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  1. Pranaji Nix
    Pranaji Nix
    1 month ago

    Too many…

  2. Anna
    1 month ago

    Brave people, but only those who are brave without longing for supremacy and who know the risks of a humble bravery.

    1. Mary
      1 month ago

      I agree Anna.
      We need a lot more people in this world who are humble
      but not afraid to speak up.
      This is especially important in the toxic politics in the US today.
      But it is also important for me to be brave and speak out about injustice
      and to check my humility.

  3. S R
    S R
    1 month ago

    Right now, all beings is inspiring me, from beings that wake my senses to beings who are challenging my core beliefs to think outside the boxes and letting me to be curious about subject matters that I did not have interest to know about. Need to be educated in and about to be somewhat informed. The staff and founder of grateful living, the previous and the now participants who had or have contributed, myself, ancestors, friends….
    Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. Marcel Proust

  4. A
    1 month ago

    All the different people in my life inspire me in different ways. All my friends, families, and coworkers have unique special characteristics and it’s awesome to feel almost like a melting pot of all the qualities I admire in loved ones. I also of course inspire myself, my commitment to a healthy mind and trying to live my best life

  5. Ose
    1 month ago

    If, it currently might be beside that of God as well my own intention to possibly overcome /let go of deeply imprinted, preverbal existential fear which, when provoked, immedeately and in an instance arrive in reflex-like survival defensive mechanisms onto which i have no control so far, resulting in possibly threatening or hurting others unwillingly. A kind of nowadays absolutely inadequate survival reflex, happening rarely but nevertheless can be very destructive once triggered, even if only happening in my mind. What to do to alter it? I don´t know at all, every intense and manyfold intervention failed so far. So may be it is still God who is my inspiration right now and always.

  6. S
    Suzanne S
    1 month ago

    I have mixed emotions about posting my initial response. While it is my response, my second thought was self-judgment. But here it goes anyway—my answer is me. I am inspiring myself. I am emerging from a season of hardship and loss. Some losses came through death, while others resulted from walking away from people who no longer align with me. It was hard. I was brave. As I settled into a new life, some things have gone well, while others have gone horribly awry. Yet, I am moving forward without shame, overcoming at times crippling fear. It has not been perfect. I keep moving forward in ways that align with my soul and inner knowing.

    Like others, I am also proud of those who stand against tyranny, refuse to back down, and show tremendous bravery while standing up for what is right.

    1. A
      1 month ago

      Your answer is truly inspiring. ❤️ glad to hear you are giving yourself the grace you deserve and moving forward with confidence, overcoming hardships in your way

  7. sparrow51014
    1 month ago

    . . . the people who are speaking out,
    risking their own lives and freedom,
    to bring kindness, decency, and truth
    back into a world that’s gone awry.

  8. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 month ago

    What came to mind for me is the 7 woman celebrating their sobriety along side my daughter at her all women’s AA group. They shared their stories and touched my heart. It was just a beautiful experience and I was so honored to be invited and present my daughter’s 1 year medallion.

  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 month ago

    I have friends that inspire me with their tenacity and toughness, while maintaining their sense of humor and compassion. On the larger stage, it’s the truth tellers. The people that continue to stay involved and witness. As we slide into tyranny, this is becoming more and more important.
    Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, John Stewart are a few of them.

  10. c
    Carol Ann
    1 month ago

    This turned in to a very revealing question for me! I didn’t think I had a particular answer, but then I read all of the community’s reflections, and I came back to the original question…. more reflective, and more open to wondering and reflecting on the people and influences in my life that inspire me. Several answers and dear friends and good people I admire and appreciate came to mind, none more prominent than another in this pondering, and then I thought of a small friendship I am in….. and I realized that this friendship does not inspire me. It may be retarding growth that I want. I”m not certain, but just sitting with these thoughts is provocative right now. as usual, “thank you, Gratefulness and community!”

    and just a small interesting factoid: the roots of the words “inspire” and “enthused” are originally out of the Latin and the Greek- and relate back to the concept of being in the presence or filled with or touched by “Spirit” or (in the case of enthused, “theos”) a god., or the divine…. Some time ago, I was asking for more inspiration, or enthusiasm, and I became interested in the words and just what any difference may be and what was it that I was asking for?? so a little research on the background of the words really really struck me – I was asking to be filled more or closer to spirit or the divine!. I found that inspiring and was very enthused!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks, Grateful. I know I can meander and get a bit convoluted, but I sure appreciate this space and the people here who hold it.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 month ago

      I relate and love your sharing.

