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  1. Mica

    Sanskrit chants are the most ongoing and impactful for me. I do some stretching and breathing to the Gayatri Mantra

    2 years ago
  2. O.Christina

    Rituals enrich my life, from those structuring the day with tea or coffee, as some have already mentioned, to the intimate connection with spirit when lightening a candle as well as in meditation and prayer. When serving my fellow people. It feels as being a bridge to expressing and being aware of our all being connected to the holy and the mystery of all.

    2 years ago
  3. Mica

    Sanskrit chants are the most ongoing and impactful for me. I do some stretching and breathing to the Gayatri Mantra before bed.

    2 years ago
    1. LynnMarie

      Mica, the Gayatri Mantra is also one of my favorites. I chant it in the morning, when I step outside to greet the sunrise.

      2 years ago
  4. Robin Ann

    My faith and upbringing for me were key factors in rituals and ceremonies and how important they are.

    2 years ago
  5. Don Jones

    Rituals are an important part of my life. I hadn’t given them much thought as a ritual, however as I reflect on the question, they are there as part of a way of being.

    2 years ago
  6. c

    hmm– connectedness, belonging needs being met through celebration and remembrance, and hope and joys

    2 years ago
  7. Avril

    Ritual is important to me. Every morning I begin with the daily mantras from my tradition. Then I go into affirmative prayer. Next, my meditation is systematic; I always follow the same process. The ritual expedites the experience of going inside. However, attachment to the ritual can be a disservice. I don’t believe this is the only way, or right way, to connect with Source. I am also flexible if I have to meditate earlier, later, or shorter. Ceremonies have marked many special moments in my life, my daughter’s blessing, my wedding, my graduation from seminary. As a minister, it’s been a gift to share in weddings and funerals. They are an opportunity to elevate a moment and make us present to the transitions of life.

    2 years ago
  8. Charlie T

    Ritual and ceremony have (regretfully) played a very small roll in my life. I think it’s something that’s been missing and I’ve thought this for a long time. I would like there to be more of this in my life. I would not consider my daily and weekly practices rituals or ceremony’s. Sadly, the ceremony’s that come to mind are mostly memorials. Of course as I write this, I am drinking my first cup of coffee, contemplating the question of the day, getting ready for my Sunday bike ride, and preparing for my wedding in a few weeks. So, maybe there are these things in my life and I just need to be more intentional and present.

    2 years ago
    1. Michele

      Congrats on your upcoming wedding:) I have a Halloween weekend wedding I will be going to (my cousin’s).

      2 years ago
    2. Barb C

      Your comments make me think about what might turn a routine into a ritual. The presence and intentionality you mention–and perhaps going through something understood to be a ritual but doing so on autopilot makes it less a ritual than your morning visit here and the Sunday bike rides.
      Congratulations on your upcoming wedding1

      2 years ago
  9. Michele

    I am all about ritual/ceremony throughout the wheel of the year. From daily activities, to monthly celebrations, to holidays I enjoy them. Right now is my favorite time of year, fall and Halloween. I love decorating my home and enjoy eating fall foods/flavors. 🎃🍂I am really looking forward to traveling in two weeks up to PA and seeing the fall foliage.

    2 years ago
    1. J
      Javier Visionquest65209

      Give a WoooHooo! as you cross the Potomac!

      2 years ago
      1. Michele

        will do!

        2 years ago
  10. Yram

    Ceremonies and rituals give a comforting pattern to my life. When that pattern is shattered its the return to that pattern that stabilizes me.

    2 years ago
  11. Laura

    Rituals lay down markers in our lives that say, This doesn’t happen every day. This moment or this occasion requires a special recognition.
    Rituals and traditions provide happy memories of Christmas and first days of school for my kids.

    2 years ago
  12. devy

    While growing up going to church was a weekly thing. Now waking up, meditation, gratitude practicing, readings such as on this website are my norm. My day is then set up in a positive vibe. I look differently now at life and the challenges and blessings offered.

    2 years ago
  13. Butterfly

    Everyday I think we all have our little rituals that give our lives structure and a sense of rhythm. For me it’s a cup of coffee around 11 and another one at 3 in the afternoon. Popping into this website every day. Reading or doing a simple puzzle to calm me down before going to sleep at night. I like structure and a sense of order in my life.

    2 years ago
  14. Joseph McCann

    The age old rituals of agrarian life and animal husbandry have been my life. Spring planting, baby animals being born, three years herding a large flock of sheep as a young man, irrigating crops in the summer sun. fall harvest and then slowing down in winter enjoying the fire made from gathered wood cut and chopped waiting to heat the home and family. Feeding the livestock hay that was harvested and enjoying the root vegetables that have been stored. Hope springs eternal.

    2 years ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Beautiful! Enjoy the season of rest. Just like your soil needs resting so do we. Blessings to you and your loved ones.

      2 years ago
  15. Carla

    It plays heavily in my life, since childhood. Remembering holiday dinners with grandma’s china and the privilege of being trusted to set the table.. Street games with neighbor kids. Clothes I wear now for different things. Symbols I use for prayer, rocks on window sills.

    2 years ago

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