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  1. Keena Barbour
    Keena Barbour
    5 months ago

    I am currently in a CNA class in a long term care facility and as soon as I am licensed I will be able to work literally anywhere in Indiana that needs CNAs (which is everywhere).

  2. Lydia 50952
    5 months ago

    I have developed a fear of driving, because I hardly drive anymore, yet used to love it. So I have taken on a drive to the coast this morning to overnight with a friend. It’s only about an hour, but I am anxious and wish I hadn’t decided on this. Yet I know I must keep saying yes, to driving, to being independent – my husband is 82 and I have been with him so long (I am much younger) that I can’t imagine life without him. But I know one day he will travel on away from me, and I so want to make a good life beyond that. If I can get back to happy driving I can be a blessing to others in our community, for hospital trips, shopping etc., and I try to keep this in mind and – get in the car! Thanks and hope you all have a good day!

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    5 months ago

    Life is inviting me to grow with compassion lately for others. My grandson’s father committed suicide 7 years ago and his significant other at the time recently published a book this week about it. My daughter ordered it and read it all tonight. She said it answered a lot of questions but I really felt uncertain if she should be reading it right now at all. I will also order the book and hope it brings closure somehow to many. What I do know is that he was so young and it was very very tragic. My grandson was only 6 at the time. His Dad suffered from depression and addiction and was only 26 when he died. Sorry for the sad post but it was utmost on my mind tonight.

    1. Yram
      5 months ago


  4. Antoinette88615
    5 months ago

    Now I’m going to add a reflection to the question. Today I see that I still hold onto pain from the past relationship with my mother . I know she’s getting older and is struggling with all the things she’s going through, but when she screams at me a lot of the past comes up and it’s hard to deal with . I have CPTSD and I thought by meditating everyday I wouldn’t have it anymore .
    I think that life is inviting me to be patient and kinder to myself and others.
    I’m in a hurry to heal and be better, in fact I don’t have time for it! I am trying so hard that I get in the way of trusting the process. I also don’t want to ever see that little girl I used to be when I lived with my mom. I don’t want to deal with her fear and anxiety. But here she was today when my mom threw a fit and got me all tied up inside with emotions.
    Thank you for listening. I’ll keep letting go and be patient with whatever is coming up. Slow down and allow the time it takes, growing can be painful too.

    1. Anna
      5 months ago

      Dear Antonietta, I join you.
      I find myself in a really difficult moment, from this point of view. My mother suffers from Alzheimer’s disease and she lives near me.
      During my treatment I am unable to have sweet gestures with her, because she did not give me caresses or kisses.
      I know that she was also influenced by her mother, a very strict woman.
      I should see the good, but it’s hard, or at least, if I use my rational mind I can admit it, but it’s extremely hard to feel it.
      I often feel lost and I admit it, dear O. Christine and Robin Ann, but I have not yet walked your path.
      I take care of her, of course, she helped me with my two children when they were little, but it’s not that easy, Antoinette.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      5 months ago

      Dearest Antoinette, I look back and feel that both my parents in their own way did some emotional damage when I was younger in the way they communicated or did not. What helped me was thinking about their families when they were growing up. Once that became a bit clearer I was able to deal with it better. I actually realized that my father liked to “shame” people and addressed it. He said he did!! All I can say is that he must have learned it growing up and for that it allows me to feel sad and deal with it or not. I have the choice now, as I didn’t when i was younger. Just my 2 cents on what has helped me. Thinking of you and wishing you much peace.

    3. Ose
      5 months ago

      May you feel warmly embraced, too, dear Antoinette, and be held. in His Love also, so that the fear you might be rememebered in and caught up may appear clearly as what it seems to be when listening to your pain: ghosts of fear of the past that keep you in wires. Many many years ago, gratefully inspired by a suggestion of a dear friend, I could write a letter where I thanked my mother from my heart for what was good and supportive and helpfully offered from her, which was a lot, focussing on just that. It deeply touched her and she wept and said: “and I thought I did all wrong” – which opened up the closed doors of our both hearts from then on, so that when she was to come to pass through the veil of time, I could finally be there for her and with her in tender loving care. May blessings be, my dear.