  11. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 month ago

    A second answer: Monday I took an all-day training in government-to-government relations from Gordon James, a citizen of the Skokomish Tribe who has been teaching this course for 26 years for the Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs. Never ever have I sat in a room listening to someone talk all day and been so mesmerized. He gave us plenty of breaks and every time he’d say, “Well, it’s been an hour, time for a break” I and everyone else in the room would be surprised because the time had flown by.

    He gave us a very abbreviated but clear and compelling walk through US law, treaties, and what happened over the years to shrink Indian lands and treat Indigenous people as non-citizens. The US government took their lands, their children, their language, their wealth. He talked about how each tribe might differ in its governmental form and approach to decision-making and reminded us to respect the fact that our top priority may not be theirs. A wonderful storyteller with a sense of humor and a calm presence, he inspires me to pause and to respect.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 month ago

      I wish I could have heard his presentation. The indians were so much more spiritually advanced than we when we landed on these shores with our manifest destiny theory!

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 month ago

      Yes, it is very sad to learn about in such detail.

  12. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 month ago

    Those who have stood up against tyranny in the past, those who are standing up today. People organizing rallies. Members of Congress going to government offices that are being seized and ransacked and demanding to be let in. Everyone who is contacting their congressional delegation to ask them to protect our constitutional form of government and prevent vital services from being shut down. Government employees who are backing up vital records before they’re deleted. People speaking up and acting, knowing they’ll be fired for doing so. Everyone who is rising up!

    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
    —Martin Niemöller

    1. sparrow51014
      1 month ago

      I love the quote from Martin Niemoller,
      dear Barb…
      too often
      we don’t speak up
      until it comes for our front door. ♥

      1. Barb C
        Barb C
        1 month ago

        I was reminded by a comment from Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg that we should speak up because we should speak up, not because there’s something in it for us. I hadn’t recognized the self-interest embedded in this statement until she said that. Her BlueSky post
        “Remember. It’s never:

        We fight for (these people) because maybe we’re more at risk if we don’t.

        No more Niemölling.

        We fight because they are coming for anyone.

        Every single person matters.

        Each and every human being’s life and safety is worth the fight.”

      2. Robin Ann
        Robin Ann
        1 month ago

        I do too!!

  13. L
    1 month ago

    Moses Moody – he’s a shooting guard for the Golden State Warriors in his 4th season with the team. He’s a quieter guy, a bench player who for a while wasn’t getting many minutes playing with the team, but, when he did get called into the game, he always showed up with big shots and defensive plays. Everyone always comments on how he “stays ready”. Recently, he’s finally been given more playing time and he still continues to consistently and quietly show up – and everyone is starting to notice. I’m inspired by his motivation, determination and consistency. And at just 22 years old?!? I’m posting a link below to a you tube video where he talks about a speech he wrote in high school so you can get to know him better:

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      1 month ago

      Lauryn, he’s a pretty good young player. I can see him, Jonathan Kuminga, and Brandon Potzinski becoming the Warriors future.

      1. L
        1 month ago

        Yes! And I’m so happy they all survived the trade deadline!

  14. Carol Ann Conner
    1 month ago

    The inspiring staff at and the kind, compassionate and vulnerable people who gather here each day to share their wisdom, their joy and their sorrow with each other. Caring and sharing, planting seeds of gratefulness.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 month ago


    2. Avril
      1 month ago


  15. Carla
    1 month ago

    A wonderful 85 yr old Elder has taught me about gratitude and tenacity for years. There was a time she worked and walked side by side with Madalyn Murray O’Hare. This woman then had a spiritual awakening and long lasting spiritual experiences for over thirty-seven years, and passionately helps others. She will begin hospice care soon. I can’t imagine not seeing her though her energy and spirited voice will live on.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 month ago

      Carla, She is the definition of a true resurrection. Energy does not die it just manifest in a different form. She has planted the seed in every one she has touched with her compassion.

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