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  1. O.Christina

    Right now, this day with sparkling fresh snow, dimming the noises. The bunch of flowers right in front of me, my coffee, in fact all which is perceived around. Pure wonder.

    7 months ago
  2. Robin Ann

    Our first real snow of the season is beautiful. I had a nice drive into work with a pretty sunrise with lots of pink/orange colors in the sky and the snow glistening as the sun rose over the fields. I do love the 4 seasons, winter the least but I do love the snow how it cleanses the earth.

    7 months ago
  3. Ben

    I am about to go down to the beach and swim in the never-ending waves.
    I know the waves are physics… I consider the waves and how they formed and physics miracles.
    Have a great day everyone!!

    7 months ago
  4. Nannette

    I am experiencing my winter travel right now. We are in S.C. near Columbia for 2 more days. The weather is a bit cold and gray 45 degrees…but I have the miracle of a lake next to my campsite…and the birds and squirrels…and later this afternoon…I know I will get to see an armadillo..all miracles of this great creation…and me! Surely, my life, my being is indeed a miracle. So happy to be here today.

    7 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Nice to read your reflection Nannette.

      7 months ago
  5. Charlie T

    Sitting here in my warm little house, on
    this cold January morning, watching
    the rising sun, light up the clouds for
    another beautiful display of colors.
    The leaf bare trees silhouetted against
    the colorful sky are now being lit up
    In flaming reds and oranges as the low
    sun hits them. Birds waking up and
    starting their day. And it all starts again.
    I start again. Another breath. Another

    7 months ago
  6. Carol

    Thich Nhat Hanh in the book Your True Home said, “Around us, life bursts forth with miracles — a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, raindrops. If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere. Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles. Eyes that see thousands of colors, shapes and forms; ears that hear a bee flying or a thunderclap; a brain that ponders a speck of dust as easily as the entire cosmos; a heart that beats in rhythm with the heartbeat of all beings. When we are tired and discouraged by life’s daily struggles, we may not notice these miracles, but they are always there.”

    I’m extremely grateful to have been given this day. Life itself is a miracle and a mystery. The problem is we often focus on the mystery and forget the miracle!

    7 months ago
  7. sunnypatti

    My life, my body, and the breath!

    7 months ago
  8. Journey

    I am experiencing the miracle of healing. Today is 2 months since my Eczema attack began and I am believing that I am healing every day and that the healing has begun inside and will manifest outside very soon. I’ve mentioned before that I was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition at 8 years and in addition to a lot of body scarring and muscle reduction, the doctors told my parents I had 1 year to live. I will be 50 years this year and have a full life with a wonderful husband, son, career (though I recently lost my job), friends, family, home. I have been witnessing the miracle of my life, of my being alive well past the timeframe I was initially given. My current eczema is just a small small issue in the overall miracle that is my life.

    7 months ago
  9. Kevin

    Watching the sun slowly melt ice crystals on the trees outside. It looks like a momentary Wonderland.

    7 months ago
  10. Mary Mantei

    Initially, I thought, my breath. And then quickly, I thought my entire body. And then all the other life forms in my life. I thought to myself, today, I want to remember I am amongst miracles constantly.

    7 months ago
  11. Yram

    Everything about life. The workings in my body to get me up in the morning!

    7 months ago
  12. Avril

    I love when the question brings me into awareness of something that I was disconnected from. I’m gazing out the bedroom window. I have a beautiful balcony that overlooks my wooded yard. It’s so quiet right now. It’s a Monday, but you can just feel the tingling of people beginning to wake up. I can hear cars a few miles away on the road. And just the first tinge of pink in the sky. It’s an east facing window. So now I’m gonna situate myself here and enjoy a sunrise. Every single sunrise is a miracle.

    7 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      It is a rare sunrise that I do not witness Avril. Thank you.

      7 months ago
    2. Josie

      Beautiful, Avril. Thank you

      7 months ago
  13. Michele

    A new day.

    7 months ago
  14. Joseph McCann

    My own presence in this very moment. I have been bestowed great fortune despite the self-sabotaging, (therapy parlance) behavior I have practiced throughout certain times of my life. I am grateful.

    7 months ago
  15. EJP

    The miracle of this new day.

    7 months ago

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