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  1. Anna

    Mu husband, my children, without doubts.

    7 months ago
  2. Dolores Kazanjian

    Without question, my husband. He has enriched my life and made it happier in so many ways. Now, as we grow older and face issues of aging, to be in this together is a blessing beyond words.
    And, I thought I wanted no part of marriage. I had no examples of a good marriage in my immediate family nor my extended family. I had a wonderful career and a good life. But he persuaded me otherwise, and I am so glad he did. I married late – well into my forties and we have been together for 43 years and, God willing, hoping for more.
    I have to add, of course, the many four-legged buddies who have given me unconditional love, affection, comfort and who never fail(ed) to make me smile.

    7 months ago
  3. Robin Ann

    Many family and friends over the years. When I need it the most someone has been there for me : )

    7 months ago
  4. Pilgrim

    My daughters and their partners. My grandparents, now deceased. My granddaughter.

    7 months ago
  5. Linda

    My husband’s. He is unwavering in his love and support for me. We have been together over 35 years and every day is still a joy for us.

    7 months ago
  6. Charlie T

    My lovely wife Elena, showed me love
    when I felt unlovable. Also, the love of
    friends has been transformative.
    Something that I have learned is,
    it’s important to give love, to get love.
    For me, this is how it works. Letting
    people know how important they are
    to me, primes the pump for love to flow.

    7 months ago
  7. Journey

    When I was 8 years old I developed an auto-immune condition that resulted in body scars that are really hard to look at. As well, my entire right side is thinner and weaker than my left, to say I look awful is an understatement. While my parents love me deeply, I never thought I would find a guy who would love and accept my physical appearance. Then at 19 I fell in love with someone who magically fell in love with me. We have been together for 31 years and married for 26. He treats me like a princess. He loves me everyday in everyway. My mum told me when I was first diagnosed with this illness, she was crying in the bathroom at work because she was worried I would live my life alone, a co-worker entered the bathroom and saw her crying and talked to my mom and told her not to worry and that an angel would enter her daughter’s life and he did. My husband’s love is unending and selfless and has made a difference to my very existence. Instead of surviving, I am thriving.

    7 months ago
    1. Mary Mantei

      Thank you for touching my heart, Journey.

      7 months ago
    2. Michele

      love this, thank you for sharing.

      7 months ago
    3. Robin Ann

      I love your beautiful story. I so wish this for my daughter too. Thank you for sharing

      7 months ago
      1. Journey

        Your daughter will find her angel too.

        7 months ago
    4. Anna

      Journey, thank you for your touching story!

      7 months ago
  8. O.Christina

    So many, my family, of origin as well as the chosen, my beloved sister, some dear friends of long, having accompanied each other in loving, kind and true friendship almost all our lives, my teachers of once, especially my teacher in arts at school who was so dedicated and my teacher in my profession of long, you who share here of course, my boss who always tries his best to help me on when stuck or desperate about unsolved stuff, as of yesterday when through creative intervention, some really old sticky stuff came to an end and where I bow in deep gratefulness for the understanding that arose and made an end to a really childlike, so far unsolved perspective, as well as dear friends in heart, my Godson who always is close to my heart, and so many more who through their love made a difference. To all I am deeply grateful.

    7 months ago
  9. Laura

    My mom’s, definitely, and the love I have for my daughters.

    7 months ago
  10. Yram

    A multitude of people from immediate family and friends to authors and artists.

    7 months ago
  11. Mary Mantei

    My husband, hands down. We have been together 53 years, 50 of those years in marriage. Since we met so young, neither of us really knew who we were as individuals. We grew up together. Career-wise, athlete-wise, human-wise, partner-wise, my evolution took place in partnership with Peter. Always, he has and continues to believe in me, he is my biggest cheerleader in life. In reflection, it is quite remarkable, and I am so aware and grateful.

    7 months ago
  12. Josie

    God’s unconditional love manifested in & through caring, faithful family & friends….angels of all kinds.

    7 months ago
  13. Michele

    My Mom’s – miss her so much.
    My grandmother’s (Nanny and Mom-Mom)
    My kids.
    The love and kindness from everyone on this website.
    Happy Sunday everyone:)

    7 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      And a Happy Sunday to you Michele!

      7 months ago
  14. sunnypatti

    God’s love. My husband and my parents. And on this one year anniversary of the loss of my soul cat, BC’s love. BC will always be in my heart, but that cat went thru a divorce, multiple moves, many tears and many joys, carrying me into my new chapter where I am surrounded by love in my home by not just my husband, but our two dogs, Ruger and Reese. I do still miss my BC though 🐈‍⬛💚

    7 months ago
    1. Michele

      Loving kindness to you on your anniversary of BC. BC was lucky to have you.

      7 months ago
      1. sunnypatti

        Thank you my fellow cat lover!

        7 months ago
  15. Joseph McCann

    That is a simple question with no pondering needed. My lovely wife Cheryl.

    7 months ago

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