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  1. Michele
    1 week ago

    Always nurture your body – it’s amazing how in an instant things can change with it.

  2. Carla
    1 week ago

    I was recently invited by two groups of separate respected cherished friends to 1) consider being on an advisory council for a cherished entity I belong to and the other invite to help on a structural element of another group. I realize these are two possibilities- and when the God of my understanding opens windows, I’ve learned to lean in, absorb the breeze that’s blowing and see what’s all there. I’m doing the researching footwork for both. Time will tell. Am very grateful for the invitations- they, the “inviters ” must see something in me I don’t see. 🤓Happy weekend!

  3. L
    1 week ago

    I never got my drivers license when I was younger – I was always living in a city and it wasn’t much of an issue. That has changed now, as I’ve gotten older, and my partner and I are now moving towards living in a much more car dependent town. More and more I struggle with not having my independence, and im unhappy because of it. Its also a source of personal disappointment and embarrassment as i’m now 45. I’ve written myself a detailed 6 month plan of how to accomplish getting my license, now i just need to take action. One thing I can do today is sign up for the 4 hour driving education course I need to take before I can get my learners permit.

    Wishing everyone a joyful Sunday! 🌻

    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      1 week ago

      Lauryn, first thing, good on you for not driving and contributing to our climate issues. Your low carbon footprint is enviable.
      Secondly, driving can be fun. Even the tests can be like a fun game. Here in California, you get three chances at the written test. And you can do them on the same day if you want! I recommend considering the first one just a practice, it helps take the pressure off, and if you fail it, go have lunch, study, and return and take it again. Plan on spending the day there. Don’t be in a hurry.
      I took my commercial license and when I was in my 50s. It was a much better experience than when I was a teenager.
      I wish you luck. One step at a time. You got this.

    2. Mary
      1 week ago

      The 4 hour drivers education course sounds woderful, Lauren.
      Taking a course is a great way to learn something.
      And you can practice on your own in neighborhoods until you feel comfortable.
      After taking the drivers course, and practicing a bit on your own, you may lose any hesitation to drive.
      Wishing you the best, Lauren!

    3. c
      Carol Ann
      1 week ago


  4. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 week ago

    I’m not sure that I want to nurture any truly new possibilities right now. I want to tend to the things already on the list. Things like continue to re-establish and grow in my yoga practice. Write and publish blog posts that are my warm-up and testing ground for a book I’m already nurturing with notes and reading. Finish the beautiful scarf I’m knitting and start the next, more ambitious project of a wrap with pockets (ambitious because it’s a lot more knitting, not because it will particularly test my skill level). Bake bread and make soup today.

    I have one very practical thing I could do: Find my misplaced passport because I have the possibility of international travel this year. I’m planning to tidy my home office today and it may turn up there.

  5. Mary
    1 week ago

    One new possibility for my life-
    well I’ll name two.
    Meditation and yoga.
    I’ve gotten away from both.
    I think I’ll start with yoga.
    Some gentle stretching, yes.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 week ago

      A while back I did a #30DaysOfYoga challenge for myself. Do some yoga every day. Five minutes counted. Legs up the wall pose counted. Corpse pose counted. It was all yoga. Ahimsa, nonviolence, includes nonviolence toward ourselves, after all. Enjoy the stretch!

      1. Patti
        1 week ago

        Yes! It’s all yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️

        And I love legs up the wall. So good for the nervous system as well as tired legs/feet!

      2. Mary
        1 week ago

        Thank you, Barb!
        Legs on wall sounds great!
        I have a few favorite postures.
        Stretching is exactly what I need.🎁

        Read your post today and was wondering what kind of soup you are making.

        1. L
          1 week ago

          Me too! 🙂

          1. Mary
            1 week ago

            🍜🍲 Yumm

  6. c
    Carol Ann
    1 week ago

    today, I want to commit to enjoyment. I had so many thoughts and good choices that came slowly to the surface and wanted to get listed for the answer to today’s question! Now, I think what feels right is, “whatever I find I choose to do today, I want to do it with enjoyment”.
    As Mary pointed out, “monitor and adjust”. Cleaning out, connecting with friends, long awaited past projects that could get started or anticipated new ones…. so many positive options, that I think the over arching reflection is going to be, “Whatever it is I am doing today, I will do it with pleasure, or I will recognize readjust!!”
    thank you, Grateful community.

    1. Mary
      1 week ago

      Beautiful! Love this, Carol Ann!

  7. Linda72766
    1 week ago

    I will accept that my husband is in assisted living and probably won’t be coming home. I have been mired in sadness but I must go on and take my place in the world again.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 week ago

      Thinking of you during this difficult time. Glad you are here for support.

    2. sparrow51014
      1 week ago

      You are at a place that I have fears about,
      dear Linda…
      it hasn’t happened to me
      but I know that to go through it
      you must be very brave.
      My heart is with you and your husband
      as you move into this stage of your journey
      with love…

    3. Yram
      1 week ago

      Our journeys are similar. My husband is home but I see gradual decline. I often wonder what is next. Let’s both be gentle with ourselves and enjoy what we do and not get ahead of ourselves.

    4. Michele
      1 week ago

      May you continue to find comfort on this site. Thoughts and prayers to you and your husband.

    5. Anna
      1 week ago

      Dear Linda, even if you are telling your sadness, I am glad to see you here.
      I will pray for you and your husband.
      Feel embraced.

