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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    5 months ago

    Well I worked but did go for a nice walk at lunch time with the dog since I work from home on Fridays. Fall weather is already in the air which I am glad for cooler temps!

  2. Ose
    5 months ago

    When opening the window, another beautiful calm and mild sunny morning was greeting again, some tasks were easily done and leaving for a meeting was in time, no hustle. While on the road then in my car, my mind calmed and gave way for some deeper understanding, which possibly might be of help onward. Heartfelt joy about a spontaneously and positive, honest statement offered. Savoring just today´s relaxed, peaceful and sunny state inside as well as outside, too. Beautiful kind and peaceful moments with all encountered today. Thank you, life, for this day and these moments.

  3. D
    Dino Canazares
    5 months ago

    Already did by going to Moss Lake Preserve looks like The Nature Conservancy took her over did a great job!

  4. Linda72766
    5 months ago

    I have some challenges ahead of me with my husband’s health. it has been stressful, but made easier by good friends and family checking in, coming over and just plain being there. I am so grateful, and it helps immensely not to be alone on my husband’s final journey.

    1. Yram
      5 months ago

      We are interconnected. I feel your sorrow and walk with you. It is so difficult.

      1. Linda72766
        5 months ago

        Thank you Yram.

    2. Anna
      5 months ago

      Dear Linda, I’ve been thinking about you lately because I missed you.
      I am relieved to know that you have good friends and that these friends are supporting you in this difficult time.

      1. Linda72766
        5 months ago

        Thank you, Anna. You are so kind.

  5. cvangog
    Chung van Gog
    5 months ago

    Less than five minutes ago, I write the following to my close colleague and friend:

    “I have not felt this good in over six months.

    I am not going to intensely enjoy this.”

    In other words, I am going to savor this moment.

    Today is a special day. It’s my half-birthday. I became 28.5 today, which rounds to 29.

    I was born on the 29th of Februrary. The number 29 has always been special to me. And my 29th birthday will be very special indeed.

    I have long lived with compromises. I always carried with me hope and intention. The hope and intention of channeling my energy, wisdom, and power to create beauty and love. But I never acted on those.

    Receiving an abundance of love through friendship allowed me to let go of some heavy baggage earlier this year. Then, for six months, I struggled. It wasn’t easy at all.

    I made progress, to be sure, but the journey was messy, contradictory, uneven, lonely, and unpleasant. It was also necessary.

    I have never felt more ready than now to let go of what has been holding me back all these many, many years. And to embrace the power of love and wisdom I have inside.

    The Sunset is already in the making, I can see it from my big windows overlooking many kilometers of city, nature, and industry. But I don’t need much.

    To savor today, I will enjoy my humble dinner, I will invest the remaining $5,000 entrusted to me, I will tell my mom I love her, I will write back to my dear friend with whom I share a home to coordinate tomorrow, I will listen to Don Cherry’s Om Shanti Om, I will tidy up my bedroom, and I will enjoy the bliss of meditation.

    To savor tomorrow, I will wake up early and answer another Daily Question.

    1. D
      5 months ago

      Just reading this today. Very inspiring thank you for sharing.

    2. cvangog
      Chung van Gog
      5 months ago

      *I am now going to intensely enjoy this

  6. sparrow51014
    5 months ago

    . . . by being present to it
    and to all of its nuances.
    Pay attention to the morning light . . .
    sun on skin.
    Bask in it for a moment.
    Taste your breakfast
    and how it feels to actually eat.
    Enjoy the sensations on your flesh,
    inside your body
    as it carries you through the day . . .
    your feet on the ground,
    the laundry on the clothesline,
    or tossing in the dryer.
    The mail carrier delivering your mail,
    the children playing in the street.
    Think about it
    while you hug those you love . . .
    speak kindly to them,
    tuck them into bed.
    Feel the sheets around you
    as you snuggle down in your own bed,
    gathering thoughts and dreaming dreams.
    Lay your head upon your pillow
    and sigh a prayer of gratitude and grace.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      5 months ago

      This is a poem, Sparrow.

    2. Michele
      5 months ago

      This was beautiful, a great reflection of how to stay Present. Thank you Sparrow.

    3. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      5 months ago

      Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sparrow.🩷

    4. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      5 months ago

      That was splendid Sparrow. I will savor that passage. Namaste.

