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  1. i

    calming music, slow breathing and hugging my partner

    12 months ago
  2. Robin Ann

    I take a break, a pause. At work we have a “serenity room” with a message chair , yoga mats and lots of big pillow. Or I go for a walk outside or use our gym for a little while. At home walks in nature and playing with the dogs. On Sunday I saw a Mother deer with her 2 fawns up close. It was such an awe moment in our back yard!

    12 months ago
  3. null

    When I’m busy it can be hard for me to return to the present moment. What often reminds me is a hint of something that’s not as useful that reminds me to come back. Frustration, impatience, judgement, fear, craving. Sometimes these feelings get a bit strong and help me remember that I’m probably getting too wound up. In those moments I stop, breathe and try to remember to let it all go.

    12 months ago
  4. Ms T

    My menopausal bladder! Nothing brings me back to the here and now faster. What did Bette Davis say? ‘Getting old ain’t for sissies.’

    12 months ago
  5. c

    1) recognize that I am far away from present 2) take a deep breath and close my eyes and follow my breath for a few minutes.

    12 months ago
  6. pkr

    Pausing, centering myself & my breath. Making a conscious effort to be mindful of my breathing, helps me stay in the present. Looking out the window or stepping outside & focusing on Mother Nature is a great help too.

    12 months ago
  7. Diane

    Well…as a retired teacher, these days my life is the opposite of busy!! I have a lot of time on my hands and, since re-locating to a new state, have not figured out exactly what I’m supposed to do with it! All this “un-busyness” has actually led to way too much introspection of the not-helpful kind…as Charlie T. so succinctly described.
    But recently I was led to do some playful dancing. I choose meditative/uplifting music and just let myself get lost in the dance. I am dancing with praise, with gratefulness, with joy and I am completely immersed in those moments. This idea was gifted to me by a book I am reading by Fr. Richard Rohr, called “The Divine Dance” and by a song from a CD that I have, “My Friend Hafiz” by The Levins. Hafiz was a 14th century Sufi mystic who wrote beautiful ecstatic poetry. The particular poem/song that inspired me is called “Every Child”.

    “Every child has known God. That’s quite a claim.
    For they don’t know God
    as a ‘God of Names’ as a ‘God of Don’ts’ a ‘God of Shame,’
    of stormy moods or any strange behavior. Not a king or a queen, a giant, tyrant or savior.
    But every child knows God. Not as someone you can see,
    But the God who only knows four words:

    Come Dance with me! Come Dance with me!
    Come Dance! Come Dance! Come Dance!
    —with me. Oh, Come Dance with me!”

    ~Om Shanti friends…have a playful day! 🙏

    12 months ago
    1. Pilgrim

      This is beautiful, my Friend. Thank you so much for sharing.

      12 months ago
    2. Laura

      Love this!

      12 months ago
  8. Carol

    Mindfulness helps me return to the present moment. It is so very different from Mind-Filled-ness. I have to pause and ask myself: Am I present to what I’m actually doing or are the voices in my head in a heated discussion about anything but what I’m doing?…or maybe that saboteur that dwells there is telling me I can’t do anything right…or maybe my head’s in the past trying to change what can’t be changed…or the future reading the crystal ball with unwarranted authority! Sometimes there is so much fighting and fleeing going on in my head that I’m anything but present. My mentor blessed me with the term “participant observer” many years ago before the practice of mindfulness was all the rage. I have found it quite helpful because it re-minds (what a wonderful word!) me. It helps me to bring my body into the equation, to recognize when I’m tense and need to pause and ask myself, What’s going on? What’s my mind up to?

    12 months ago
    1. Diane

      Carol…..your response resonates deeply with me. Thank you for sharing so much of what I struggle with and for “re-minding” (I agree…great word!) me to practice the sacred pause.

