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  1. Presley Gleason
    3 months ago

    1. Seeing my best friends, especially David and Kate
    2. Drawing
    3. “Loaves and Fishes” by Shawna Edwards

  2. Anna
    3 months ago

    I went to the Nitto ATP Finals in Turin with my husband. I couldn’t see the semi-final and final because they were too expensive, but I enjoyed a qualification.
    Anyway, Jannick Sinner won!
    I also visited one of the ancient, fabulous royal palaces.
    It was all a pleasure.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      3 months ago

      Trip sounds amazing!

    2. Mary
      3 months ago

      Hi Anna!
      I would love to see an ancient royal palace!!
      Sending love.

      1. Anna
        3 months ago

        Dear Mary, I am.going to post a picture of that palace on the Lounge.

  3. a
    aanya mansani
    3 months ago

    Nothing can bring me up, my grandma just died and I’m not doing welll

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      3 months ago

      Aanya, I am so so sorry for your loss. Take care

    2. Mary
      3 months ago

      Aanya, I’m so sorry to hear your Grandma just died
      I know this is very hard.
      Sending my love♥️

    3. Yram
      3 months ago

      I am sorry for your loss. Her love for you continues.

    4. Patti
      3 months ago

      I’m sorry for your pain, and I understand how hard it is. Sending you comfort and light.

    5. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      3 months ago

      Aanya, such a tender time. Remember how she loved you. 🩷

    6. Michele
      3 months ago

      You found this site which is very uplifting and has many caring people.
      Loving kindness to you.

  4. a
    aanya mansani
    3 months ago

    Things that brought me this past week isn’t much, I’m not feeling great anymore but, my basketball team won last weeks game.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      3 months ago

      That is uplifting for sure. Glad you are here with us.

    2. Mary
      3 months ago

      Dear Aanya, I’m sorry to hear your not feeling well
      Life can be hard.
      I hope you will stay with this group.
      I’m looking forward to hearing from you again. ,

  5. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    3 months ago

    1. Being out in nature and lots of sunshine.

    2. A little girl buying a dress at my 2nd job wanted a few of us to vote on 2 different fancy dresses. She was so cute. In the end it was her choice but her Mom wanted the other one . I voted for the one she wanted because I could tell how she lit up looking at it.

    3. Lots of positive energy around buying our new house and my daughter’s recent new roommate being exactly the type of friend/support she needs.

  6. sparrow51014
    3 months ago

    . . . that I had the chance
    to stroke the side of a sturgeon,
    when either of my cats
    pause and look deeply into my eyes,
    my husband’s trust in me,
    which has taken many years to earn . . .♥

  7. Mary
    3 months ago

    Three things that have brought me delight

    My big boy orange cat, Bert,
    who I have had with his sibling, Coco,
    since they were ten days old,
    tiny puffs,
    one with blue eyes, the other with green,
    I still see the tiny kitten in each of them,
    even now that they are fully grown.
    Bert delights me by rolling onto his back,
    and then back and forth from side to side,
    biting at and grooming his back paws,
    like a baby playing with his feet.
    He especially likes to do that
    when I’m telling him what an excellent kitten he is.

    I delight in my morning cup of hot tea,
    sweet, and with oatmilk.
    I love cupping the hot tea in my hands
    and feeling the warmth in my mouth and throat
    and then the feeling of warmth in my chest.
    I love the taste of tea
    mingled with the gentle flavor of oatmilk.

    I have delighted in looking at the sky,
    brighter blue now that the humidity has come down.
    I love the translucent white clouds
    Moving across the sky like strips of the softest gauze,
    floating along, slipping out of one cloud and then blending in with another.
    Ever changing from moment to moment.
    Just look up,
    God’s show is above.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      3 months ago

      Love your descriptions!

    2. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      3 months ago

      Mary, what a beautiful description of the cloudscape. It’s clear how it delights you. My husband is an artist. In his current session with his wonderful instructor, every new technique he is learning is applied to a painting of a cloudscape. So we are both looking up all the time, and sometimes photographing what we see as Peter may use an idea in some way. I am going to share your description with him, it is so lovely. Thank you.

      1. Mary
        3 months ago

        You are so welcome Mary
        I just love the sky!
        I like to take nature photos and try to make
        the sky a point of interest in each picture!
        I draw and paint too.
        But then I do portraits and figure drawing.
        Maybe one day, I’ll combine a sky background
        with a portrait!
        As we both said #just look up!
        (An Instagram favorite hashtag of mine. 😇 )

  8. Carol Ann Conner
    3 months ago

    My son’s visit this weekend; Praying with my neighbor. a big hug and short visit with a new friend. These all brought me joy which was delightful and deeply appreciated.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      3 months ago

      Carol, I hope your son is doing better?

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        3 months ago

        Thanks for asking, Robin Ann. They are still adjusting his medications and he starts cardiac rehab this week.

