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  1. K

    I could incorporate more moments of rest into my daily life by meeting myself where I am at. Instead of setting my expectations too high I can just meet me where I am at and meditate, do yoga, and just allow myself to be in the moment instead of pushing to be better at all times.

    1 year ago
  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    I know I do need to push myself for more rest and have lately. Taking more naps when I feel exhausted. My son bought a used outdoor Juccuzzi a few months ago and it is up and running. I took advantage of a little while ago with cooler temps the past few nights. Thanks for the reminder to do more for myself in the way of rest!!

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      One day I hope to have a Jacuzzi out on my lanai to relax in. Enjoy:)

      1 year ago
  3. Linda72766

    I allow myself the luxury of taking an afternoon nap when I feel tired. Sometimes I just lay there, but it gets me off my feet (and my phone and computer) and my body appreciates the respite.

    1 year ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      I do the same lately when I feel exhausted!!

      1 year ago
  4. Barb C
    Barb C

    This question is a good reminder of something I’ve done at times in my work day but haven’t done for a while. I have a sit/stand desk so I do vary my position, and I go for a few laps of walking around our neighborhood once or twice a day. But nothing quite compares with lying down on the floor and putting my feet up on my chair for a few minutes. Everything releases into the ground, the elevation of my feet gives me new energy, and once the cracking and popping sounds of an older body settling into gravity’s hold finish, it’s quite peaceful.

    1 year ago
  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    This is a good question, as I find
    myself tired much of the time. Making
    time during my workday, to close my
    eyes and take a few breath’s,
    might be possible.

    1 year ago
  6. Carol Ann Conner

    The body does not experience quality rest if the mind is not at rest. I pause throughout the day to observe what my mind is telling me. We all have a lot of voices (self-talk) in our heads and a lot of it isn’t healthy. I heard a speaker say, “Sometimes, I have to put on the metaphorical coffee pot and call a board meeting of those self talk voices and remind them that I’m chairman of the board.”

    I’m retired so I have plenty of time to stop and rest but if my body is in knots, if I am tense from pain or any other concern I’m currently carrying, I like to lie down and do a body scan. I move from head to toe, picturing healing energy permeating even my tiniest muscles. In the head alone, I notice that when I send the healing energy around my eyes, my nose and especially into my cheeks, I start to understand how tense my body has become. When you can feel your cheeks relaxing, you know you are really tense.

    Be still and know…daily meditation helps me relax and release. Breath work is also helpful to bring me into the present moment.

    1 year ago
  7. Jimm Hooley47508

    I retired at age 78 about 6 years ago. Work was enjoyable and purposeful for me so it took time to adjust. I am mostly adjusted and enjoying the freedom that I have. I have slowed down considerably and adequate rest is a part of my life now. I am blessed to have resources to live comfortably. I have a small flower garden, spend time for family and friends, spirituality, and reading. I can say my life is well balanced which it wasn’t during my working years. I am fortunate to have this opportunity in these later years.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Beautiful! Thank you for the reminder that retirement from scheduled work is a gift to be enjoyed. I retired one year ago and I can finally feel like I am in command of slowing down my mind and my body from the stress that used to be present all the time.

      1 year ago
  8. Yram

    This is a timely question! Lately I have been very conscious of not being drained. I am working on not MORE moments but QUALITY moments.

    1 year ago
  9. J

    I struggle with self-worth, believing I had to find validation from others. Because of this, I went above and beyond for others, while neglecting my own needs. Last year, things took a toll and I realized I couldn’t continue living that way anymore. I am at a place in my life where I am devoting more time to myself by keeping up with my routines. I have found that if I am unable to do my morning routine, I feel less grounded, less rested. My morning routine consist of 10-12 minutes of yoga, followed by meditation and a visualization exercise. These activities help me bring a sense of ease and rest, allowing to truly appreciate myself. I want to establish a nighttime routine as well, I often just lounge around and listen to music, but maybe that is also enough.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Beutiful! I am so happy you have chosen you as a priority. I love your rutines, music at night is such a treat. Keep putting yourself first, it is hard to give from an empty cup.

      1 year ago
  10. Nannette

    I am retired and at home- that in itself it a huge gift. I am free to stop at anytime. Of course; I have my house, husband and animals to care for and sometimes I get overwhelmed. But that is all “on me”….and I need to realize that. Lots going on in my crazy mind…today is a day to stop for a bit and get myself in order. A very timely question today…many thanks.

    1 year ago
  11. Iamme35664

    I need to rest in a conscious manner and not the flopping down on the sofa staring at the tv way or scrolling through my phone way. I need regular breaks in thinking, to rest my brain, take a break from the endless thoughts and planning, over thinking, ruminating and over stimulation, my brain is too busy. I need regular short mindfulness breaks throughout the day, stopping for a few minutes to concentrate on my breath or to gaze at the fish in our pond, look at the sky, stroke the dog or take time to really smell a flower and wonder at its scent and colour. I need to rest and quieten my mind.

    1 year ago
  12. Rabbit81616

    I think I need to take a few minutes to think about this.

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Quite the chuckle that gave me dear Rabbit!

      1 year ago
  13. Patti

    I’ve fallen out of my routine of rest and yoga, so I appreciate this question. I need to incorporate more moments of rest. Running a restaurant is tough and engulfing, and while I love it, I’ve neglected myself. I look forward to seeing how everyone else incorporates rest 🙃

    1 year ago
  14. W

    My rest includes my meditation time, my stretching routine followed by some quiet time for my body and mind, and single tasking. For instance, when I’m drinking my coffee, I’m only drinking my coffee….I’m not sipping it between folding laundry and washing dishes. I’m sitting quietly with my coffee on the porch or on the couch and listening to birds sing or a ticking clock. I also have a strict bedtime 99% of the time. I am a veteran and the importance of routine continues in my civilian life.

    1 year ago
    1. Laura

      Nothing good comes from multitasking. 🙂

      1 year ago
      1. Joseph
        Joseph McCann

        Multi-tasking is no tasking in my book.

        1 year ago
    2. Josie

      Well-said, all. Thanks WLS.

      1 year ago
  15. Michele

    In addition to naps, short mental breaks are just as important to incorporate moments of rest. I am off work today until next Tuesday – I am starting my vacation with a massage later this morning and I can’t wait! I plan on visiting my dad and step-mom and enjoy the beach as I have not been there in quite some time. Afternoon naps here I come!

    1 year ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Sounds wonderful Michele enjoy!!

      1 year ago

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