      12 months ago
  9. Barb C

    Going for a walk around my neighborhood loop, which is just the right size to do a couple of laps, look at trees and sky, listen to birds, admire my neighbor’s beautiful flowers, maybe smile at someone walking their dog. It’s a reset button.
    On my desk I keep a rock with three faces on which I’ve inked the words breathe, inhale, exhale. Sometimes I look at that and take a couple of extra deep breaths.

    12 months ago
    1. Carol

      Love the use of the rock!

      12 months ago
  10. A
    Ann Smith

    My dog.

    12 months ago
  11. Pilgrim

    Breathing. Slowly. With a very long exhale. Repeat as needed.

    12 months ago
    1. Diane

      Good morning Pilgrim….I hope that this day will bring you peace as you practice your breathing. I have a sticker on my laptop that says “Inhale, Exhale, Relax”. But sadly, I often forget to heed that advice that is right in front of me! Thank you for the reminder!
      Have a blessed day friend 🙏

      12 months ago
  12. Yram

    I do not have a full or part time job. I am what they call retired. My busyness is what I consciously put into my waking hours. I know I’m too busy when I can’t remember what I am to do next. The things that pulls me into the present is: notifications, a stuff turtle to slow down, positive sticky notes, my need for rest, and others in my life.

    12 months ago
  13. Charlie T

    My practices are my reminders to
    come back the the present moment
    again and again. Catching myself
    re-living past situations over and over
    for no other reason than to beat myself
    up. Or anxiously living in some terrible
    future. A future that in all probability
    won’t happen.
    I feel like this is the benefit of meditation.
    Bringing awareness to my thoughts.

    12 months ago
    1. Laura

      Thank you, Charlie.

      12 months ago
    2. Diane

      “Catching myself
      re-living past situations over and over
      for no other reason than to beat myself
      up. Or anxiously living in some terrible
      future. A future that in all probability
      won’t happen.”
      You have perfectly described my own brain Charlie. I am encouraged by your sharing…thank you.

      12 months ago
  14. O.Christina

    First thought was of course to come back to observing my breath. But is it really so ? This is what i know works very well to come back to the moment and which is to be remembered when dear ones with whom i might be, seem to get lost a bit, for what reason ever. In the same time, what seems to be even helpful to me is to remember that gratefulness is not a feeling but an inner mindset towards life, as Br. David once has mentioned. Even when too busy, bringing this truth to my awareness immediately starts regulating what might need to be regulated in my approach to the world in a given moment, too busy, too distracted, even when angry or sad. It really helps bring things into perspective and the moment becomes just the warmhearted moment with some light shining again.

    12 months ago
    1. Carol

      Thank you, O.Christina

      12 months ago
  15. Nannette

    My first reaction was ” I don’t understand this question”…and then I read two other responses and so far …that is what other’s are saying. I thought if I read other reactions…I could figure it out. Not wanting to look further…is that cheating? I would be taking what other’s think and voicing my thoughts based on theirs?
    I am not sue what constitutes life being busy. I am retired now…and as some say “Living the Dream”. My world is never “busy”…I am busy cleaning the house, or cooking, or working on the property- weeding, mowing..etc. Busy taking care of my husband and animals, taking care of our home. I may not always be “in the moment” as I would like to be- but I am always so grateful for my life and what has been given and shared with me. I thank God for my life which could have been so very different…I thank those that helped me when I was alone and afraid. Today, right now, in this moment..I am Blessed beyond measure. I have another day to live, a day to share my love and help wherever I can. I day to tell my husband that I love him and hug my animals. When I am busy…my mind knows to be grateful…and a silent prayer is said. Blessings one and all!!
    Now…I will read other responses and think…where oh where did I come up with what I said! 🙂

    12 months ago
    1. Barb C

      Nannette, I don’t think reading what others have to say is cheating at all! This is a community and engaging with each other grows our gratitude practice whether you read others before or after you write your own response. I go back and forth between those approaches.

      12 months ago
    2. Yram

      Thank you! You expressed what was swirlinging my head. I, too, don’t think I’m busy but others do. My challenge is to stay conscious and not do things automatically.

      12 months ago

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