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  1. TofuLove75790

    Being fully present. I also find happiness in helping others and compassion. I like being able to really understand some else’s emotional experience and from that understanding know how to relate to them in a way that offers something positive for them and for me also. I find I’m happy in a state of expansiveness vs being really cautious or timid almost — like being able to just fully breathe in and say YES to life and the moment brings me a kind of elated happiness.

    3 weeks ago
  2. E
    Emilia Y

    I love hanging out with my friends and after dancing after I’ve worked really hardest it fells so good to know that I did well and collapsing in bed after.

    4 weeks ago
  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    I read this last night and loved it:
    The rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun
    does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.
    Living for others is a rule of nature. We are born to help each other. No matter how difficult
    It is…life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.
    ~Pope Francis.
    I think of our special community, we are here to support and help each other. Namaste!

    4 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Very well said, Robin. It’s very easy to get stuck on 1st world problems in the 21st century. We become attached to the good things offered to us in the present that we lose track of what got us here in the first place. When we’re able to help someone, we benefit 2 instead of 1. That adds up the more we help others. A little goes a long ways.

      4 weeks ago
  4. Ose

    Meditation and music regularly. More space? Just doing it 😉🎶🙏 Best time is all time, but at least early morning every day and possibly in the eveniing also. Just finding my way with it, currently work in progress to establish it regularly, unfolding happiness, stillness and space, while the sounds come and go, and come again. So beautiful. Thank you!💖

    4 weeks ago
  5. s
    siren siren

    having a good day with my husband makes me happy in the entire day. I hope we can manage to communicate way more and to have each other’s back thru all the times.

    4 weeks ago
  6. P
    Priyanka Krishnamoorthy

    Helping others makes me happy.
    Being with loved ones makes me happy.
    And doing the work I love makes me happy.

    4 weeks ago
  7. pkr29022

    Spending time in Mother Nature makes me happy. Walking in the great outdoors, listening to Jerry Garcia, checking out all the flowers, trees & birds as I walk merryly along. So happy to be outside.
    Sunrise, sunset, the moon all makes me happy.
    Music, good books, good conversation all makes me happy. There is a lot that makes me happy. Happiness is an inside job. I think Wayne Dyer wrote that…..❤️😊☕️

    4 weeks ago
    1. Michele

      ‘listening to Jerry Garcia’ made me smile instantly

      4 weeks ago
    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Yes PKR, “listening to Jerry Garcia.” He died on my birthdate Aug. 9. Same date that Nixon left office after resigning on the 8th,

      4 weeks ago
    3. Carol Ann Conner

      PKR August 19 is a Super Moon/Blue Moon…don’t miss it!

      4 weeks ago
  8. Barb C
    Barb C

    Riding my bike makes me happy and yet I don’t do that every day. Today I’ll be going into my workplace away from home to be with colleagues and welcome our new intern. I get to ride there, enjoy human interaction with good colleagues, and eat delicious pizza for lunch–all happy-making! I don’t want to ride as an assignment and yet this question makes me realize that if I went out for a bike ride at lunchtime it would make me happy and refresh me for the afternoon’s work. I may start scheduling that a bit.

    I started scheduling happiness by signing up for dancing classes with my husband. We started this in January and have kept going with just one short break. Tonight we go to a combined waltz/swing class we’ve been taking this month. We turn it into a date by going out for dinner afterwards at one of our favorite places. I love our downtown–very walkable and bikeable. We bike home along the water, looking to see whether the tide is in or out and watching for great blue herons and other birds. Sometimes we spot a seal.

    I also haven’t gone to the nearby big forested park as often as I did in the last couple of years of living here. That’s another lunch break option. I take short walks around our neighborhood loop which is good movement but not the same as being surrounded by trees and breathing in the oxygen as they make it. Prescription: More time in nature.

    4 weeks ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Oh, and Past me made Today Me very happy by walking to the neighborhood bakery yesterday and getting an almond croissant to have for breakfast. Yum!

      4 weeks ago
  9. Carol Ann Conner

    What makes me happy? How can I make more space for it in my daily life?
    Right now loneliness is taking up a lot of space in my daily life. I assume it is part of the grieving process. I can’t say that I am unhappy but I can’t say that I am happy either. What makes me happy? People being kind to each other. People being non-judgmental. Watching my plants grow. Cooking and sharing something tasty with others. Hugs and smiles. I do my best to make space for these things in my daily life.

