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  1. sunnypatti48317

    I’m a day late, as we had to get up and going for a festival my husband was setting his food truck up at. It was a big chance for him to really get his name out there, especially since this was in a community he wants most of his business to come from. My mom and I helped him sell food and market all day, and it was so much fun. I focused on the good in everyone we encountered, sharing all the good things my husband could do for them in the future, but also appreciating their presence and especially their business. We had a great time, and my husband really needed this boost, as its taking a while to really get the business going in the direction he wants it to. I’m so grateful I could be there to celebrate fall while putting his good food into the community’s mouths!

    3 years ago
  2. Malag

    It’s early yet for me but my outlook is that the great majority of people are doing their best and if the encounter is difficult that’s just how they were at that time. And I haven’t been in their shoes to know what their life challenges are and how they could be just having a bad day.

    3 years ago
  3. M

    I got to spend a day with a family member with whom I used to butt heads constantly and think about all the giving qualities he now has that I never developed.

    3 years ago
  4. Mica

    Not always… I criticized the other local quilt guild to one of the quilters at the guild meeting today and have been feeling guilty about it 😟

    3 years ago
  5. TofuLove

    I’m not sure, there’s a shift happening for me on some deeper patterns of relating, find myself shifting from being drawn to angrier people to being drawn to lightness and happiness in others. I don’t know the outcome of that I just find that my experience seems to be getting happier daily and as that happens what I focus on in others is shifting, where I’m seeing more the positive. I think meditation is really what seems to be helping in this.

    3 years ago
  6. Melissa

    Having and sharing breakfast of yummy French toast with blueberries and raspberries with my niece and her kids age 7 and 8 years old . Laughing together outside once again. The kids so filled with goodness and love for all.

    3 years ago
  7. d

    By receiving a dental referral from someone today. And also my ex took me on a long ride today out of the kindness of his heart.

    3 years ago
  8. Marnie Jackson

    I actually haven’t been – and this is a good reminder that I want to be. My daughter is going through a hard situation with a friend – and I am feeling helpless in helping her deal with the struggle. Remembering that there is good in every one helps me to have a better perspective on this situation.

    3 years ago
  9. Chester

    By considering what is important to them, their fears, their ideals – in one word, empathy – a function in short supply these days. We are not hard-wired to empathize with digital screens and so often that is the medium of interaction.

    3 years ago
  10. Michele

    I just noticed my neighbor across the street feeding the peacocks. It allowed me to see the cute baby peacock in there with all the others. I will focus on this question throughout the rest of the day too:)

    3 years ago
    1. Malag

      “I just noticed my neighbor across the street feeding the peacocks” Michele that just made my day. Perhaps a common site to you but so exotic to me.

      3 years ago
      1. Michele

        Yesterday, while in my yoga room, I looked out the window and saw that mama peacock came over to my yard with her baby. It was such an awesome site to watch them. I did realize how special it was and that not everyone has peacocks in their neighborhoods. Thank you for your response:)
        I u/l a pic on the Lounge:)

        3 years ago
  11. devy

    By not over reacting to the negative actions or words of others and being observant and empathetic to why they are the way they are at this moment. By doing so, I can adjust my views of them, understand their reasons and focus more on their positive attributes. This in turn can also reduce my own internal stresses and anxieties..

    3 years ago
    1. Mary Pat

      I needed to read this. I have a neighbor who is just plain nasty. I have been nasty back on occasion and of course it is the wrong response. I need to remember this person is very unhappy, and that is why she is nasty. I will do my best to remember that when I see her and love her, send her loving thoughts and work on this… thank you.

      3 years ago
  12. Mary Pat

    Yesterday our church Community came together to help us with…well..everything really. Because we both have Covid, we are in quarantine. The infusion therapy went well, and although I am not getting better, I am not getting worse. People at our church set up a dog walking genius sign up, as well as a meal train. I can sit back and get better. I don’t have to do any of those things. It is unbelievable how not just good, but caring, wonderful, and loving this is….I am more than grateful, but that is the only word my painful brain can think of, and it falls short….and as soon as I am better, I will be helping others in this same way….but it will be awhile…..

