. Christina

    Be in the moment, from an inner place of calm, giving space and being open to savoring music, being with friends, enjoying food and quality time together.

    11 months ago
  2. Don
    Don Jones

    I think it is the quiet. Those timeless moments of stillness and connection that transcend…

    The sound of the water lapping is audible.

    I feel a breeze of what might be warm air, though it is difficult to tell, since my arm hair senses the movement as cooling.

    Two birds are singing and, with my eyes closed, I am placing them approximately twenty meters away to my right and behind me.

    Now a smaller bird, or at least one with a smaller and higher pitched song, enters the soundscape behind me from the left. From the rhythmic interplay, it seems clear the birds are not in conversation. Each sings its own song in its own time.

    I notice the sound of a bus passing by on the road on the other side of the park.

    I hear another car with a thump, thump, thump beat bouncing in.

    There is an itch on the left side of my face near the ear. I wonder how long I can go without scratching.

    Someone says, “Good morning”. I open my eyes. And it all goes away.

    11 months ago
  3. G
    Greg Pierre

    Keeping up with mindful habits.

    11 months ago
  4. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Hmmm. I do quite a bit of savoring. But I
    could always do more. Thank you for
    this reminder.
    I’ve always been an observer.
    Being aware of when I’m “in my head” and
    intentionally turning that attention to
    the world around me is something that
    helps me. Stopping and noticing the shapes,
    colors, light and shadow. Even in decay and destruction, there can be beauty, meaning, symbolism, symmetry, and interest.
    I think this is what I liked about getting
    high. I thought I needed to be high to
    get out of my head and look around.
    It was a great way of stopping for a minute,
    breathing in, holding it, letting it out, and
    noticing the world around me. Part of
    it was the ritual. Turns out, I can have
    the same result without the THC.
    I seem to have access to it.
    I just have to get the ball rolling, and
    next thing you know…voila!
    This question prompted me to go
    out on the patio, savor my coffee, listen
    to the sounds, feel the sun and air,
    see the shapes and motion of the
    clouds, and take a few deep breaths,
    and contemplate this question.

    11 months ago
  5. Barb C
    Barb C

    I’ve already mentioned this in answers to previous questions. After reading “The Book of Delights” by Ross Gay, I began to look for delights in each day–a moment in which something struck me with delight and I paid attention to that. I note these in my journal every day, using a different color of ink and setting them off from the text so when I flip back through the pages they stand out.

    Some days have many, some only a few. I’ve been doing this for over 3 months now and I detect distinct patterns in what delights me: noticing something in nature; tuning into my senses and noticing flavors or aromas or the touch of something; my cat (when he isn’t being crabby); connection with others. I also know that I don’t get many of these if I stay in my house all day, which is easy to do since I’m teleworking 100% of the time and days “get away from me”.

    To have more savoring in each day, I need to make sure I get out and move around. I know that’s good for my brain and body; it’s also good for my soul and spirit.

    11 months ago
    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T

      We’re in the same boat, Barb.

      11 months ago
  6. Linda72766

    Slow down, not try to fill every moment with something. Breathe consciously. Look around and really see what’s there.

    11 months ago
  7. Yram

    I think that it would be a conscious stop in time. Then maybe to bring up the five senses as I stop.
    Let’s say my eye caught sight of a lovely flower. To savor, I would:
    Smell it
    Touch its petals and leaves
    Think if it had medical properties and if it is edible or could be in a tea
    Hear it’s quietness in just being present
    Take in its colors, shape, height and general outline

    11 months ago
  8. Laura

    As Ngoc said so well, I can slow down and not be in such a hurry to move on to the next thing.
    Lately, I’ve tried to take a conscious breath every time I change “locations,” such as getting in the car, walking into a room, and so on.

    11 months ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      I like your idea Laura, to take a conscious breath every time I change “locations”. I must try that.

      11 months ago
  9. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    Tasting a cup of coffee without hurry, finishing a book without wondering about what tasks are waiting for me are ways that I incorporate savoring moments in my life. If I don’t escape myself from being busy, then I’ll never be free enough to enjoy my daily life in peace and relax. There are so many textbook pages for me to finish but I decided not to spend all day long on it. I read the textbooks, and I never forget to read my favorite novel at the time.

