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  1. TofuLove75790

    I find that I seem most capable of letting go when I’m in a state of self acceptance and mindfulness so probably that has to do with it. I think part of why I at least can hold onto something that maybe it’s time to let go of is this uncertainty or a lack of optimism about what is there when I do let go — so I think creating more a mindset that sees the positive possibilities helps in letting go also.

    3 weeks ago
  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    For me it is worry of the future. I know I just need to focus on the now so I shall try. Otherwise I feel anxiety about it.

    3 weeks ago
  3. barba

    What do I want to let go of: wanting to please others, my need for recognition and love
    Gratitude: Longing for love was my motivation to explore myself, who I am, what I am. I have found that I can recognize and love myself. Only I can know who and what I am. And I am that without recognition from others or myself.
    And I need all of you. Without you, I don’t exist, there is no life. Experiencing recognition and love feels good and warms.
    So I have to let go of the fear of not being loved, less of the desire.
    Fear has helped me to survive. And that is the most important thing. Everything else is nothing without life. And I couldn’t survive without this fear. Today I no longer need fear. I can rely on myself. My instincts “take care” of my survival. And love is there. Always. Everywhere.

    3 weeks ago
  4. T

    I am ready to let go of the thought that happiness is an attainable end point. I recently heard that happiness I like a vacation destination that we just learn how to visit more frequently. This really sat with me.
    I’m also ready to gratefully let go of my negative thoughts and absolutely ready to stop judging myself for having those thoughts.

    3 weeks ago
  5. Anna

    I am on the path to releasing some difficult thoughts, but I don’t know if I will do so with gratitude. So far I’m only experiencing the hardness. Thanks for this question.
    I’ll think about it.

    3 weeks ago
  6. L

    I know that I’m ready to release all the negative thought patterns the swirl around in my mind, though the question of ‘how’ to do that gratefully, I will need to think about a bit more.

    In reading about the origin of today’s quote, I came across the following quote, also from Randy Pausch, that resonated with me, so I’ll share it here: “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand”

    Happy Sunday all!

    3 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Lauryn, sounds like both the Warriors and Lakers will have to learn to play with the cards dealt to them around Steph Curry and the dual of LeBron and AD respectively. Tough road ahead for both teams.

      3 weeks ago
      1. L

        Agreed! Yes, I think that quote is pretty applicable to both teams this coming season.. .

        3 weeks ago
  7. pkr29022

    By making it my intention to let go with gratefulness. I can set this intention with the aid of prayer, meditation & mindfulness. And being gentle with myself as I try & let go of whatever it is & remember to forgive myself on this journey.
    Happy Sunday All.
    Peace & Love…✌️🩷

    3 weeks ago
  8. Carol Ann Conner

    By committing myself to living in the NOW

    3 weeks ago
  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    This is a hard one. I read somewhere recently
    (Probably here on this site), that no healing
    can happen without forgiveness. At least I
    think that’s what I read. Anyway, I thought
    I was ready to let go of everything,
    but I still find myself clinging. Holding on
    too tightly. Especially to old hurts and
    disappointments. Even my old self image
    needs to be appreciated and let go of, with
    gratitude. I love this question. Letting go
    with gratitude is such a good way to
    release these things. I have gratitude for
    all of it. The good, bad, and otherwise.
    But just like surrender, it’s a daily or even
    minute by minute proposition. I will think
    about this today and come back to it.
    Again and again.

    3 weeks ago
    1. L

      “Even my old self image needs to be appreciated and let go of, with
      gratitude” – yes, this.

      3 weeks ago
    2. Carol Ann Conner


      3 weeks ago
  10. L
    Loc Tran

    I had a lot of sooshie last night, and to no surprise, when I just checked my blood sugar readings, it ballooned right up to 185. I also deal with cankor sores as well, but fortunately, this recent one lasting for almost 2 weeks just ended a couple days ago. Even then, the bacteria is still there. One thing I can let go of gratefully is sweet treats gratefully. A week or 2 goes by fast. Fortunately, there are quite a few fruits and veggies I like such as: cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and cauliflower. Even one day of letting go of sweet treats and eating in smaller portions already makes a world of a difference.

    3 weeks ago
  11. Michele

    Wishing everyone a peaceful relaxing Sunday. – would love to hear ppls serendipity stories, def makes me smile and believe.

    3 weeks ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      One of my favorite things to say is “Serendipity happens to those who are paying attention.” Paying attention and being mindful enables me to notice the connections I think of as serendipitous.

      And then there’s this story about my lost and found glove: Not exactly serendipity but sort of–if I hadn’t walked past just then….

      3 weeks ago
      1. Michele

        I loved reading your blog on your lost and found glove. Thank you.

        3 weeks ago
  12. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    To gratefully let go of something, I change my perspective on what my mind is focused on. For things that are a great trial to achieve, I keep going. However, for things that feel like heavy stones in my mind, it’s better to let them go.

    3 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, of course, being in the present is the best policy. Being stuck in the future is the lesser of the 2 evils. There’s nothing we can do about the past. Simple put, we can never go back. As if the future, we can achieve desired outcomes if we put in the work for as long as our expectations are more realistic.

      3 weeks ago
  13. Yram

    I had a big self discovery. I didn’t know I had to release it but if feels like freedom to name it and work on the healing process. I am grateful to be able to name it, see it for what it is and move on.

    3 weeks ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Yram, Yes, you have to own it before you can let it go!

      3 weeks ago
  14. Patti

    As we get closer to our moving day, I’m finding myself getting sad about leaving our home despite the fact that we don’t like the area we live in and definitely want to move on. I never owned a home before this one, so it will always have a special place in my heart. I will have to shift my focus from the sad part to being grateful that I got to own a home with my soulmate, that we are able to sell it at all in this weird market, that we are able to make some money off of it and put it away until we find our next home. I will thank it and bless it when we pull out of the old farm gate for the last time. August 27th is coming quickly!

    3 weeks ago
    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T

      Sunnypatti, I can relate. I too have just
      moved and there was definitely some
      sadness. And yes, the ability and
      awareness to shift focus, has been a
      helpful tool.

      3 weeks ago
      1. Patti

        It’s always good to remember that we are not alone in the things we experience. Thank you!

        3 weeks ago
    2. Michele

      You sound grateful to me with acceptance and excitement to move on. I will definitely be wishing ya’ll a silent blessing on August 27 for sure!

      3 weeks ago
      1. Patti

        Thank you for helping me recognize it in myself… and for the blessing!

        3 weeks ago
  15. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    I love this question. It seems odd, but I have never looked at letting go of something with gratefulness. When I have released something or someone, I have felt relief more than anything. But to be grateful, that feels very different to me. In this moment, there are several things I could let go of to simplify my life, always looking to streamline , free up energy. I will view this differently, thanks to this question.

    3 weeks ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      For me there’s a little taste of Marie Kondo in today’s question. She describes thanking something before you let it go. Her advice about gifts in particular struck me: that I can appreciate the gesture of the giving and when I don’t need or want the physical gift any more I can let it go without guilt.

      3 weeks ago
      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei

        Thanks for expanding on this idea, Barb. Could the idea of letting go with gratefulness actually make it a joyful experience, a celebration? Perhaps when we are ready and it is our choice.

        3 weeks ago
    2. Carol Ann Conner

      Thank you….food for thought!

      3 weeks ago

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