    3 years ago
    1. Holly in Ohio

      Dear Mary Pat, I’m sorry to hear you are both ill. I will be praying for good sleep for you and a quick recovery! 💐

      3 years ago
    2. pkr

      Mary Pat, you are so blessed to be surrounded by a loving, kind, generous community. Prayers for your speedy recovery. 🙏❤️🙏

      3 years ago
    3. Michele

      Your reflection is a reminder that there are good people out there and makes up for all the terrible we see/read on the news. Feel better:)

      3 years ago
    4. Sandra

      Hello Mary Pat, it sounds like you are going through some difficult times at the moment. I’m so pleased you have the support you need and hope you will see an improvement in health in time 🙏

      3 years ago
  13. L
    Lee Anne

    I live in a small apartment building in a historic village in the mountains of New York State. I love God and honor others’ beliefs. I partake in rituals or ceremonies that are not part of my spiritual life, for I believe in being inclusive and expansive in my respect for others. My second-floor corner apartment is delightfully secluded, and I have views of woodlands and wildlife with nothing artificial disrupting the idyllic. I am a writer and visual artist, spending my days alone, living a simple life. I recently sold my car to pay for unexpected emergency dental surgeries. I have years left to drive, and I miss my car, yet I do not most of the time. Why this long set-up?

    My neighbors who do not know me have slandered me, called me names, foul names, and branded me as a witch though I pray to the same God they do. I pray that their fears, anger, and violent language will dissipate. But, there is not one person among the 23 neighbors with whom I can communicate. I cannot get past their toxic language and actions towards others. I am protected even though they try to paint me as something I am not. It is hard for me to ‘focus on the good in others’ in my immediate surroundings. I pray daily to love on to my neighbors, asking my heart to remain open and not harden against them or anyone. I listen to them, trying to understand. Prayer and striving to understand are all I can do. 🌈

    3 years ago
    1. pkr

      Lee Anne, sending prayers & love your way. May God protect you & guide you. Stay safe. 🙏❤️🙏

      3 years ago
      1. L
        Lee Anne

        Thank you! He will provide and He is my refuge. 🥰

        3 years ago
    2. Michele

      How long have you lived there? Are you financially able to move? Maybe it’s time for a new chapter/new beginning somewhere else… I will light a candle for you.

      3 years ago
      1. L
        Lee Anne

        Thank you, Michele. I live in subsidized housing on a modest social security payment. I am grateful for my beautiful apartment and surroundings. It is impossible at this time to move. Given my low-income status, the question becomes where to move? My neighbors are not bad people. They are filled with fear, which causes them to believe and act as they do. I know this, but some days it’s like hitting a wall of darkness. Most of the time, between my artwork and meditation and prayer, I am well in my soul. Thank you for lighting a candle! That is special to me. 🕯 Blessed be ~ ♥️

        3 years ago
        1. Mica

          Dear Lee Anne, I lit a candle, too – may it warm the hearts of your neighbors and bring at least a bit of reconciliation.

          3 years ago
          1. L
            Lee Anne

            Oh my, Mica, I feel so blessed with the responses today and the candles! Thank you so very much. All is well and will be even better. Blessed be~

            3 years ago
  14. Sandra

    In this morning’s meditation I was invited to set an intention for the day. Three words came to me: loving, forgiveness and non-judgement. For the first half hour of the day I said these words to myself every time I caught myself thinking about someone or a situation. I was shocked at how often I needed to remind myself to think in this way. But now, an hour or two later, I no longer catch myself because my mindset has changed. Simply by noting – applying those three words to myself as much as to others and avoiding analysis or narrative – I have been able to appreciate and celebrate the good in others (and in myself) and gently step away from the imperfections which make each of us uniquely human. A wonderful beginning to the day, I am very grateful for this gift ❤️️

    3 years ago
  15. Holly in Ohio

    It has been easier for me in recent months to feel and notice the good in others and not be irritated or impatient with my husband, my neighbors, and others close to me, but it doesn’t feel like I’m focusing on the good in them, but rather that it is happening more naturally as I become more relaxed in life, and with gratitude becoming a regular part of my perspective in all things. The gratitude brings a deeper contentment, and a greater acceptance of problems, health challenges, personality quirks, and my own imperfections.
    The day is early yet and the sun is not up. I’m looking forward to noticing the good that is always there in others.
    And Happy Sweetest Day, my friends! 🌷

    3 years ago
    1. Anna

      Happy sweetest day to you, Holly!

      3 years ago
    2. pkr

      Happy Sweetest Day to “Holly in Ohio”…..🌷🌸❤️

      3 years ago
    3. Michele

      Happy Sweetest Day to you too Holly.

      3 years ago
      1. Holly in Ohio

        thank you! 🙂

        3 years ago
    4. Sandra

      Hello Holly, I’m happy to ‘meet’ you 😊 Thank you for this insight. Your experiences encourage me along my own path 🙏

      3 years ago
      1. Holly in Ohio

        Nice to meet you, too, Sandra, and welcome!

        3 years ago

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