    4 weeks ago
  10. L
    Loc Tran

    Quality time with Ngoc, going on walks with my family, and learning a new song on the piano makes me happy. Ngoc and I have more than plenty of time at our disposal. My family goes on walks twice per day on average, and we have great opportunity to be out in nature in the warmer months. Learning new music gives me more material to perform at my piano performing jobs. I may use piano for fun, but I most certainly have a lot to offer. I take my time off to learn new music. Classical music is easier with a bigger chunk of time off. I learn music by ear, but it certainly takes more than one time of listening. For classical, I learn by reading sheet music putting the book under the video magnifier. That style requires perfection, because we’re learning from the greats such as: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Hyden, Chopin, and Schubert.

    4 weeks ago
  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    As I wrote down a bunch of things that
    “make me happy” and I thought about the
    state of happiness, I am tempted to think
    about this state like any other state, just
    a cloud passing over. Not to be judged or
    grasped, but noticed and appreciated.
    I would rather think of this, as ways to
    expose myself to more joy. Now, how
    exactly I go about this is the challenge.
    One way, is to expose myself to less misery
    and not to (as said by one of you)
    “borrow troubles”. The other way is to be
    more open and receptive to joy. And yes,
    making more time for things that bring me joy.

    4 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Charlie, politics is a perfect example of misery. Welcome to the 21st century. Political extremism is only on the rise. Both the far left and right are constantly fighting for power. I see trash everywhere. Exposing ourselves to more joy such as: family, friends, and building connections with people is one way we can clean out that trash.

      4 weeks ago
    2. Barb C
      Barb C

      Such an important insight, Charlie. “This too shall pass” applies to happiness. Even if I make more space in my life for things that make me happy I’m not guaranteed happiness.

      4 weeks ago
  12. Yram

    This site and all the reflections
    The variety of produce
    Another day
    Connecting with others
    Sounds of young voices
    Getting a good hand at pinochle or any game I play.
    Learning something I didn’t know before

    4 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Yram, I feel very compatible with members on this site. As far as young people go, I haven’t gotten up there yet, but based on 2nd hand experience, it’s nice to get energy from them after being surrounded by our contemporaries all day all night complaining about how this hurts that hurts. On one hand, we’d feel bad for our contemporaries. On the other hand, we’re also being dragged down. That part reminds me of Robin’s comment on Antoinette’s post and my response to Robin relating to training the brain to do more positive thinking.

      4 weeks ago
  13. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    Yeah, eating! Eating is one thing that makes me happy because it’s not just about tasting food, but also about gathering and sharing delicious meals with my loved ones. When we’re at the table, many topics come up; agreements and disagreements. Overall, it’s a time for open perspectives and understanding each other. Luckily, my family and I eat together every day!

    4 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, food has a way of bringing people closer. It reminds me of standard Vietnamese gatherings and parties.

      4 weeks ago
  14. Avril

    So many things make me happy. Spending time with family, friends, and pets. I love being outside. I think it’s easy to get sucked into the mundane. I have been diligent about scheduling time with those I love to have lunch or coffee and to get outside. It’s a matter of prioritizing and not letting too much water go under the bridge.

    4 weeks ago
  15. Nannette

    It makes me happy to be alive!! Being alive and seeing another day is truly a gift that makes me happy. I find happiness in looking out my windows and realizing that everyone’s eyes see something different. Some folks wake up in apartments where they cannot see the outside, some wake up in cells, some wake up to see green pastures and cows, chickens, sheep,! Some wake up to a green area full of trees and birds singing. Although not every sight is glorious…we are all given another day in which to give of ourselves and be grateful. My happiness is looking at my home, sitting with my animals…and always feeling love (and some impatience 🙂 with my husband. Look out wherever you are…and truly SEE!! God’s Blessings to one and all.

    4 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Nannette, great answer, especially seeing your situation. Coming from the mental health area, I’m all too familiar with people being depressed, living under stress, anxiety, and even hearing about suicides. It’s very easy to take everyday for granted.

      4 weeks ago

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