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  1. TofuLove75790
    6 months ago

    I think life is offering me to opportunity to not feel guilt in being happy. To allow myself the freedom to be happy. I always feel this kind of sense I need to take on people’ s problems and be like this martyr somehow, that having a kind of free and easy feeling is somehow like a bad thing as it means I am not being understanding of people’s unhappiness and suffering enough. I’m kind of allowing myself to consider if like maybe there’s another way of perceiving and if that’s an OK way to relate.

  2. K
    Katrina wong
    6 months ago

    Life is teaching me to remain steady, joyful, and grateful (and present) regardless of my unpredictable circumstances. Life is always happening – there will always be the good and bad, the wins and losses, but I want to remain stable and not let these more negative circumstances bring me down. I understand emotions happen, but I want my hope to always be in God, and not have it waver because of my circumstances.

  3. Anna
    6 months ago

    Singing , playing tennis and growing in friendship and good relationships.
    And accepting my body change 😊

  4. Ose
    6 months ago

    Playing music, singing and may be even there might be an opportunity to carefully join in as a beginner together with dear friends.

  5. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    6 months ago

    Acceptance and opportunity for growth by embracing change. When my son decided to put our house on the market (I did put that thought in his head though lol) I had anxiety and could not sleep well for a week. I now think about the positives instead of the negatives. One being my commute is very long right now. I am taking a vacation soon to Ireland and looking forward to getting away for a week and coming back refreshed. Work has been non-stop busy since May and I know I could use a change of scenery (GREEN)!

  6. Yram
    6 months ago

    I am dealing with many physical issues right now. My growth is in accepting the long process of healing. I do not want to go down the rabbit hole of self pity. I am grateful to grow my relationship with family, friends and a Presence with no name.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      May your healing process be shorter than anticipated dear Yram.

      1. Yram
        6 months ago

        Thank you!

  7. Linda72766
    6 months ago

    Acceptance of what is, rather than trying to avoid it. Whatever the situation, trying to run from it though sleep or busyness or…doesn’t work. Dealing with my husband’s progressing illness, it is a struggle to stay present when I am so afraid, and angry about the situation.

  8. W
    Wacheto aloh
    6 months ago

    Hello my name is Denise and I just joined the site I am so grateful to find it. I continue on a daily basis to seek balance in Harmony in my life. I’ve always known that gratitude and acceptance are the keys but it is so difficult at times to remember to be grateful. I have lately found myself going through a transition starting a new job which is a perfect design for me but stepping into gratitude on a daily basis is sometimes difficult more times than not. I just want to thank everybody and looking forward to being a part of the community hoping that I can continue to step outside of myself but feel gratitude at the same time thank you

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      6 months ago


    2. Patti
      6 months ago

      Welcome! You found a great place to hang out 🙂

    3. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      6 months ago

      Welcome Wacheto Aloh, you are already an asset to this group.

      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei
        6 months ago

        Oops! Denise.😉

    4. Michele
      6 months ago

      Welcome Denise – this is such a great group of loving caring people in this Grateful Community

    5. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago


    6. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      6 months ago

      Welcome Denise!

    7. Laura
      6 months ago

      Welcome! Glad you’re here!

    8. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      Glad you are here…Welcome, Denise

    9. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Welcome to the grateful living family, Denise.

  9. Emmaleah46781
    6 months ago

    My life has been in a pretty constant state of upheaval for the last six months or so. Right now I believe life is calling me to learn to find peace within the chaos rather than just clenching my teeth and waiting for the storm to pass.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      6 months ago

      Amen, Emmaleah.

    2. Linda72766
      6 months ago

      I can relate, for sure.

    3. C
      Carly J
      6 months ago

      I second that. Emmaleah!

  10. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    Tim Roberts quote: “Gratefulness helps us return to ourselves, restoring our equilibrium and helping us to see beyond what’s broken to the beauty and wholeness of life.” Such a beautiful message and so true for me these days. I don’t like to think where I would be without gratefulness. I am so blessed but what I have learned on this site.

    Today’s Question: What opportunity to learn and grow is life currently offering me? It seems that I am being called to gather my poetry which I have been writing for many years. It is quite a challenge as much of it is located in boxes in a closet. Many of my poems are in files on my computer and I am finding that some appears to have been lost. I have a need to gather it for my children and grandchildren. Hope to self publish a book of my writings for them. Some days it seems overwhelming but I am learning and growing in the process.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      6 months ago

      Carol, a week ago I wrote this in my calendar, « What journey of a thousand miles do I want to begin this month? ». This came to mind as I think of you wanting to collect and organize your poetry. And I want a copy too!

      1. Michele
        6 months ago

        I would love a copy too!

      2. Carol Ann Conner
        6 months ago

        Mary, Picture me having the discipline to succeed!