    11 months ago
  10. Michele

    I switched things up a bit, drinking tea instead of coffee – my son had given me ‘biscuit tea’ so I’m trying it. Still not feeling good, took two Covid tests and they were negative.
    Today is National Poetry Day – thought of Barb 🙂

    11 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Oh, thank you Michele! This morning I read a wonderful poem to share that goes with today’s question–things we can savor.

      “Things to Believe In” by Patricia Monaghan

      trees, in general; oaks, especially;
      burr oaks that survive fire, in particular;
      and the generosity of apples

      seeds, all of them: carrots like dust,
      winged maple, doubled beet, peach kernel;
      the inevitability of change

      frogsong in spring; cattle
      lowing on the farm across the hill;
      the melodies of sad old songs

      comfort of savory soup;
      sweet iced fruit; the aroma of yeast;
      a friend’s voice; hard work

      seasons; bedrock; lilacs;
      moonshadows under the ash grove;
      something breaking through

      11 months ago
      1. Michele

        thank you for sharing the poem Barb 🙂

        11 months ago
    2. Laura

      Hope you can turn the corner soon on what ever bug is ailing you, Michele.

      11 months ago
      1. Michele

        Thank you Laura – going back to work today, gonna take it nice and slow.

        11 months ago
  11. Patti

    By being mindful of how I go thru my day. Stepping lightly on the earth. Tasting each bite of food. Feeling the energy when I hug someone.

    11 months ago
  12. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    Our friends traveled to Italy last month. We decided to have an “Italian” experience at home each day as a way of joining in the fun.
    One evening, as we made a beautiful red sauce from fresh tomatoes and herbs, we listened to an arrangement by Puccini. Exquisite. As I read today’s question, the first thing that came to mind was, sit, and listen to music, rather than always using music to accompany some other activity, which is a wonderful as well. But to take music in fully in this way, would enhance the opportunity for me to savor every note, gain a deeper appreciation, feel every note.

    11 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      I love this idea of “traveling”, as well as really listening to music. A friend of mine who loves to pick told me years ago that she chose a different country each year. She studied their cuisine and all the context around food, not just recipes, so that when she cooked a meal she had that history in mind.

      11 months ago
    2. Michele

      I feel that way when I listen to Toccata and Fugue – initially this brings back memories of being a child and going to the Brigantine Castle in NJ – I LOVED it and they had that song playing. Now, as an adult, when I listen to it – the whole song, not just the intro, it truly is amazing.
      Believe it or not, Metallica has some absolutely amazing ballads too. I get lost in them.
      Thank you for your reflection Mary, definitely resonated with me.

      11 months ago
      1. L

        Very true! The bass solo in Orion comes to mind immediately. Such a beautiful melody.

        11 months ago
  13. Carol Ann Conner

    In his book, New Seeds of Contemplation Thomas Merton wrote, “The True Self should not be thought of as anything different than life itself—not my little life, but the Big Life.” That puts me in a frame of mind that is prone to savor my daily life because it reminds me that there really is only one Life and I am part of it. Creation is one. No matter how I slice it, it’s one pie. Today is always the day so I plan to taste it, appreciate it, and do my best to be present to it. I’m thinking that means I plan to savor it!

    11 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      A wonderful comment–and now I want pie.

      11 months ago
      1. Charlie T
        Charlie T

        Damn it, Barb! You just reminded
        me that my lovely wife made a
        delicious pumpkin pie, that’s waiting
        for me in the fridge. 😄

        11 months ago
  14. Joseph
    Joseph McCann

    I have tended to wolf down my food when I eat. Once when our children were small when we sat down for supper, my wife told Jeremy and Jackie to watch out for their fingers, the lion was feeding! I participated in the raisin meditation led by Jon Kabat-Zinn of Palouse Mindfulness. This really struck a chord within me. Mindful eating. It has helped me to savor my meals. I also certainly have bitten my cheek less!

    11 months ago
    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T

      yes, the biting of the cheek!
      A painful reminder to slow down.
      I tend to do it when I’m overly
      excited about something I’m eating
      and I’m devouring it with way too
      much gusto.

      11 months ago
  15. Kevin

    By seizing more ordinary moments within my day to be still, quiet and listen, from within.

    11 months ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Yes, Kevin. What a beautiful definition for savoring!

      11 months ago

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