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  1. Robin Ann

    When my little world of Friends and family are at peace I feel most content. When I am eating well, exercising or out in nature I am most content.
    Winter is my least favorite season but I do try to bundle up to go out for walks or go cross country skiing. Today there were 3 deer out back and they were not skittish when I tried to get closer. That was a content moment : )

    7 months ago
  2. O.Christina

    Today when my ill father enjoyed the Christmas dinner prepared for him, to sharing the rare time with him. When just being. Peaceful moments and blessings to all of you ✨

    7 months ago
  3. Don Jones

    I wonder if it is only moments that I can feel content? Is it so elusive? Should I even feel content, particularly if I look at the plight of the poor and suffering in the world? I certainly feel blessed, but content, I am not so sure. May the blessings of the season be upon y’all.

    7 months ago
  4. pkr

    Lately I feel the most content when I crawl back into bed (to be warm) with my coffee. I too am in No. California, like Charlie T. & it is cold. Not much house heat here!
    Spending time under the “covers”, I pray, meditate, read spiritual passages & come to this site. This ritual gives me great contentment.☕️
    I also feel content on my long walks in Mother Nature. Her natural wonders are the best.

    7 months ago
  5. Linda

    I feel content when the sun is shining, my husband is doing his thing in the kitchen, and I am free of worry, at least for a little while!

    7 months ago
  6. Emmaleah

    When I am in nature, especially with friends or family, but often alone too, I feel entirely content. I also get overwhelmed with gratitude and contentment when I look at my seven year old son; he is such a blessing.

    7 months ago
  7. Avril

    Late start to the day… I feel most content when I’m not trying to control anyone or anything external to my person. This rolls back to acceptance—it’s definitely a recurring theme for me.

    7 months ago
  8. Barb C

    Sitting down on a comfortable chair or sofa with a cup of hot coffee after a long walk in the cold.
    Waking up and realizing it’s Saturday, or the first day of a vacation.
    Finishing up a big effort at yardwork and gardening and looking at what I accomplished.
    Getting a hug from one of my daughters and holding them extra long because I don’t see them very often.
    Ending a wonderfully written book with a sigh or a smile at the way it ended and feeling full of the world the author created.

    7 months ago
  9. S
    Ana Maria

    Every single day by comining to this site I am reminded to be grateful. All your comments help me center my soul and my goals for the day. I am working on not responding from trauma, to see life in a possitive way. Today my husband and I will gather with my two grown children, my grandchild and my daughter in law. Beautiful souls, they bring me the most joy and biggest blessings. I am content just knowing I will have them at our table celebrating another year. I am blessed. Happy Holidays to all of you dear friends!

    7 months ago
  10. Charlie T

    As I sit here contemplating this question,
    I realize that, the times that I feel the most
    content, usually coincide with warm
    weather. Now, I know many of you live in
    much colder places than N. California,
    But it’s 35° outside this morning and I have
    such a hard time relaxing. It feels like
    something primal in me needs do be alert
    or on guard.
    The effect is noticeable when I travel to
    warmer climates and I can feel myself relax.
    Feel my shoulders drop.
    Feeling content requires intentional effort
    on my part. It’s something that I’m searching
    for and seeking out. Coming to this site is
    part of my practice that is leading to more
    moments of contentment.
    Thank you all for being here. 🙏

    7 months ago
    1. Michele

      Sending you warm FL sunshine rays Charlie.🌞🌴🦚
      Thank you for being here as well:)

      7 months ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      It is not so much that I enjoy living in a cold climate, but I enjoy being warm in a cold climate!

      7 months ago
    3. pkr

      Charlie T., I too am in No. California & it is cold. Not much heat inside my home! It seems over the years it has gotten much colder here in No. Ca. & seems to last longer.
      Happy Christmas.🎄
      Stay warm….☃️

      7 months ago
    4. S
      Ana Maria

      Thank you for your comment Carlie T! I am with you this morning. I too have a hard time relaxing, it is hard for me to break old habits of always being worried. My trauma response seems to be always on. I am working on it. I thank you for always sharing with such bravery! This site is helping me as well. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.

      7 months ago
      1. Nannette

        Thank You, Charlie and Ana Maria….for your truthfulness …I also have trouble with breaking old habits of being worried…and worried about other people…what they are saying …what are they feeling about me…but I have to let go and go on. Happy Holidays…Wishing you well in whatever you are doing.

        7 months ago
        1. S
          Ana Maria

          Blessinigs to you Nannette! May you find peace in the beauty of YOU! Blessings coming your way. Happy Holidays!

          7 months ago
  11. Yram

    I am most content in quiet. I am also very content when in the shower with warm warm invigorating me.

    7 months ago
  12. Josie

    In times of prayer, solitude and out in nature.

    7 months ago
  13. Nannette

    I am most content when I have my dog and two cats and my husband at home..We are all together, safe and happy…what could be better. The time in the morning when I sit in my bed with my tea and read and reply to the daily question…and feel so Blessed to share this space with all of you. Wishing you all a very happy holiday time…alone or with family.

    7 months ago
  14. Journey

    I feel content anytime I think of each of my family members and know they are okay.

    7 months ago
  15. Laura

    I feel content anytime I’m with my daughters — like today! — or good friends.

    7 months ago

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