  5. Emmaleah46781
    5 months ago

    I believe I am being invited to “let go” and trust that all will be well. I am currently having a very hard time doing so, but I think that’s my lesson.

    1. Ose
      5 months ago

      A warm embrace, dear Emmaleah. To trust that all will be weill… I am with you in this, and deep down, I know, it will, and is, no matter what. May all Love be with you, dear friend.

      1. Emmaleah46781
        5 months ago

        Thank you O. Cristina 🙏
        I appreciate your kind words 😊

    2. Antoinette88615
      5 months ago

      This is all of our lessons . Thanks for saying this. 🙏

  6. hanuman37701
    5 months ago

    Life has given me so much on daily basis. She continues to ask me to grow every day, I just have to see it and not turn away. Just being aware of the conflicts and struggles around the world can make me sad and depressed. But, Thank God, I have been given the ability to pray and send all of Gods love that can flow through me to all in need. Most importantly to give love and kindness to those that God presents to me on the street, in the market, around the neighborhood.

  7. C
    Carly J
    5 months ago

    In my capacity to love with no control.

  8. Nannette
    5 months ago

    I have to make a comment regarding the other day’s question (2 days ago). I had not slept all night …thinking about my imperfections….and the daily question was just about that…”imperfections”. I want to thank Loc Tran, Deann and Joseph for your kind replies to me. I am so very grateful for this site and all of you..What a wonderful support you all are…You make me want to be a better person…and I pray that I am on my way to being that person. It is a beautiful day here in central West Virgina. A chilly start…but I know it is going to be super warm today. Sending love to all of you!! Thank you for your graciousness, kindness and wisdom!!

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Anytime, Nannette.

  9. Yram
    5 months ago

    The growth for me now is to trust in the process and to not be afraid of my intuition.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Yram, I’m familiar with the song and dance. When the going gets tough, it’s easy to get swayed into the crowd when they tell us that we’re wrong. It turns out 9 out of every 10 times that the gut is right. That’s a very high likelyhood. It took time, trials, and tribulations. As I trusted my gut more, I’ve noticed myself being able to let go easier, get better sleep, and interact with others more confidently. A saying I learned from my childhood idol, Kobe Bryant is “Doubt kills dreams.”

      1. Yram
        5 months ago

        Thank you!

  10. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 months ago

    My life is growing towards calmness.
    This inward journey is fascinating and
    I’m learning a lot along the way.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Charlie, I resignate with this post. We become more proactive as we age. There’s an old Vietnamese saying on how garlic becomes spicier as it ages. It means that the older; the wiser. It all comes from the idea in eastern cultures of honoring our elders.

  11. Nannette
    5 months ago

    Life is inviting me to take charge of my decisions!! Go Forward and Grow!

  12. Avril
    5 months ago

    I was under the weather for the last few days. I had nasal and throat surgery. I spent a few days convolescing at home. Life is inviting me to appreciate rest and to find more balance between my up and down activities. I tend to go on all cylinders. I have appreciated savoring ease.

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Wishing you a speedy recovery Avril.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      5 months ago

      Feel better soon!

    3. Barb C
      Barb C
      5 months ago

      Healing thoughts as you throttle back, Avril.

    4. Yram
      5 months ago

      A lesson in everything!

    5. Nannette
      5 months ago

      Wishing you a speedy recovery, Avril. Take your time, rest and recover. Bless You.

  13. Pilgrim
    5 months ago

    Patience and kindness toward myself, rather than erupting in frustration over perhaps simple things. Too much alone time, I think. Better to spend time in reading and creative enterprise.

  14. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 months ago

    Right now, life is inviting me to grow in singing. Although I used to justify not singing for my family much due to college homework, the summer break has arrived. Alongside self-study, I know I should resume practicing singing, one of the innate gifts God has given me. It’s timely, as my mother-in-law’s cousin just gave me a new wireless microphone.

  15. L
    Loc Tran
    5 months ago

    1. Wake up
    2. Answer the daily question
    3. Eat
    4. Play
    5. Part-time piano jobs
    6. Sleep

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