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  1. Robin Ann

    The ocean nearby as well as Narragansett Bay, lots of protected natural space. My home now I see a lot of wild life and there is wooded area with a trail out back. A small grocery store walking distance, post office and library near by. My Church is about 10 mins away. There is always so many things to do in this area compared to where I grew up. I love it!

    4 days ago
  2. barba

    I live in the country and life here is mostly possible without any hustle and bustle.
    Everything you need for everyday life is available locally without a car.
    There are enough jobs in the surrounding area so that the age structure of the residents is well mixed
    There are various options for living here even in old age
    We have a balanced climate with four wonderful seasons
    We have no problems with politically extreme currents

    5 days ago
    1. Nannette

      Barba..It sounds as though where you live is perfect!! Good for you!! I love in the country as well…but groceries, etc are a 40 minute drive. Not many options for places to live. We are very Blessed to own our home…but as we age- we know we will not be able to continue living here. You sure sound happy!! Many Blessings to you!

      3 days ago
      1. barba

        Yes, Nannette, it’s nearly perfect. And yes, I also look to our age, to have the days confortable.
        Love to you!

        3 days ago
  3. Emmaleah

    I live on a tropical island surrounded by beauty. For this, I am truly blessed.

    5 days ago
  4. Antoinette

    Nature is beautiful everywhere I go I feel so grateful to Mother Nature. She gives and gives without limitations or boundaries. No labels of this is mine or yours- natures flow is coexisting and coexist is heaven.

    5 days ago
  5. Michele

    USA -> our Freedoms and Rights, Religious Freedom, Culture Diversity, modern amenities

    FL-> for the most part – nice weather throughout the year, no State taxes, beer/alcohol in grocery stores/cvs/gas stations – no ‘liquor stores’ like in PA, beautiful oak trees with Spanish moss, palm trees, fauna and flora; Disney World/Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure/Busch Gardens, gorgeous beaches

    My neighborhood-> neighborhood peacocks

    5 days ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      The peacocks of your neighborhood……… many Michele? Enough to be called a muster?

      5 days ago
      1. Michele

        my guess would be maybe around 100 or so around a 4-5 block area…

        5 days ago
        1. Joseph McCann


          4 days ago
  6. Charlie T

    I am very fortunate indeed. I live in such a
    beautiful place. It’s quiet and safe with so
    much nature around me. My life seems to
    have been a series of steps, getting me closer
    and closer to this place.

    5 days ago
  7. Yram

    I live in a senior complex. The grounds are kept up, I am near Lake Michigan, most folks are friendly, diverse community, several ethnic restaurants close by, convenient shopping, great medical facilities, a park system, close to the airport, attached garage, I feel safe, and a lot of light streaming in the
    windows from different directions.

    5 days ago
    1. Nannette

      YRAM, It sounds like a lovely home. We are certainly Blessed!

      3 days ago
  8. sunnypatti

    We live on almost 2 acres with our home right in the middle of the property. It’s quiet, for the most part, and the dogs love running around patrolling and protecting. There’s a beautiful old pecan tree in the back yard that provides shade when the front yard is too hot for the dogs (and us) to play. I always wanted a fig tree and planted a baby sapling after we got married in 2021. I’ve loved watching it grow and will be sad to leave it behind when we move. This is the first home I’ve ever owned, and I have loved it. I’m grateful we moved to the country and will be grateful when we leave it.

    5 days ago
  9. Ngoc Nguyen

    I live in a quiet neighborhood. Across from my house is a lake. As I sit in front of the big window, I can see various views of the lake at different times of the day and different seasons of the year. One lake, yet it’s never boring to look at it. There is a sidewalk that was built last year. Now, our neighbors and I not only enjoy the lake view from our windows, but we can also walk alongside it. I’m blessed to live where I am.

    5 days ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Ngoc, the view from the big window in our living room is beautiful and peaceful.

      5 days ago
  10. Butterfly

    My home is my sanctuary and has everything I need and I feel safe. I have kind, helpful neighbours who I can call on at any time. I have a garden that is an oasis of trees, shrubs and flowers with many birds coming and going which gives me so much joy.

    6 days ago
  11. Carla

    I too enjoy the four seasons in the Twin Cities. A variety of birds visit the suet box, each singing their daily tunes. I have extended cousins who live close enough to share holiday meals with. There was a time when many were strangers to me and employment was hard to find. I’m grateful that I’ve been led to find and nourish friendships. My job provides me with many opportunities to be of service to others.

    6 days ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Carla, the winter of 22-23 was a crazy one, but I hope for a snowier one than last winter for sure. It can’t get any drier than the ladder.

      5 days ago
  12. Barb C

    Olympia Washington has been my home since fall 2020. Living in the state of Washington is not something I would give up. We have a beautiful variety of geography, plans, living things, and also the kind of leadership that means I have policies I want to live with, like investing in biking and walking connections. Olympia itself has a delightful little downtown with only locally owned businesses. I can walk to an inlet on the Puget Sound within about 15 minutes of my home, a big beautiful forested Park in less than that, and a delicious bakery the other direction. We have bald eagles, herons, and so many other birds. I can ride my bike and feel safe and comfortable because we have many bike lanes and trails. People are friendly. And in my own home, we remodeled recently to give me a dream kitchen. We’re developing the yard to grow food and provide habitat with native plants. Our neighborhood is quiet and we have really nice neighbors. One of my best friends lives about a 7 minute bike ride away and this is the first time I’ve ever lived this close to a friend. That’s something I wouldn’t easily give up!

    6 days ago
  13. Nannette

    I live in a hollow surrounded by trees and a small creek running through it. The birds are abundant–all singing a beautiful song…and soon they will be quiet getting ready for the change of seasons. Our land is quiet- we barely see anyone else…maybe a neighbor once..maybe twice in a two week span. Our home is a refuge….of love, the love of nature and all the living things….and how very grateful I am to call this home.

    6 days ago
  14. L
    Loc Tran

    The Twin Cities has 4 seasons and a peaceful environment.

    6 days ago
  15. Joseph McCann

    To live along a small river named Alamosa, in an arid land. Water from the sky is falling as I type. First rain since the end of June. Not too distant thunder and a gentle rain consisting of good size drops. The earth is rejoicing along with all the flora and fauna. I am grateful, fortunate and blessed.
    May you all find a little joy this day. Namaste.

    6 days ago

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