    2. D
      6 months ago

      This makes me so happy!

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        6 months ago

        DEANN, Your response is encouraging to me…thank you

  11. Barb C
    Barb C
    6 months ago

    Every day holds some kind of lesson if I’m paying attention. Next week I’ll be at a conference that I’ve been involved in planning. I’ll moderate one panel and be a “fireside chat” participant with a keynote speaker in another. Preparing for these is a learning opportunity, and the conference sessions in which I’m listening and learning will give me more opportunities.

    Since January I’ve been signing up for classes through our local parks and rec program. They’re very affordable and so much fun, and I’m about to embark on another round with the fall session. I’ll be taking yet another round of improv with the same teacher, a swing dance class with my husband (we’ve been taking classes for a while now and want to learn more steps), a creative contemporary dance class, and one I missed when it was offered before so I signed up right away: beginning hula hooping! I had a hula hoop as a kid and I remember it as fun. I’m also betting it will be great exercise. It’s back to school season for me even though I’m many years past formal education. These classes are also a way of meeting people in this town we moved to four years ago. The improv class in particular has become a set of friends and we have “Improv Friends Club” dinners with improv in the months that class isn’t offered thanks to a couple that offered to host.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      6 months ago

      Sounds awesome and fun!

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      I love improv!

    3. L
      6 months ago

      Barb, this is so inspiring. I’ve lived in my current city for about 8 months now. Since I work from home, I still don’t know anyone here. This is something I should definitely look into, as I also consider myself a lifelong learner

  12. L
    6 months ago

    I need to have a difficult conversation about something that transpired this weekend between me and my partner. The hardest part is fighting the sadness, trying to gather my thoughts in my head, and working up the courage to initiate the conversation in a way so as not to come off sounding judgmental.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      Lauryn: My husband and I had a couple of sayings that originated from incidents in our lives. One time we were walking into a building in the rain, using the same umbrella when I stopped to make a vocal point and it resulted in his standing in a big puddle! After that incident, when we wanted to share a difficult point or feeling, one of us would say something like, “When you do such in such, I feel wet!” Another one we used after many years together when one of us needed some space , we might say, “It’s my week to go to Little Rock!”

      I’m not trying to belittle your situation of sharing how you feel with your partner just wanted to offer you a chuckle.

  13. Patti
    6 months ago

    I’m not sure “what” it is, but I know that it is there, as there are always opportunities to learn and grow while we are still in these bodies! We have had a major life change with our move, and I am open and ready for what lies ahead.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Agree, Sunnypatti. We’re always learning and growing for as long as we’re living. Based upon 2nd hand experiences seeing some of the responses here and hearing stories about other older people, we learn to accept our limitations in the final stages of our lives. This is where spiritual growth really takes place.

  14. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    6 months ago

    The presence of my mom is an example of the concept “there is no such thing as a free lunch” that I learned in economics class. As my mom has the opportunity to be with my sister and her son, the opportunity cost is that she has to give up living with my brother, my twelve-year-old sister, and my twin, who is pregnant. The opportunity to have a better life for our family means living separately for a temporary period. It’s hard to accept as we value living together as a big family. However, my siblings and I, especially the twelve-year-old, must accept it. Through this experience, we motivate each other for a better future as my siblings observe the opportunity of being independent, and my mom observes the opportunity to explore her new life.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      My Ngoc, I’ve never had 1st hand experience with this, especially concerning couples living separated for extended periods. After our walk yesterday, there was an error in both of our thinking I haven’t addressed. This comes from 2nd hand experience. There are plenty of stories about the Vietnam war about men sacrificing time with their family for country. A prime example was my grandpa on my dad’s side of the family who is well-respected. He had to be away from grandma for awhile even for extended periods of time. Times were different back then. Maybe, there’s less opportunities for separation. The bottomline is that the couple made it work and stayed together for the rest of their lives. A lesson I learned from this is that each time has its own challenges and temptations. It’s up to us to make it work.

  15. Nannette
    6 months ago

    After reading Butterfly’s post this morning…I realize that life is teaching me to accept my limitations in my health. I can continue to work on getting stronger but I have to accept and be grateful for all that I am and all that I can do. God gave me the gift of another day…and another day to try to “get it right”. We continue our Fall trip…presently in Ohio and tomorrow we will travel to Michigan…We stay mostly in campgrounds and all folks are different…sone friendly, some stand offish…we are not all the same. So another lesson for me is acceptance of others….That will be a word for me to keep in mind…accept….and most of all to be grateful. Life is so much better when I live gratefully. Thank you all for all your wisdom. I am very grateful for all of you and this Community. Bless all of you.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      “………we ae not all the same.” So true. That is what makes the fabric of life a quilt. Thank you, Nannette.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      Nannette, I hear you…Acceptance leads to relaxation of the monkey mind and allows the body to heal.

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