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  1. S
    Suzanne S
    1 month ago

    One thing I could do today to nourish a meaningful connection in my life is to stay grounded, as this helps me maintain a strong connection with myself and better understand how I can show up for others. I can cultivate this grounding by spending time in nature, moving my body, listening to its needs, and setting meaningful intentions. By prioritizing these practices, I create space for deeper, more authentic connections with those around me.

  2. sparrow51014
    1 month ago

    Meaningful connections
    require presence
    and a sincere,
    listening ear…
    i Practice
    giving this gift to my partner,
    and get paid back in spades.
    It is me whose heart wins the most. β™₯

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      1 month ago

      Sparrow, I do this with Ngoc too. Both of us benefit.

  3. A
    1 month ago

    Today I am seeing one of my best friends from my freshman year of college. Over the years we have been busy with our own lives and see each other far less. I am excited to hang out with her and catch up!🩷

  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 month ago

    I am in touch with my daughter almost on a daily basis. She has ongoing medical needs. Yesterday she found out she has frozen shoulders which was probably caused by surgery a year ago. One day at a time, she knows I am there for her. Thankfully she has a great medical plan which had to be renewed Jan 1, so far all is going well with it.

    1. A
      1 month ago

      Best wishes for the health of you and your daughter, Robin🩷

  5. D
    Dawn Elaine Bowie
    1 month ago

    I forgave myself today. And noticed it. I started to get angry with someone else’s behavior but was given the grace to see a time when I’d done the same thing. I let her off the hook a bit, then realized I could do the same thing for myself.

    1. Avril
      1 month ago

      We are our own worst critic

  6. Ose
    1 month ago

    A meaningful connection is for example nourished by love, expressed by cooking together, a hug, by sharing bright and happy moments as well; by deeply listening with an open heart as well as sending a short note with greetings, as well as sending light and blessings possibly almost every day to the one(s) concerned and beyond. Wishing a blessed day to you all.

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 month ago

    I try to nourish my connections every day. Whether it’s a text or a phone call or just being present. But, today I have some time with my amazing wife, and I will be as present and loving as possible. ❀️

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      1 month ago

      Nice Charlie, the little things add up. I say “Hi” to people a lot during my family walks at the mall. When going swimming at LA Fitness, I’ve encountered friendly people who have said “Hi” and help point me to an open lane.
      Interacting with strangers brings happiness. There’s less temptations to dwell on unimportant items. We generally talk about common interests. Minnesota people love the weather and Vikings.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      1 month ago

      Charlie T, Your words make me smile and bring me joy. Blessing to you and your wife today and every day.

  8. L
    1 month ago

    Yesterday’s quote of the day from bell hooks immediately comes to mind here –

    “Just a cultivating a garden requires turning over the ground, pulling weeds, planting, and watering, doing the work of love is all about taking action.”

    This analogy between love and gardening is too perfect, and speaks to the ways in which i can nourish the most meaningful connection in my life.

    Turning over the ground -> create more space for connection
    Pulling weeds -> addressing our own negative patterns
    Planting -> cultivating love through small intentional acts
    Watering -> consistency and patience, keep showing up, no matter what

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday! β˜€οΈ

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      1 month ago

      Lauryn, thank you for so beautifully and simply expanding on Bell’s words. I plan to integrate your interpretation into my daily round. ❀️

    2. Avril
      1 month ago

      Love that!

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 month ago


    4. sparrow51014
      1 month ago

      I love how you expanded the analogy between love and gardening,
      dear Lauryn…
      being a gardener
      and a practitioner of promoting love,
      it speaks especially to me…
      Thank you…β™₯

    5. Mary
      1 month ago

      Beautiful Lauren!
      Thank you.

    6. Carol Ann Conner
      1 month ago

      Your words are inspiring…so beautifully said. Very helpful. Deeply appreciated.

  9. D
    1 month ago

    Taking a little different meaning- I can go outside close my eyes and take deep breaths using my smell and hearing to connect with all around me. I can feel the warmth of the Sun and the chill in the air and then I can open my eyes and connect with the space around me hopefully connecting with peace inside myself.

    1. A
      1 month ago


  10. Carol Ann Conner
    1 month ago

    check on a friend who has not been feeling up to par; meditate more than I usually do to connect with myself.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      1 month ago

      Nice, Carol. I’ve been making a concerted effort in getting back to that. It’s helped me go about Facebook responsibly. My morning routine has changed. As I wake up, I make sure I get my teeth brushed, meditate, and eat breakfast even before going on this site. I’ve noticed a huge difference. The feeling is much more peaceful. I’m not in a rush. I also become a more active contributor rather than just doing filler reading. In turn, I have more meanningful materials to contribute to Facebook with better Vietnamese writing mechanics.