  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    3 months ago

    Ooohh, good question. Let’s see…first, was working in San Jose, CA and I saw a Mexican party supply store. It was really kind of a little shack. Painted bright orange with yellow trim. It had piñatas hanging all around it. Once inside it was stuffed with little gifts and candy and decorations for your fiesta. Something about this place really made me happy. Of course I did take a photo of the outside. Second, was the rare occasion of a friend working in San Francisco the same time as I was, and having some time to grab a bite. It worked out perfect. Thirdly, was spending a moment yesterday sitting outside in the warm misty weather and just being aware of the season.

    1. L
      3 months ago

      Sounds lovely. I miss the bay area a lot.

  10. D
    3 months ago

    Going swimming with my best friend; the simple, hands-on work of removing tree branches from the yard, and eating toasted home-baked bread.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      3 months ago

      Yum…homemade bread with lots of butter!

  11. Emmaleah46781
    3 months ago

    Three things that brought me delight: snuggles with my son, moments of peace and space in my home, laughing at silly things with a friend on a night out. I’m grateful for this question this morning as I woke up feeling overwhelmed and focusing on the un-delightful.

  12. pkr29022
    3 months ago

    Three things that brought me delight last week,
    1. Earlier in the week, Monday & Tuesday, I was under the weather. My daughter popped over on Tuesday for a visit; seeing her lifted my spirits. She asked to spend Thanksgiving with me, which I was pleasantly surprised by.
    2. Seeing the “Beaver Moon”, a super moon many times during the week, especially so on Saturday night. Because of a heavy overcast/cloud cover that night I thought I would not be able to see her. At 1 point I was looking for her & the clouds parted for a brief moment & there she was! I was filled with joy.
    3. Having coffee @ a neat little spot with my Cousin on Saturday. We had so much to chat about. She is always so uplifting.
    Thank you to the Gratefulness Team for this great question. 🙏🏻❤️✨

  13. aly alva
    3 months ago

    The past week my friend visited from another state. We had fun exploring, and got to catch up. I also went to see a play. I laughed and cried, It was great. And lastly I baked for the very first time. I made my moms corn bread. It was not as good as hers, but I’m happy I tried.
    Have a great start of the week everyone.

  14. Linda72766
    3 months ago

    I ordered 2 CD’s recorded by the man who first won Britain’s Got Talent, Phil Potts. He had (and has) the most beautiful tenor voice I have ever heard. I play them in my car and sing along, even though I cannot sing opera…I am moved to tears every time I listen to his version of Nessun Dorma.

  15. Barb C
    Barb C
    3 months ago

    I love this question.

    Delight #1, nature: We had a question recently about things that nourish us and how we can recommit to finding time for them. Thanks to that, I made a point of going for a long walk in the forested park near my house three days last week, taking advantage of meetings that I could turn into walking meetings. Coming out of the park entrance from the third of these, I caught the eye of a young white-tail doe in the yard of the house that sits right at the entrance. We gazed at each other a while. Then as I moved a few feet I realized she had company, another young doe. They were grazing in the yard. I watched them until they moved off into the park.

    Delight #2, chocolate: I made a really delicious chocolate torte from an old recipe that includes a cup of pureed black beans. You don’t taste the beans at all; they add an extra fudgy moisture. I haven’t been making desserts because my husband is diabetic and can’t eat them and I have to say I was overdue for treating myself with homemade goodies.

    Delight #3, time by myself out in the world: I work from home and most of my human contact is either two-dimensional or with my husband. We often go for a weekend walk, run errands in downtown, maybe get something to eat. What I don’t do very often is go by myself to run errands, and I found it really delightful to do just that this past Saturday. No time pressure created by any other obligations or someone else’s interest level, places that only interest me. I needed to get some things for a sewing project and enjoyed picking out the ribbons and findings. After that I went to a local yarn shop and had wonderful conversations while delighting in the colors and textures of beautiful yarns. I bought some for a new project I’m excited to start on and went to the nearby French bakery for a treat while they wound the yarn. Reading my Kindle, having coffee and an almond croissant, and being surrounded by the hum of other people talking brought me joy. I remembered doing that as a regular thing pre-COVID and how much I’ve missed it. This yarn shop has regular drop-ins scheduled for “hang out and knit/crochet” time and I may start going to some of these. That nearby French pastry shop is a definite drawing card!

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      3 months ago

      I love my own adventures and doing fun things- brings so much joy! Sounds like a wonderful day!

    2. S
      Ana Maria
      3 months ago

      Oh Barb C!! You inspire me with this post!! That to me sounds like a delightful trip by your self. It is what a crave the most. A trip alone to things that interest me! I too love to go into sewing project stores, the joy I feel when I am around yarn, embroderie threads, buttons and fabric makes me so happy. I think I am due for an alone trip to my beautiful downtown! Enjoy your week!

    3. L
      3 months ago

      So much inspiration here! I also work from home full time and it’s the same for me with respect to human contact. I love the idea of making time to get out in the world more by myself. …I’m also super intrigued by a chocolate torte with black beans…sounds delicious!

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