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  1. BECKY

    Gratitude is the source of resilience.

    3 years ago
  2. MEG

    Gratefulness helps me live with courage by giving life a deeper meaning.

    3 years ago
  3. Layla

    Sometimes courage is just waking up and setting an intention to face uncertainty. We live in an uncertain time and in a world that’s living with trauma on a global scale right now (pandemic). We have overcome every moment of adversity to be here right now, to be kind and thankful for our journey thus far and for all of our teachers along the way.

    3 years ago
  4. Mary Pat

    This may sound strange, but when I am grateful, I slow down. I pause. Any anxiety I am feeling disappears and courage is there…

    3 years ago
  5. Malag

    Because in the face of adversity moments can be small victories and gratefulness just takes that to happen, a moment.

    3 years ago
  6. Karolina

    Had to contemplate a while on this one. Gratefulness for me today shows up as appreciation for technology: a CT scan of my sinuses indicates a need for delicate surgery to treat a chronic condition that antibiotics and prednisone have not helped. It’s not a risk free surgery and I am grateful I can allow my fears to arise but not dominate my day and thus find the courage to proceed with the surgery. I’m grateful that the surgeon will have the benefit of guided imaging technology greatly reducing risks of accidental injury to my eyes and brain. So I can see a connection between gratitude and courage.

    3 years ago
  7. mam_gigi

    I honestly think fear of losing my family or job or the goodwill of someone actually holds me back from doing or saying what needs to be said.

    3 years ago
  8. d

    For fun, I am going to share what was in the astrological stars for me today. 🌠

    “When I first faced pain, I was shattered. When I first met failure, defeat, denial, loss and death, I died. I believe in my power, in the magic and I do not die. I survive, I love, live, continue.” by Anais Min

    No joke, that was my reading today.

    And it has proved true, this is what gratitude can do ….. 🙏

    3 years ago
  9. Melissa

    Gratefulness is my “silvering lining” when I get overwhelmed with difficult times or fear of the pandemic and climate change. It stops me from feeling paralyzed and gives me hope and I can move forward with an open heart.

    3 years ago
    1. Layla

      Amen! While things seem difficult right now, we are blessed to live in this time of seeing spiritual awakening and healing on such a wide scale. I know it’s hard, scary and uncertain, but we’re doing the work now. We were meant to be here in this moment.

      3 years ago
  10. Kim

    Was just reading an article about gratefulness in times of challenge. In looking back on some of life’s challenges I can always identify areas/moments for which I am grateful. This bolstered my courage for the current challenges I am facing and also bolstered my courage in anticipating future challenges. Honour the challenge …but make time to acknowledge the areas of gratitude. That takes AND builds courage. I hope to weave this learning into my current moment.

    3 years ago
  11. M

    My image for gratefulness is open hands
    (open heart). When my focus is on openness I can be brave. I am able to view my world as cup half full as opposed to cup half empty. When I see my blessings I know I live with abundance and can trust my needs being met. From this position of gratitude I have the courage to give to others – my time, my talent, my treasure.
    When my hands are closed my focus is inward, more self protective. In that position I am isolated. When I do not live gratitude I don’t see the bounty which is mine to share. Gratitude helps me see others and gives me the courage to reach out.

    3 years ago
  12. KC

    Gratefulness often offers the spark I need to live with courage, and heads me in the right direction.

    3 years ago
  13. Carol

    I think of courage as a brave heart. I think of gratitude as a compassionate heart. They feed each other. They situate the mind in the heart. It’s a very helpful perspective!

    3 years ago
    1. d

      this is a great perspective and true, thank you, just what I needed

      3 years ago
      1. Carol

        Glad it was helpful to you. Have a blessed weekend.

        3 years ago
  14. Mica

    Gratefulness Courage. Something to think about!

    3 years ago
  15. Don Jones

    I am grateful every day that I demonstrate courage to step fearlessly into the unknown. I am grateful for the courage to be in flow.

    3 years ago

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