  11. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 month ago

    Already done! Before starting my morning reading routine of poetry and this site I texted one of my best friends who had surgery last week to check on how her recovery is going. Last night I texted my younger sister, who got married in December to her partner of 37 years, to tell her that seeing the pictures from our weekend with them makes me smile (we were witnesses for their quiet ceremony in judge’s chambers and spent the weekend staying in a nice hotel and being tourists together).

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 month ago

      One more thing I did this morning–

      My team at work had a deep conversation yesterday about what we do, which is centered in, grounded on, always advancing equity. That work can feel (and is) threatened by national events. We’ve always described it as equity and were talking about whether drawing attention to that right now is the best thing for the sake of the work continuing. (Side note: I feel incredibly fortunate to live in Washington state, where our laws and leadership stand for equity and welcome all.)

      This morning I reread a quote I wrote in my journal at the beginning of January and immediately shared it in our team chat:

      “There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the other person, but because if you don’t speak, they have changed you.” — Mary Quinn

      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei
        1 month ago

        Amen to Mary Quinn and to you, Barb for sharing her words. Discernment is called for.

      2. Michele
        1 month ago

        Great quote Barb, thank you for sharing πŸ™‚

      3. L
        Loc Tran
        1 month ago

        Barb, I love this quote. Our voices are more powerful than we realize. Assertive communication goes a long ways.

      4. sparrow51014
        1 month ago

        Great quote,
        dear Barb…
        I’ve heard it said,
        but not quite this way. β™₯

  12. L
    Loc Tran
    1 month ago

    Today’s my Menards piano day. I draw people to me. I can imagine how special it is to hear someone play piano when going shopping.
    I remember my family trip to Vegas on to California last October. 1 day in Vegas, we were just walking around in a building. There was a piano player. Even I was amazed how great they were.

  13. Yram
    1 month ago

    I have a few friends that could use a bit of recognition and compassion. I will reach out with a greeting.
    I want to realize the worries in my life do not define me.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 month ago

      YRAM, I hear you. Sometimes when I allow worry to rear its head, I get quiet and keep repeating the Jesus prayer, “Lord, Jesus, the Christ, have mercy on me.” like a mantra. If my worry is about another, I pray for their well being or ask that they be given wisdom. My mentor use to remind me that my anxiety did not define me or lesson the quality and quantity of my faith. He encouraged me to act instead of react. I find that to act, I have to be patient and present to myself first, breathing grace in and breathing grace out. Just writing this has helped me place my mind in my heart. I hope it helps you. Hugs, Carol

      1. Yram
        1 month ago

        Thank you!

  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    1 month ago

    I have a young friend, from our neighborhood, who is away at college for her first year. In addition to her studies, she is running cross country and loving it. It has created another community for her. I recently learned one of her teammates, a freshman also, was killed in a skiing accident over the recent winter break. I have been writing a letter in my mind to her. Today, I will write that letter in a beautiful card, and mail it to her. Life is just so hard sometimes.

  15. Mary
    1 month ago

    I can nurture my connection to my body.
    When I walk this morning, I can pay attention to how my body feels,
    my breathing, my posture, my legs, and arms,
    and how the air feels on my body, on my face,
    as I move through space.

    Sending love to all.

    I read this as nourishing a meaningful connection to my life.
    instead of in my life. πŸ€“
    I scratched my head and then answered the question.

    1. sparrow51014
      1 month ago


    2. Carol Ann Conner
      1 month ago

      Mary, I needed your response today. Thank you so very much.

    3. Diane
      1 month ago

      Good morning Mary. I’ve noticed that you have been posting quite a bit recently and I just wanted to reach out to say hello with warm memories of our time together in the Gratitude Lounge. I hope this is the same Mary!? I read the responses here each morning during my prayer and meditation time. This site continues to be a blessing in my life. πŸ™ Such a delight to my heart to see you here. πŸ’œ

      1. Mary
        1 month ago

        Hi Diane!
        Yes, it’s me!😊
        I have very warm memories from the Gratitude Lounge too, very warm.
        I see Pilgrim here and always love hearing what she has to say.
        I see Anna sometimes and wish I could see more of her.
        I have seen Palm a few times and I really miss her.
        It used to be so good hearing from you regularly.
        You always brought up interesting thoughts and ideas
        from your reading and reflections. I miss that.
        And of course I miss Ursula, and remember her so fondly.
        Diane, thank you so much for writing in.
        It is truly so wonderful to hear from you.
        It’s so good to know that you are here each morning!
        Sending much love to you and your beloved family.

        1. Diane
          1 month ago

          Sending so much love to you as well Mary. Such a joy to have this meaningful connection with you dear friend. Blessings. πŸ™πŸ’œ

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