      1. Linda72766
        1 week ago

        Thank you, Anna. That means a lot to me.

    6. c
      Carol Ann
      1 week ago

      I hope today is being gentle for you and your husband, Linda. Good luck to you today, and may the adjustment get easier for you as a little time passes.

      1. Linda72766
        1 week ago

        Thank you, Carol Ann. Some days are easier than others.

    7. Mary
      1 week ago

      This must be difficult, Linda.
      I think you mentioned that the people who work there are kind.
      That makes so much of a difference.
      I have noticed that you haven’t posted in several days.
      I’m so glad to see you here.
      Sending love to you and your husband.
      I will light a virtual candle here for you both.
      It will be under Linda and husband.
      Sending love both of you.

      I can’t find the virtual candles.
      I will light one when I do. ♥️

      1. Linda72766
        1 week ago

        Thank you, Mary. That is so kind of you. It is a rough time but I always find comfort on this site,

    8. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      1 week ago

      Holding you and your husband in my heart, Linda.❤️

      1. Linda72766
        1 week ago

        Thank you, Mary.

      2. Barb C
        Barb C
        1 week ago

        I as well.

        1. Linda72766
          1 week ago

          Thank you, Barb. I appreciate it.

  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 week ago

    Today, I will do what I do most days, I will take one step forward, and another, and push through and get things done. All with the goal of engaging in this life. Of being the best person I can be for those around me. And it turns out, this is what gives me motivation and energy. Being part of others lives. It means resisting being overwhelmed, and moving forward. The new thing I’m doing, is playing music again. So this means practice. I will spend an hour or so nurturing this new (again) hobby and passion.

  9. C
    Carly J
    1 week ago

    I’ve wanted to gather a few neighbors to start building community. A monthly potluck discussion. My communities tend to all be 10-15 minute drives away. During this time of chaos I think I’m being called to look at where I live – right here in front of me – and sow seeds. I’m going to start with 3 people who I say hi to every so often and invite them into my home.

    1. Mary
      1 week ago


  10. Carol Ann Conner
    1 week ago


  11. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 week ago

    It isn’t new but we are getting more snow this year compared to the past few years and hope to go cross country skiing next wkend. I ended up with a cold this week after returning from Florida so not having a lot of energy for anything but did go for a new small walk near Narragansett Bay with pretty views. Went to church again at the new church I found last weekend with my friend and he liked it.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      1 week ago

      Robin Ann, as I was back country skiing yesterday along the Boardman River, you crossed my mind. I was thinking I hope you get out to enjoy some x-country skiing! It was a lovely thought.

      1. Robin Ann
        Robin Ann
        1 week ago

        That sounds s0 pretty! I love skiing near rivers

  12. Yram
    1 week ago

    I got caught up in the wording of the question. It reads “for” my life. I read “in” my life. I don’t know if there is a difference.
    The possibility I want to nurture is enlivening a more balanced emotional life.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      1 week ago

      well, that’s interesting – pondering the wording aspect, I mean. I feel like the use of “for my life” makes it sound like we are offering our lives more of a gift. More of an encouragement or positive openness. An invitation for positive inclusion or good growth/rightness, good change/development. “In my life” to me feels somehow to be keeping our current identity more central/in charge. A little more closed rather than open. I just put that out as a simple consideration in relation to your reflecting on if there is any difference between the two different wordings. I really liked this question this morning! so many possibilities! I liked the idea of starting EVERY day with that one question. and as usual, I”m looking forward to reading what each one from this community is putting in to their responses. thank you for the pondering!

      1. Yram
        1 week ago


      2. Barb C
        Barb C
        1 week ago

        You’re both tuning into a nuance I think shaped my response, which was that I want tend existing possibilities, not add new ones. With your thoughts I’d now say that a new possibility FOR my life means adding something to my list. A new possibility IN my life can mean deepening something already there.

        1. Yram
          1 week ago


  13. D
    1 week ago

    I feel an urge to jump ahead of myself today and “get productive.” Along with that comes the confidence–a false sense of certainty, really–that I already know what’s important. To nurture a new possibility, I need to slow down. Be receptive instead of defensive or certain. I won’t even assume I know which possibility to nurture until I slow down and listen.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      1 week ago

      I relate. thanks for the perspective, Drea.

  14. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    1 week ago

    Sit on the back porch for 5 minutes enjoying the outdoors and the yard with my 5 senses, in order to nurture the possibility of being truly grateful for and nurtured by my yard, instead of seeing it as a source of endless chores.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 week ago

      Late last fall I sat out in my yard to read a while. I realized how much time I’d spent in the yard working on it: weeding, planting, tying up tomato vines, harvesting. All of which I enjoy doing, but not the same as sitting on a comfy reclining chaise with a book and a cup of coffee or some hibiscus tea. My pledge to myself this year is that when we get to those nice days I will make a point of sitting down to relax and enjoy the yard I’m creating with all that labor.

    2. c
      Carol Ann
      1 week ago

      oh, I understand! thank you!

  15. S
    Suzanne S
    1 week ago

    Sometimes I do things that I enjoy, but they are the wrong things because they won’t take me to where I want be or who I want to be. Live with more intention. Today I will call my friend Jill. I will put back my books that were moved by the painters. I will not listen to audiobooks because I have been doing that way too much. Also, more meditation. .

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