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  1. C

    I live in a hollow ,one way in . It almost brings tears ,when I see the thousands of trees ,and the sounds of all the birds greeting the morning . The smell of the ground after the rain . I’m so greatfull to be living in this lush enviorment of beauty and peace .

    11 months ago
  2. O.Christina

    The great mirror of creation!

    11 months ago
  3. Anna

    Clean and fresh air after a series of severe storms. The beginning of Fall.

    11 months ago
  4. Robin Ann

    We have a family of deer that comes by often in our backyard and we can see them off the sliding glass door normally. I saw the 2 fawns when they were ever so little and their Mother and can watch them grow up. An amazing site : )

    11 months ago
  5. d
    dumpster bunny

    How gentle and cool the breeze is but can’t see the molecules dancing in thin air with these measly human peepers

    11 months ago
    1. Michele

      I love your profile name, made me giggle.

      11 months ago
  6. null

    How it’s all just built to carry on. In all moments it’s living, dying, adapting, recycling. The process is so elegantly designed.
    It also amazes me that we too are part of that process of living, dying, adapting, recycling, but from our experiences it can feel a bit disconnected.

    11 months ago
  7. Linda

    A beautiful tree outside our window, and a cloudy sky. It is a relief after so much heat. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have had an unusually hot summer, and I hope the trees, plants and animals are enjoying the respite.

    11 months ago
  8. KC

    I am amazed by the leaves on the artificial maple tree outside my window. Most of the stems and a few of the leaves have turned a pure, intense red. The squirrels are busy, scrambling up, down and around the branches, chattering away, and carrying nuggets of food to their chosen destinations. A small songbird is chirping away, is flitting from branch to branch on the fir tree in the front. The city movements and sounds are picking up, as people settle into the day, and start to a new week …

    11 months ago
  9. pkr

    From my front windows I see beautiful magnificent Redwood trees, a couple of royal palm trees, mighty oak trees, lots of flowering bushes & flowering magnolia trees. And as an added benefit I see & hear the birds singing & chirping away. And blue blue skies .I am so blessed & fortunate. Happy beautiful, peaceful Monday to All.😊🌻

    11 months ago
  10. L

    Today is the last day of a three day trip to the Northern California coast. My partner and I rented an air bnb with a deck overlooking the edge of a lush forest with a few Redwoods scattered around. It’s still early morning and the sunlight is peaking through the trees. There are no people nearby and the silence is so peaceful – with only the sounds of the forest around me.

    11 months ago
  11. Charlie T

    I’m amazed that happenstance has
    brought me here. To this quiet and
    peaceful place. When I look out the
    window, there is beautiful greenery
    and a Redwood Tree. It’s really just
    a baby. Maybe 75yrs old. It’s about 60ft
    tall and it appears to be thriving. Lots
    of new growth after the wet winter we
    had here. At the same time, there’s a lot
    of brown needles that are shedding this
    time of year. Covering the ground with
    a carpet of reddish brown. This tree is
    just a bit older than me. Yet, looking up
    at it, I am amazed at how mighty it is.
    While I have seen many places and moved
    around this place, this tree has stood here
    putting down roots, reaching for the light,
    capturing the fog, as it comes in from the

    11 months ago
    1. L

      The Redwoods are truly majestic. I feel quite lucky to live close enough to enjoy their beauty.

      11 months ago
      1. pkr

        Me to Lauryn. I am blessed.

        11 months ago
  12. Carol

    The closest window provides a look at my back yard which is freshly mowed. I’m thankful that it grew enough this past week to need mowing. It has been down right dangerous to be outside for very long but a cold front moved in yesterday and will keep our temps in the normal temps for a couple of days. Then they predict above normal temps for September. So I guess my look out the closest window makes me wish for rain to ease drought conditions and hamper all the fires that are raging in my country and other countries. Also, a wish to quell the anger and hate that fuels a thirst for power in our human brains.

    11 months ago
  13. Pilgrim

    Outside my double glass doors, I see complete stillness … pretty unusual at this hour. The birds are quiet, the squirrels are not having their races or running up and down the trees, the leaves on all plants and trees utterly still. The morning sun is the brightest I have seen out there in quite some time. I wonder what the beach area will be like when I get there in a bit. In any case, all is gift. Grateful!

    11 months ago
  14. Antoinette

    The sunlight and warm it is.

    11 months ago
  15. m

    The closest window to me is the one in my office. It overlooks the common area of the office that I work in. I am amazed that I even have an office and am working in this position with all these good people. I am surprised that I work in a building with high-level technology, resourceful people, people with compassionate and caring hearts, and just an overwhelming amount of positive energy. I am so grateful to be looking out my office window, taking in the essence of being alive and well, working in my ideal job environment.

    11 months ago

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