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  1. Anna

    Softly, sipping my daily cup of tea, comforted in my chair near the window, refreshing my eyes looking at the greenery, and mentally bowing to the Light.

    1 year ago
  2. Robin Ann

    I walked Stanley tonight and saw 2 fox in a yard!! Thankfully a safe distance away. What an “awe” moment! Even Stanley watched quietly.
    That was a few months to savor!!

    1 year ago
  3. O.Christina

    Together with a dear friend, we took a walk in the mountains, savoring nature and the breathtaking view nature offered to all who came to this place and becoming still inside while being together in this moment of peace. Thank you for this day.

    1 year ago
  4. pkr

    I will savor today by being present. I will try to stay in the now moment and take it all in with an open & grateful heart.

    1 year ago
  5. null

    It’s my partner’s birthday today so I’m going to ensure they are constantly reminded of just how special they really are. I’ll savor it by succeeding in making another person feel loved and appreciated.

    1 year ago
  6. Emmaleah

    I will do my best to break away from the unending stream of thoughts in my head, take a deep breath and just be.

    1 year ago
  7. Linda

    I am in some pain due to back spasms. I am grateful for the prescribed medication that helps ease them, and I savor the pain-free moments.

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      Wishing you healing from your back spasms, speedy recovery to you.

      1 year ago
  8. Barb C

    I was eating breakfast rather quickly as I opened the question, feeling pressed by all I need to pack into the day to meet deadlines and participate fully in meetings. This question made me set my fork down and appreciate the eggs I’m eating, laid by a friend’s hens and fed in part by the bell pepper seed cores I save for them because they love those. I have a batch of granola in the oven to stir and I will savor some of that for lunch or a snack later. I’ll go for walks to refresh and recharge my brain between tasks and meetings, look at the blue, blue sky, appreciate the trees that grow all around our neighborhood, listen to the birds, hold my sweetheart’s hand.

    There is always time to breathe.

    1 year ago
    1. Josie

      Absolutely lovely reflection which I stopped to savor in a busy day. Thank you, Barb!

      1 year ago
  9. Carla

    Moment by moment. Eyes wide open to see the few drops on the grass and the grandeur in the sky.

    1 year ago
  10. Chester

    Pay attention!

    1 year ago
  11. Charlie T

    Just like every day, I’ll try to be as present
    as possible.

    1 year ago
  12. Carol

    According to the Oxford Dictionary,” …in psychology, savoring the moment refers to intentionally focusing your attention on the positive aspects of an experience. When you do this, you notice the sensations, perceptions, emotions, actions, and thoughts that are linked to a particular moment, event, or experience.” Right now I’m savoring my first cup of coffee. Today’s question is urging me to be aware, to truly be present. I get the message. I will do my best to not let my monkey mind point me toward the past or the future. Today’s the day!

    1 year ago
  13. Sylvie

    I savor this day by beginning with this reflection. Pausing. Setting my intentionality to see everything as an opportunity. Everything: the doctor’s appointment, the unpredictable phone call with my aging mother with dementia, the visions I share for my church, our upcoming Board Meeting,
    even my plan to lose some weight. I savor this day by savoring the energy in my mind that fuels my creativity, my hopes, my dreams, my reasoning.

    1 year ago
  14. Yram

    Enjoying the day as it unfolds.

    1 year ago
  15. Nannette

    My husband and I are at our small cabin in the woods. It sits on top of a hill and we are able to see the sunrise and sunset…which we cannot see in our hollow at home. The weather has been perfect…absolutely beautiful, breezy days…and cool nights…with ALL of the windows open…I have been so appreciative just to be here. Last everning while going out to run a few errands…we encountered a black bear walking down the road…such excitement!! He was absolutely beautiful…lopping ahead! Then an 8 point buck…what an evening. Then during the night I heard the owl hooting…it sounded like it was right outside my window! The animals have been happy- taking in the sun and exploring. We are staying one more day and then heading home tomorrow (about an hour and a half)…today…I will savor all that the day brings…the clean air, beautiful breeze, the sweet song of the birds…and just a minute ago- an 8 point buck again!! in our driveway…Clancy was sound to sleep! Peter built this cabin in 2007- hoping to sell it. We are so happy it did not sell! He built it from lumber he had cut…so it it rough. Yesterday, he had to replace some posts on the front supporting porch as they had rotted..but he always needs to be busy- so it was a good all day project. Thankful for another day!

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      Your cabin reminds me of my brothers cabin out in Clinton Co Pa. He has a few cameras around his property and I’ve seen black bear, bobcat, coyote, turkeys, fox, deer and I’m sure I’m forgetting some.
      glad you are relaxing and enjoying yourselves.

      1 year ago
    2. Robin Ann

      Oh i love all the sightings of wildlife! Sounds lovely with sunrise and sunsets too!

      1 year ago
    3. Barb C

      It sounds wonderful. Last night an owl called from the nearby park. I think I heard the barred owl: “Who? Who? Who cooks for you?”

      1 year ago
    4. Yram

      I could picture myself sitting with you and savoring the moments. Thank you for the descriptions.

      1 year ago
      1. Josie

        Me, too, Yram. Thanks Nannette.

        1 year ago

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