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  1. Palm
    7 months ago

    By coming back to myself, and remembering what these principles are: kindness, respect, honesty. Living from the inside out. Journaling is helping me a lot with this

  2. barba
    7 months ago

    yes, not as consistently as I would like. I always adapt my principles to my convenience.
    For example, when I am tired and exhausted.

    1. Anna
      7 months ago

      It is the same for me, Barba.

    2. Palm
      7 months ago

      Good point Barba, it happens to me too

  3. Antoinette88615
    8 months ago

    Just live today and do my best today and have no regrets about the outcome.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Antoinette, very well and simply put. This comes easier when career, love, and most important of all, inner lives are more established.

  4. T
    8 months ago

    Kindness and patience are important to me. Most often I find it easier to practice these towards others, but not myself. Today I will be more kind to myself and patient, without judgement.

  5. Barb C
    Barb C
    8 months ago

    Avril noted the similarity of this question to the one the other day about values. I felt that too so I looked up the definitions, and the two are sometimes treated as synonyms. I realized that when I list my core values–the things I believe are most important–I don’t always include everything I would think of as an element in my personal code of conduct, which would be my principles. I strive to live with kindness, gentle honesty, openness toward people and ideas so I continue to learn and grow, care for the earth that is our mother, a commitment to working for justice to rebalance and repair the harms that have been done arising from racism and other aspects of settler colonialism. I’ll need to think about my list a bit more.

  6. Yram
    8 months ago

    First, I need to define them, be aware of them, and then act.
    The golden rule seems to guide me often.

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    8 months ago

    The main principle I live by is kindness.
    This can be more difficult than it seems.
    It’s easy for me to be kind to others who
    are kind, but extending kindness and
    more importantly compassion, to those
    who aren’t kind or are in fact dangerous
    and damaging people, can be a real challenge.
    The other situation that can be difficult is
    extending that kindness and compassion
    towards myself.
    So when I fail at my goals of non judgment,
    expressing gratitude, being present, listening
    with intention, being of service, or any of
    the lofty ideals that I try to live by,
    I try to extend that kindness and
    understanding to myself and remain soft and
    open hearted.
    And like a meditation, came back without
    the judgment and hardness. Just
    observing, letting go, and returning.

    1. D
      7 months ago

      Thank you, I have so much compassion for others except I struggle to feel it for the person in my life who needs it most. Like you said when there is anger and unjust actions it is so hard to feel the compassion that person needs. Then the guilt that overtakes me for not having it ways heavy and thick in my heart.

  8. Patti
    8 months ago

    I am kind and compassionate, both to humans and other living beings (minus the large flying roaches we have down South – haha!). I like to share love, light, and happiness – the more we share, the more we gain, and you never know when someone needs a simple smile to boost their day. Lastly, I pray and meditate to help me stay centered and close to God.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Sunnypatti, I’ll add flies and mosquitoes on the exception list as well. LOL.

      1. Patti
        7 months ago

        We call mosquitos the state bird of South Carolina 😆 And don’t forget about the noseeums- we no see ’em, but they sure are there ready to bite and drive us crazy!

  9. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    8 months ago

    One way I live into my principles is balance. In many ways, however leading with a balance between self care and the care of others. I so know when that is out of whack, and usually others do as well! We just spent a week hosting my husbands family at our home and then travelled for a larger reunion. It was grand. And I consciously found ways to be a good host and care for myself. Years of practice has made that easier with no regrets.
    The other way I live by my principles, is listening to my intuition, or gut if you will. If it feels good, I am living out my principles, if it doesn’t the opposite is true.

    1. S
      Stephanie Mckinney
      8 months ago

      This line “leading with a balance between self care and the care of others” is spot on and I wrote in down in my journal to remind myself to think about this more often.

      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei
        8 months ago

        Thanks for your affirmation, Stephanie. That is something about increased energy when I know someone is working on something similar.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Thank you, Mary. You just spoke for me on balance and intuition. Your answer and mine about consistency going in HD mode align.

  10. Nannette
    8 months ago

    I try to be kind, and think of others. I try to be a good steward of our land…we are here for a short while…the land is ours- for that time..and then we move on. The land will stay…and nourish others. I also try to be a good example and live my religion as much as I can. I am so very grateful for my husband and our life together.

  11. L
    Loc Tran
    8 months ago

    Consistency is my core principle. The way to live my life in accordance to my principles is to keep emotions on the DL. Remaining calm helps me resolve difficult problems. Balance makes all ends meet closer to the middle and gives me the best of all worlds. Consistency builds trust. Honesty, security, protection, safety, communication, consistency, and trust come from the same family. Welcome to the ennielgram 6 family out of 9, the safety ennielgram.

  12. Michele
    8 months ago

    I think everything should start with being kind and being positive. I try to do both.
    Barb – today is actually National Cycle to Work Day-made me think of you 🙂

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      8 months ago

      Thanks, Michele! That’s funny to read because May is National Bike Month and there’s a bike day in that month as well. When I looked it up I found that today has this label in the UK. Any day is a good day to ride, after all! As it happens, I’m going to load my bike on a car and travel with a colleague to Seattle, where I’ll be touring a project site by bike. Celebrating the part of my ancestry that’s British, I guess😀!

  13. Jenifer
    8 months ago

    I try to express kindness whenever I can. I wasn’t met with much of it growing up and it left me feeling as though I’m not worthy. But I am, I always have been worthy and I always will be worthy. I extend that message to others through acts of kindness, as if I’m telling them “I hear you, I’m with you, you are worthy of being seen and thought of and cared for”. Life is already hard as it is, it’s easier when you are shown love and compassion.

  14. Avril
    8 months ago

    In order to live by my principles I need to extract and affirm what they are—this reminds me a great deal of the question we had not too long ago on values. Secondly, I have to practice them. We practice everything we have mastery over. I practice my principle of gratefulness by being on this site regularly. I practice my principle of mindfulness by meditation. I am a work in progress.

  15. Laura
    8 months ago

    Decision by decision, both small and big.

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