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  1. TofuLove75790
    6 months ago

    I think I am always actually a very grateful person — it’s more so my natural tendency to be happy about the situation vs finding flaws. I am not by nature that negative minded. I guess in terms of life I tend to have a lot of resilience, stuff that can be challenging, like if it’s something like run 25 miles — most people they start to think, oh this getting tired is horrible, it’s so hot, I’m not fast enough, their mind starts to dwell more on negatives and it kind of just snowballs and ends up exhausting them but more so I am like, oh this is great, look at the birds, look at the beautiful weather, my mind is focusing on the positives and so it just kind of flows by and before I know it I just ran 20 miles up a steep mountain yet don’t feel that tired. That gratefulness and noticing the good helps me get through a lot.

  2. barba
    6 months ago

    what touches me concerns me.
    Fear and love affect me the most
    Fear of failure and the gift of love
    Fear of having to give more than I can and the amazement at the love that flows to me
    I want to be grateful for both: fear and love
    Gratitude for fear helps me to feel myself, my body, that means to dare to open myself, my feelings – to love

  3. Linda72766
    6 months ago

    My husband is ill and I can get consumed with all my fears about his dying. He has been my rock for 35 years, and I need to remember he is still here, even if his health is badly compromised. His illness has been the most difficult and trying time of my life. Yet he is still with me in all the ways that count. I am grateful for his presence, even as I mourn his leaving.

    1. Yram
      6 months ago

      My heart goes out to you. Life is precious. I know how hard it is to balance being with and supporting your husband but be gentle with yourself also.
      Continued blessings!

      1. Linda72766
        6 months ago

        Thank you, Yram.

  4. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    Focusing on gratitude forces me to
    acknowledge all the things that have
    gone right and are going right in my life.
    The little and big things. Distracting me
    from my usual mode of feeling sorry for
    myself for my shortcomings and
    disadvantages. As I’ve said before, it’s
    about adding a little balance in my life.

  5. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    I give thanks for this question as my monkey mind is going in a million directions this morning. The question brought me to a stand still! It is reminder of the difference between performance and process. I’m also thankful for today’s quote from Sebene Selassie:

    “You belong. Everywhere. Yes, you—with all your history, anxiety, pain. Yes, everywhere—in every culture, community, circumstance. You belong in this body. You belong in this very moment. You belong in this breath…and this one. You have always belonged.”

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      That damned monkey………

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    6 months ago

    Focusing on gratitude reminds me to tune in and pay attention to what’s around me and to how fortunate I am. I can truly be grateful every day all over again for so many gifts in my life.

    A while back I was listing “today’s delights” in my journal every day thanks to reading Ross Gay’s “The Book of Delights.” I don’t recall why the practice fell off; I’ve done it sporadically but not consistently the past few months. I learned from doing it that every day has delights I’m grateful for *if I’m looking for them.* If I’m not attentive to the life around me, the days flash past.

    Last night around midnight I awoke to the sound of a chorus of coyotes howling and yipping in the nearby big forested park. This morning I wrote the heading “Today’s delights” in my journal and started my list with the sound of coyotes.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      When the coyotes get boisterous around here, sounds that life to the coyotes must be good!

    2. Nancy Walton-House63093
      Nancy Walton-House63093
      6 months ago

      Several years ago, we were in Kaslo, BC. I was listening to CBC on the car radio and heard a great interview with Ross Gay about “The Book of Delights.” I had a 15-year practice of gratitude journaling. My entries were brief. I was intrigued that Gay wrote a new essay for each day of the year. I got the book from the library and quickly read it. I was delighted by his essays. They gave me lots of ideas for my gratitude journal. I highly recommend reading his book and viewing the YouTube videos on him and his work. Enjoy!

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      I like the concept of “Today’s Delights.” Thanks, Barb

      1. Josie
        6 months ago

        I do, too. Hope to give it a try…starting tonight. Thank you.

  7. Patti
    6 months ago

    Focusing on gratitude helps me stay connected to my inner self, the light within that is eternal, strong, and bright. When I am connected to that part of me, I am reminded that all is well and all will be well.

  8. Yram
    6 months ago

    Today is the first day of focusing on belonging. I am grateful for the team and the effort to bring this to a wide audience. The suggested practice was an eye opener for me. Thank you!

