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  1. barba
    4 months ago

    Yes, I go every morning too, even in storms and rain. I love feeling the weather and seeing how it changes nature at the same time. I envy you the lake. Watching water is the ultimate. Exciting and calming. You can come to yourself and just be happy. Pure peace. Unfortunately, we only have small streams or fish ponds. But you can’t have everything.

  2. barba
    4 months ago

    an unexpected bouquet of flowers
    chanterelles for our lunch – also an unexpected gift
    and again and again every morning: being in nature, seeing and feeling all the growing and thriving

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      chanterelles are edible mushrooms in case anyone does not know – I never heard of it and looked it up.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Barba, my parents, Ngoc, and me go on walks twice per day; once in the morning and again in the evening for as long as the weather’s nice outside. We live in front of a lake. There’s so much beauty in nature.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    4 months ago

    Back from several days on the water on the sailboat. I needed the sunshine (light), peaceful moments and lots of rest.
    Hope you all are doing well. I missed visiting this great community daily!

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Robin, I live in the Twin Cities. It’s been a very wet and stormy year so far this year. After tomorrow, we’re suppose to get nice weather for at least 5 days. That sunshine is warm and relaxing.

  4. Barb C
    Barb C
    4 months ago

    Yesterday I was able to surprise my best friend who lives in the town I lived in for many years, 300 miles from where I live now. I had a work reason to be in that town today so I flew in last night and went to her retirement party celebrating her many years of teaching composition at a community college. It was wonderful to see her light up and it lit me up to be giving her that surprise. We’ll have lunch today and catch up some more. We talk often on the phone even if it’s just for a few minutes and our friendship is as deep as it ever was.

    My husband and I have been taking swing dance classes. Our Tuesday night class was a delight as we learned new steps and he wove in ones we’ve already learned. The dance instructor is always saying that swing dance is improv and we had a delightful time improvising and moving to the music. We’re in our third month of classes and it’s really coming together. We took classes years ago but haven’t been dancing like this in many years so it’s relighting in a way.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      4 months ago

      Barb, Sounds like a lot of fun…glad you and your hubby can share this activity.

  5. Ose
    4 months ago

    When recnetly having been allowed to joining a Tea ceremony in an atmosphere of a most beautiful and intimate place together with dear kindred hearts, where the Tea master touched us deeply with his holy offerings and full presence. Deeply grateful for the light and gifts he shared. It shines on. Thank you dearly for this unexpected grace. 🙇‍♀️

  6. pkr29022
    4 months ago

    My beautiful daughter has been my shining light for many many years. She is the best gift I have ever received. ✨ She saved me once again this week as I struggled, in my new home, with no AC on the hottest most humid days🥵. She offered me light, help & love as I “lost my mind”,
    trying to resolve the issue while physically feeling awful. Her loving new husband offered his help & light as well.
    I now have AC, as the temperature has cooled down significantly!!!!
    Happy Summer Solstice & Full Moon to All.

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      I can relate with you – glad you now have your AC back. Happy Summer Solstice and full moon to you too.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      4 months ago

      Pkr So glad the AC is working now!

    3. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      PKR, I don’t deal well with the heat either. Having AC helps a lot. Fortunately, it’s been cool so far this year in Mini. The rain does make a huge difference, and it’s been a very wet year so far this year.

  7. L
    4 months ago

    I took a day off work yesterday and went to the beach with my partner — my first time swimming in the Gulf of Mexico! I grew up in Massachusetts, so I’m used to the freezing cold waters of the Atlantic and rocky beaches of New England…. It was so relaxing just floating in the water without being cold, walking in the soft fine sand (without worrying about stepping on rocks)… we have been under a lot of stress lately taking care of his mom, and it was especially nice to see him relax and be in the moment.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Lauryn, I’m very happy for you guys. I can imagine the relaxation, especially coming off of heavier responsibilities. I love beaches too. I’ve been to Cam Coon and Florida beaches before, and the waters are quite warm. In fact, the Atlantic water is warmer than the Pacific on the average.

  8. Yram
    4 months ago

    The vibrant colored flowers 💐 around our complex.
    The clerks and schedulers who have used my first name.
    When my husband had enough energy to help with meal preparation.

