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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    2 years ago

    My legacy of helping others and tonight I was reminded of that. I need to do a little research over the weekend to assist my daughter.

  2. C
    2 years ago

    Nurturing the Possibilities – listening to my Soul’s wisdom and following the charm that leads me to feeling more gratitude and joy. Taking time throughout the day to reconnect to my values, my spirit, my mission, in amongst the chaos that is everyday living. Embracing the lovely quote by Maya Angelou – “This is a wonderful day – I haven’t seen this one before”. Love it!

  3. Don
    Don Jones
    2 years ago

    I don’t consider this life a living legacy. Perhaps a moment-by-moment unfolding. Nurturing a new possibility, well that would require an openness and deep listening to Divine will.

  4. luv-1-nutter
    2 years ago

    To have patience I’m working on me. I am a work in progress, but God isn’t finished with me yet.

  5. Amy
    2 years ago

    Not certain what this question is getting at. So, I will just say that currently I’m trying to get my physical and mental health in order so I’m just focusing on taking each day as it comes.

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    2 years ago

    I’ve worked in public policy one way or another most of my life and have always worked for change. My energy has always been directed toward things I think of as saving the world–after all, someone has to! This quotation from Pres. Obama came to mind when I read this question: “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama
    Today I have a meeting with advocates. I’m currently a public employee and can’t take the actions they can. I’ve been them in past roles and I remember what I didn’t know about how systems of change work in state government (slowly, slowly). What I can do today is share my experience and information that will help them be better at the things they can do, and listen closely to what they’re hoping for that may in fact be within my scope.
    I’m also a parent, and all my actions end up being some sort of legacy for my children. For people who aren’t parents, they still have others whose lives they affect in some way. This question has me thinking now about how I share some of my thoughts with my daughters and stepchildren about what it means to live a good life and be a good person, and how I might do that more often without preaching at them. Each of us is a rock thrown into a pond. What ripples are we sending out?

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    2 years ago

    The “legacy I am living”?, I’m not sure
    what that means. I am a simple person
    and I don’t think in terms of a personal
    legacy. I know that I have had some
    affect on many people, as I have been a
    pretty social person with lots of
    opportunities to connect with people,
    and that is the only “legacy” I will be
    leaving behind. I will continue to
    nurture these connections and make
    myself available to help out when needed.
    I’m curious to see how the rest of you
    answered this question.

  8. Carol Ann Conner
    2 years ago

    The word “legacy” implies a long lasting impact. I guess I could ask myself what I am still doing because of an old belief, assumption or agreement with myself? And is it getting me the results that I want? I think we all have a filter system that we developed to feel safe and secure. Perhaps, a self-inventory is needed. Old habits die hard. Perhaps, it’s time to see with new eyes. The disciple ask the Master to define spirituality and the Master replied, “Awareness…Awareness…Awareness.” John Michael Talbot’s song (St Theresa’s Prayer) comes to mind. It is a Christian hymn but its message implies what all religions teach. That we Be the peace and compassion we seek.

    Christ has no body now but yours
    No hands, no feet on earth, but yours
    Yours are the eyes through which He looks
    Compassion on this world
    Yours are the feet with which He walks
    To do good
    Yours are the hands
    With which He blesses all the world
    Yours are the hands
    Yours are the feet
    Yours are the eyes
    You are His body
    Christ has no body now but yours
    No hands, no feet on earth, but yours
    Yours are the eyes through which He looks
    Compassion on this world
    Christ has no body now on earth
    But yours

  9. Nannette
    2 years ago

    Like others this question has me a bit perplexed. Maybe my mond is just not engaged this morning! I just am going to be mindful of the decisions I make today and each day…are they a good choice. One foot in front of the other…and being mindful to be grateful. Wishing you all a wonderful day.

  10. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    2 years ago

    To nurture the idea that change of mindset and behaviors along with living for the present moment I have been given. To accept with gratitude the possibility to live with out judgement or fear of the known and unknown. To continue my recovery journey each day as it arrives for I am not guaranteed the next.

    1. Amy
      2 years ago

      Thanks for the reminder to “live without….fear of the known and unknown”. This is something I’m struggling with right now. So this reminder to “continue….each day as it arrives for I am not guaranteed the next” was a good one. Thank you.

    2. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      2 years ago

      Ahhh, I like your interpretation, Joseph.

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      2 years ago

      Joseph, Beautifully said.

  11. EJP
    2 years ago

    I will live my life to the fullest today as each moment holds endless possibilities and opportunities.

  12. Antoinette88615
    2 years ago

    I can continue to meditate diligently and do my best each day.

  13. Michele
    2 years ago

    April is Donate Life month – as I work for a Tissue Bank I like to advocate for organ/tissue donation. Part of my legacy includes my work- which I take pride in. Consider being a hero and help to save/improve others lives. Register to be a donor. []

    1. Michele
      2 years ago

      Ya’ll made me smile with your responses! Thank you!!

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      2 years ago

      Thank you for all you do for your work! I am also an organ donor and I will look into tissue donor.

    3. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      2 years ago

      Yes Michele, I have always been a donor
      here in California. I don’t have an issue, donating my tissue.
      Sorry, I had to do that 😁
      Thank you for your work on this.

      1. sparrow51014
        2 years ago


    4. Barb C
      Barb C
      2 years ago

      Thank you for your work! I’m an organ donor and also in the bone marrow Be The Match registry.

    5. Carol Ann Conner
      2 years ago

      MIchele, I’m a registered organ donor in the state of Kansas but the gift of a long life that I’ve been given may mean that my body parts will be too worn out to help another!

    6. Laura
      2 years ago

      Like Joseph, I’ve also registered my desire to be an organ or tissue donor in my state.
      You are doing wonderful work, Michele. Many thanks!

    7. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      2 years ago

      Good morning Michele. I am a registered organ donor with the state of Colorado and that is referenced on my license. I will additionally visit the site you have posted. Thank you.

  14. Patti
    2 years ago

    To nurture the new possibility in my life today, I will simply pray for it and trust that it is all going to be well. We are expecting news on some funding for our business from a non-profit group that helps new local entrepreneurs. I am excited to hear from them later!

    1. Nannette
      2 years ago

      Best Wishes SunnyPatti, I pray that the funding comes through and your dreams become a reality!

      1. sparrow51014
        2 years ago

        I hope this funding comes through,
        but if it doesn’t
        don’t give up hope..
        the Universe is on your side. ♥

      2. Patti
        2 years ago

        Thank you. It’s going to happen no matter what, but it will certainly be a lot easier with the backing of this organization!

    2. Laura
      2 years ago

      Fingers crossed for you.

      1. Patti
        2 years ago

        thank you!

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      2 years ago

      I am excited for you and yours also SunnyPatti.

      1. Patti
        2 years ago

        thank you!

  15. Christina
    2 years ago

    Similar to Christine, no understanding coming concerning the question, while in the same time, it inspires to open up eyes and heart for being of service wherever I am right now. Two attempts of meditating today had to be interrupted due to “legacy” of old limiting emotional and habit-wise imprints still with me. This could be one possible interpretation of this question and to just let go of these imprints may be a beautiful chance for opening up to hope and trust again and to enjoy and be grateful for this new day. Thank you dearly for this question, dear grateful-team. The sun just appeared again, so another go for meditation will follow and will see what else may be today. 🙏😊🙏

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      2 years ago

      O. Christina, Well said…I too grappled with the question but realized that it was about opening my eyes. Self awareness brings growth.

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