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  1. i

    1) funny moments with my coworkers
    2) cooler air
    3) getting my nails done

    1 year ago
  2. Maeve87787

    Only three? I’ll name a few of the many delights I’ve had on my week traveling in Michigan.
    – Celebrating a 3-year-old boy’s birthday with his Rwandan immigrant community
    -Cooking and eating meals together with my friend.
    -Waking up in the morning, and sitting outside with my coffee looking at the trees, listening to the wren in the apple tree, and watching the hummingbirds in the red bee balm flowers.

    1 year ago
  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    1) Having Monday off to do whatever I like!
    2) Cooler temps not requiring AC!
    3) Catching up with my son and making a plan to do something Saturday together

    1 year ago
  4. Christina

    Most touching was some very beautiful Artwork and the depth the artist was into in his work, the brightness of colors and the creativity expressed in conveying the utter beauty of our magical, wonderful world through his paintings; Then there was the meeting of a dear friend and sharing a delicious meal at home, to be together in unquestionable inner connection, and third was when for a short moment during meditation, stillness and light appeared again. Deeply grateful for these gifts shared.

    1 year ago
  5. Dolores Kazanjian80021
    Dolores Kazanjian

    Oh, my goodness, there are so many that it’s hard to pick just three. But my most delightful moments came from other people -husband, friends, acquaintances and neighbors. My husband and I have had some recent health issues that have required hiring help and calling upon others for assistance. It has brought new people into our life, and everyone is so kind.
    Close behind are our beloved dog, Helios, singing and good food.

    1 year ago
  6. Anna

    My eldest son has come back for holidays, he currently lives in a country so far away from us.
    A rock concert of a famous national group, with my husband.
    Hiking in a park, along a river with nice friends.
    And many other things, indeed a great week!

    1 year ago
    1. Christina

      Hi Anna, friend of long, happy to see you. 💕

      1 year ago
      1. Anna

        Hi dearest Ose, me too, I am always happy to see you!🤗

        1 year ago
  7. Marlena

    Spending time with my children, working on my emotional growth, and talking with my best friend.

    1 year ago
  8. Emmaleah46781

    1. Enjoying an ice cream party with my son as a reward for a great day where he achieved all of his behavior goals.
    2. Listening to music while weedwhacking an overgrown patch of a nature center I’m helping to restore at work.
    3. Swimming in the cool ocean on a hot day.

    1 year ago
  9. null

    I feel really grateful to have reviewed my last week, I didn’t realize it was so great.

    – Cold plunge in a snowmelt stream at 8000 feet.
    – Threw an ace on my home disc golf course.
    – A call with a friend I haven’t spoken to in months.

    1 year ago
  10. ErikaT
    Ms T

    Waking up to the smell of really good coffee, watching 80s era MTV videos with my teenager, and whenever the air conditioning kicks on!

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      I totally relate to the 80s era MTV videos – there are songs that come on the radio and I think of the MTV video for it, lol.

      1 year ago
  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Playing music with my wife, taking a
    nap in the hammock on the patio, and
    sitting outside and watching the moon

    1 year ago
  12. KC

    The beauty of the natural world all around is filling me with delight – sun on the foliage and many shades of green, hand-picked sweet peas on my window sill from a friend, the sounds of birds, wind chimes, a gentle breeze… and the delight of people of all ages at rest and play as I regain the ability to walk a few blocks to and around a nearby park! Dogs, children and their people at leisure and play …

    1 year ago
  13. Barb C
    Barb C

    Oh so many delights! Choosing from the ones I noted each day in my journal– hard to stop at just 3:

    – Smell of fresh-picked mint from my garden
    – The varied colors of eggshells in the cartons I get each week from my friend who keeps hens
    – Sitting in a brick-lined alley in the town I used to live in enjoying a delicious gourmet vegetarian dinner and talking with new acquaintances about the work we all do and how we came to care about it

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      I also enjoy looking at the varied colors of eggshells – I buy mine from a coworker:)

      1 year ago
  14. K

    I’m grateful for my cat Fitz and my dog Lily and their unconditional love; my front porch and the view that comes with it, and spending time with my friends.

    1 year ago
  15. Nannette

    Taking a bite of a fresh peach “a taste of summer”
    Giving my dog a new toy and watching his delight!! He is so excited with a new toy
    Sitting on our deck with my husband…enjoying the early evening before dinner.

    1 year ago

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