I can only count on, The love of the One Who is/Ultimate Reality/God💕
-For there is a Force of love moving through the cosmos, that holds us fast and will never let us go.
-Julian of Norwich
Hello Everyone, this post is in relationship to responses I received from yesterdays’s post. If you would like to submit a question for consideration for the Daily Question, here is the link.
Last Saturday, Ngoc and I took a memory picture at the marriage license burreau in Regas, the same place we got married 4 years ago. It showed how we’ve gone a long ways within 4 years. Having her by my side is one good thing I can count on everyday.
I can’t be certain of anything specific, but if there’s something good happening consistently for me personally, it’s likely a result of actions I’m taking or habits I’m maintaining. Anything that offers me the opportunity to make a small positive choice that improves my life. Everything else is mostly out of our control.
The sun coming up, lighting the world up, bouncing light off of all that it touches.
And while I don’t like to count on technology, I love that I can come here after my meditation, read the word for the day, the daily question, and interact with all of you lovely people 🙂
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The earth turning and the air, stars, moon and sun being where they have always been.
I can only count on, The love of the One Who is/Ultimate Reality/God💕
-For there is a Force of love moving through the cosmos, that holds us fast and will never let us go.
-Julian of Norwich
The good Lord watching over me, helping me along this journey called Life!
As long as I wake up, the gift of breath and breathing … 🙏🏻🌱🌳
One thing I can always look forward to is having a good meal.
Hello Everyone, this post is in relationship to responses I received from yesterdays’s post. If you would like to submit a question for consideration for the Daily Question, here is the link.
Thank you Mary. So helpful ….
Thank you also for everyone behind the scenes who makes the daily word and question possible for so many of us.
I’m breathing; blood is pumping; eyes and ears and tongue are functioning; and He is present through, with and in me and everything.
God’s grace and blessings.
The fact that gratitude is ingrained in my perspective.
Yes 🙌
Last Saturday, Ngoc and I took a memory picture at the marriage license burreau in Regas, the same place we got married 4 years ago. It showed how we’ve gone a long ways within 4 years. Having her by my side is one good thing I can count on everyday.
A Presence that has no name.
Amen, Yram.
Yes, YRAM, the only thing permanent is change! May the change bring us all growth.
The sun coming up, shining it’s love & light on us all. The Divine’s love. 💛✨
I can’t be certain of anything specific, but if there’s something good happening consistently for me personally, it’s likely a result of actions I’m taking or habits I’m maintaining. Anything that offers me the opportunity to make a small positive choice that improves my life. Everything else is mostly out of our control.
As long as I can open my eyes and take a breath,
I can count on experiencing another day.
The sun coming up, lighting the world up, bouncing light off of all that it touches.
And while I don’t like to count on technology, I love that I can come here after my meditation, read the word for the day, the daily question, and interact with all of you lovely people 🙂