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  1. M
    Mary-Ann Enthoven

    A sky full of clouds, all shapes and sizes with the sun trying to get through it over the mountains as I drive!

    6 months ago
  2. O.Christina

    Fresh tea releasing its fine scent into the slightly cool morning air while enjoying it´s refreshing, body- and heartwarming gift.

    6 months ago
  3. Dolores Kazanjian

    The beautiful mountain ash in my front yard. I have always tried to fill my home with beautiful things to look at, but we are having a lot of work done so a lot of the house is upside down, but it will be great when finished.

    6 months ago
  4. pkr

    Glorious Redwood Trees….✨

    6 months ago
  5. Emmaleah

    The ocean, the sunrise, my son.

    6 months ago
  6. Barb C

    The sky, the trees, leaves starting to bud out on some, puffs of light green lichen adorning the branches of the trees closest to me like cotton balls. We’ve moved to a different AirBnB as our home remodeling project drags on so it’s a different view than I had at the first one. Yesterday I went for a walk and saw beautiful mosses on stone walls and crocuses blooming. Spring?!

    6 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Yes to spring……….a bit off at this elevation Barb, but we are in the beginning of mud season!

      6 months ago
  7. Josie

    The morning fog outside my prayer window. On this traditional cross-quarter date, I am being blessed with new insights into ways darkness is moving toward light in my life on this Candlemas Day.🕯

    6 months ago
    1. Michele

      Happy Imbolc Day!

      6 months ago
  8. Pilgrim

    The great outdoors always calls to me first. The light comes in slowly, and I expect the birds will be moving into view soon. I have heard a few chirps. and spotted a couple of squirrels. Indoors, I have the mantles decorated a bit for Valentine’s Day. I did it more simply this year, and am enjoying both the colors and the simplicity. Have a great day!

    6 months ago
  9. Carol

    The sun is shining brightly this morning through my home office after many days of gray skies and heavy fog.

    6 months ago
  10. Charlie T

    My beautiful cat Pumpkin.
    She is amazingly beautiful in so many
    ways. Her eyes alone, are incredibly
    beautiful and worthy of much attention.

    6 months ago
    1. Michele

      I feel the exact same way with my Daphne.

      6 months ago
  11. D

    Light. The rising sun, or when it peeks between the clouds and washes everything with brilliant color. At the end of the day when the dimming glow in the sky still illuminates your path while hiking home. A single light or campfire in the dark countryside. A star filled sky. So much warmth and beauty.

    6 months ago
  12. Nannette

    The Louisiana Bayou outside my window…we have come to this spot every winter for a day or two or 7 …and how we enjoy watching this water.

    6 months ago
  13. Yram

    The light of the day that illuminates what the dark hid.
    A tiny spider on the blind caught my attention. The way the lighting was accentuated its tiny legs was breathing. I often wondered how they walk with all those legs an I stumble with two.

    6 months ago
  14. Ngoc Nguyen

    It’s my cellphone wallpaper. The picture features me and a little cute puppy from my visit to my hometown. Her name is Udon. I don’t know how she knows that I am part of the family, even though she joined us after I had already moved to the U.S. I met her once, and when I saw her again after a year, she still remembered me. It’s sweet to enjoy the picture of her and me, highlighting how adorable and friendly she is.

    6 months ago
  15. Avril

    Since I am starting late this morning, there are so many: my kittens, my daughter twilighting in the bed… Right now, what stands out is the picture of my spiritual teacher and I in India last fall. Her face radiates the light of the Divine Mother.

    6 months ago

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