  9. Jenifer
    6 months ago

    A few months ago, I attended a women’s AA group in my neighborhood. I had gone to a few other meetings in the past but never spoke. This women’s group was so inviting and loving, and I was able to relate to what everyone else was saying. I kept crying because I felt like I wasn’t alone. As a result, I felt comfortable to speak for the first time and I was met with so much compassion and warmth. Afterwards, many of the women approached me and showered me with so much love and gave me the big book with a heart drawn in the title page with the word “stay”. I hadn’t known any of these women yet they were so ready to take me in as their own and support me. I vividly remember thinking “I have been lovable, this whole time?” I have been dealing with feelings of shame and worthlessness and being in meeting made me realize that I am worthy of living just by being. Focusing on the gratitude I felt that day made me realize how much I value connection and love with others but also for myself. I try to embody those things every day and have found great joy because of it.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      Jenifer, it is good to connect with people who “get it”. One of the best phrases I have learned in this go round of discovery Is “Connection is the opposite of addiction”.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      Yes, “I am worthy of living just by being.”

    3. Yram
      6 months ago

      Thus is heartwarming!

      1. Barb C
        Barb C
        6 months ago


  10. Richard51934
    6 months ago

    I have a great cloud of witnesses in my life., people who have been with me in times of need and loved me through. I am learning to love myself to love myself and in so doing am learning how to love others. I am grateful for the life that I have lived and am living.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Well said, Richard. One cannot give from an empty cup. We cannot love others until we learn to love ourselves.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        6 months ago

        So True

  11. j
    jim barbano
    6 months ago

    Focusing on gratitude helps me remember how incredibly unlikely life is, and that makes it more precious. Our spaceship earth just in the right spot for life where for light years in every direction nothing. Then to be so lucky as to be in America where we have so much abundance is ridiculous. Being grateful reminds to “slow down, you move to fast, you got to make the moment last, just kicking down the cobblestones looking for fun and feeling groovy.” Have a great one everybody!

    1. Yram
      6 months ago

      That song is great. Thanks!

  12. Antoinette88615
    6 months ago

    I’m so grateful for the health support I get each and everyday ! I just got the new Covid. Vaccine here at the pharmacy and it’s free! I’m going to Korea soon and I don’t want to egive it to anyone .
    I meet so many nice people each and everyday who greet me with a smile . 😊
    I wish you all peace and joy today and let your light shine wherever you go!

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      Safe travels, dear Antoinette.

  13. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago

    I become more grateful for the people around me, especially the ones my parent’s generation and older. Seeing my mom battling step 2a breast cancer and my dad battling multiple mialoma along with hearing stories about their group of friends coming down with cancer, it makes me realize that the next moment isn’t garenteed. Greater awareness of this only makes me by-pass everything and live my life to the fullest even more. A huge part of that is to appreciate every bit of care and company from others. As if for older people, they have an encyclopedia of wisdom many within my age groups with myself included for sure can learn.

    1. Pilgrim
      6 months ago

      Blessings and Peace to you and your family, my Friend.

  14. Michele
    6 months ago

    This morning’s Daily Word For the Day says it all – “You belong. Everywhere. Yes, you—with all your history, anxiety, pain. Yes, everywhere—in every culture, community, circumstance. You belong in this body. You belong in this very moment. You belong in this breath…and this one. You have always belonged.” – Thank you.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Needed that one, Michele. Thanks for the reminder. We have many personal barriors we need to break. Reasons often turn into excuses. For example, mine is most likely to be incompatibility. In Asian social settings, I engage whenever I can with enthusiasm. There’s always at least 1 or 2 of those common or intersecting points.
      Speaking of intersecting points, both the autism and LGBT groups have some. I have aqquaintances from my school days and have encountered some autistic people who also identify as LGBTQ. Both groups do things differently from the majority and have faced societal discrimination leading to a deep fear of loneliness. Having been there before myself, lonely people don’t exactly have the best boundaries. Our desires for deep meaningful connections get the best of us to where we end up making others feel uncomfortable with our enthusiasm and getting close to them. Dealing with people like us require navigating through delicate balances. Fortunately, you and me have great awareness. The first delicate balance that jumps out for both groups is being able to get us involved and establishing healthy boundaries.

  15. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    6 months ago

    When I am aware, accepting, grateful with the present, life unfolds in front of my very eyes. The in and out of my breath. The in and out of all that is around me and us. The flow of water seeking its level. All the plants and animals with their own intelligence to keep on going, reproducing, living, dying. Soon the first frost will arrive, and the earth will begin to wind down for a long winters nap. I am grateful. Namaste.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      Beautifully said, Joseph.

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