    5. Emmaleah46781
      5 months ago

      Beautiful ✨

  7. Barb C
    Barb C
    5 months ago

    A very timely question, as I’m taking the day off from work after one meeting that starts in a few minutes. I have plans for things I want to accomplish. I’ll savor more if I don’t try to pack in everything and instead pause to appreciate the time and the ability to give myself a day. I’m going for a short bike ride after my meeting, potentially picking up free fruit thanks to Buy Nothing offers in my neighborhood. Then I’ll come back to do some food prep and canning and spend time with my sweetheart running errands. Today is supposed to be much warmer than it was earlier in the week and I’ll stop to savor the warmth of the sun, since the days are growing shorter.

  8. Antoinette88615
    5 months ago

    By being grateful.

  9. Carol Ann Conner
    5 months ago

    I plan to putter!

  10. Patti
    5 months ago

    I will savor the day by taking time to relax amidst the many things still to unpack and arrange. I am sitting on my new porch with my dogs now, savoring the sounds of chirping birds, a nice 70 degree temp, and best part of all – no mosquitos or noceums (sp?) biting me!! I could not sit outside in Charleston County without being bitten by bugs!

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Ceratopogonidae is a family of flies commonly known as no-see-ums, or biting midges – Enjoy your new home without them!

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      5 months ago

      No-see-ums is how I spell those pesky devils!

    3. Barb C
      Barb C
      5 months ago

      No biting insects is definitely something to savor! Congratulations on the move and making a new place your new home.

  11. L
    5 months ago

    By slowing down, paying attention, observing, listening, practicing gratitude, and most importantly, remembering to do all these things throughout the day.

  12. Yram
    5 months ago

    This is a good question. Lately I have not been savoring my days. I have been in a what if, how will I manage, how come, and I should, mode of thinking. This attitude is tiring and the days seem boring. I will read all your thoughts and be glad that this community exists to bring me back to the present.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      YRAM, I can relate…the shackles of should” haunt me often.

  13. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 months ago

    Last Friday was the first day my mom was present in the United States. We spent time together over a cup of coffee that she made for me. We woke up too early because my mom had not yet adjusted to the time in the U.S. While I wanted to stay with my mom longer during her first days in the new country, I had to return home for my naturalization interview on Wednesday, which I passed. Today, savoring the sweetness of memories with my mom and cherishing my new citizenship makes me so grateful!

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Congratulations Ngoc!!

    2. Josie
      5 months ago

      Congratulations, Ngoc.

    3. Ngoc Nguyen
      Ngoc Nguyen
      5 months ago

      Thank you so much, Sparrow, Carol, Lauryn, and Yram for all of your rejoicing comments. May you all always find moments that you could be able to savor your life. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    4. sparrow51014
      5 months ago

      dear Ngoc . . .
      may all good things
      come to you. ♥

    5. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      NGOC, Your message is filled with joy. I will savor it…so happy for you.

    6. L
      5 months ago

      Congratulations Ngoc!! That’s quite an accomplishment!!

    7. Yram
      5 months ago

      This is wonderful! Two big events to savor. May your mom have goid experiences in USA.

  14. Nannette
    5 months ago

    Today finds me outside of Cooperstown, NY…in a campground on the Erie Canal. Yesterday was quite the day of travel. We drove windy, country back roads and then the New York Thruway; and then more windy roads to our campground. Upon arriving my husband noticed our refrigerator was not working as it should. This is our second 12 volt battery refrigerator. The first was replaced soon after purchase…with the SAME problem. At that time we were in Ct. and cancelled the rest of our trip and returned home. We have planned this time to be away for 7 weeks…this is week one! Not sure if it is fixable- last time we were sent a new refrigerator as they do not make parts!!! I am trying very hard to be thankful and know that I am very Blessed to be able to travel…and as Joseph pointed out..he is thankful he has a fence to repair!! So I am thankful we have a motorhome to travel in. Now if we can just get the refrigerator working before I lose all the frozen food and refrigerated food. So I will take this day as it comes and be thankful that I have another day to live and experience ALL that life brings. I am thankful for this question…it puts things in perspective.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      oh, the power of perspective!

  15. Jenifer
    5 months ago

    I can either continue with my old ways of harmful thinking and living OR I can take the time to realize I have the choice to savor this day. I am here now, that’s what counts.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      5 months ago

      Good thoughts for you to think, coming your way, Jenifer.

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