  9. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    4 months ago

    For me, my dear mom’s opportunity to come to the United States has recently brought light into my life. Imagining that we could walk on the trail that my husband and I enjoy daily, and the moments that we could spend enjoying meals at our favorite restaurants, has been a dream of mine since I started living in the U.S. My mom’s opportunity brings hope to our family.
    Additionally, I’m deeply touched when I read all the thankful messages exchanged among you. I’m in awe of these expressions of gratitude. It’s remarkable how, even though we may not have met in person, we are still a part of each other’s lives. We share joys and challenges, and we motivate each other. Thank you all for being part of this amazing community that I’m truly grateful to have joined.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      My Ngoc, I’m very happy for you. Seeing a dream come true is huge. It takes moons and moons. Being apart of a supportive community helps us see the light more clearly at the end of the tunnel.

  10. Avril
    4 months ago

    I shared two moments of profound connection this week. My husband and I had been so disconnected that we had a fairly big argument on Father’s Day morning. However, mostly due to his persistence, we transitioned into an amazing talk and a day of deep connection. The week has been so elevated because we have resumed our daily check-ins. I had forgotten the power of simply touching bases and not allowing life to become our tasks. I also connected deeply with a girlfriend over dinner and a long walk by the river. It was unusually cool and the humidity was low. We hadn’t really spent meaningful time for months and I realized how crazy busy my life had become. I was reminded that I have to carve out time for connection or I blink and a year goes by.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      4 months ago

      Avril, Powerfully said and very helpful. Thank you.

    2. Yram
      4 months ago

      I off er youa gold ✨️ star for talking it out.
      It is so easy “for life to be our task.” I fall into this often.

    3. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Avril, your response reminds me of mine yesterday. It feels like an expansion. First of all, the LGBT community is on the rapid rise. For clarrity, this response isn’t intended to offend anyone. Whatever path one chooses is their business, but I can only speak for the traditional love setting, because it’s the only setting I’m well-informed upon.
      This reminds me of my early days with Ngoc to a degree where misunderstandings were common. For women, I understand that it takes time to heal. As a man, I’ve learn that it’s important to be grateful for the fact that I don’t have a sarcastic woman. As if your husband, I have a lot of respect for him. He’s a real man. I’m all too familiar with persistance. I’ve come to find that having more activities has helped me get from A-B. Autism, specifically aspergers, not too long ago, is easy to lie on the extremes of not caring or overcaring. I’ve experienced both but more the ladder. My mom has told me before that on the average, the man will make the first move to humble himself down and persist to make things work with his female partner when the going gets tough and allow his woman to return his investments instead of expecting that. Often times, we humans heal faster than we think.
      As if for you, glad it all worked out. This also explains why back in the old days, it was more common for people to be married for 30, 40, 50yrs… for life. Even with wounds that took years to heal, couples still stuck with each other. It’s more than just that “love” factor. There’s the “need” factor to always be mindful of too. I have never been there yet, but based on 2nd hand experience, I’ve seen the traditional way work for 9 out of every 10 couples. It’s also entirely possible that I’m closer to older folks than people of my generation and younger.

  11. L
    Loc Tran
    4 months ago

    Reading Shunryu Suzuki’s “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” and joining this site has shined light into my life. Simplicity is the common thread. I used to be a complicated person for a long time. As the old saying goes, there’s no need for rocket science.

  12. Carol Ann Conner
    4 months ago

    Sometimes, extremely challenging and stressful situations shine light into our lives. I’m living through one right now as my two sisters and I cope with my middle sister’s illness. I’m learning a lot about my self. I’m experiencing greater self awareness and I’m witnessing the power of love that is grounding all three of us.

    1. Yram
      4 months ago

      I held you and your sisters in prayer this morning!

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        4 months ago

        Thank you, YRAM. Your prayers are deeply appreciated. My sister is back in the hospital and is to weak for another chemo treatment at this time. She has an infection and needed a blood transfusion. I sense she may refuse any more chemo if and when it is offered and I understand where she is coming from with that possible decision.

  13. Patti
    4 months ago

    My sister and nephew have been visiting from California for the past week and a half. Getting to spend time with them has been such a blessing and a very bright light. My nephew is 6 1/2, so he is full of energy and such a funny kid, too! I’m so grateful for their visit and the bond I’ve grown with him, as well as the one I’ve shared with my sister for many years now.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Sunnypatti, your nephew is within the same age group as my nieces in Waverly and Harper who are 7 and 5 years old respectively. Children have a way of getting us out of our own heads. Overthinking for us adults is quite common with myself included for sure. We’re not rocket scientists. We can be interested in researching about NASA, but we don’t need to be that.

  14. Michele
    4 months ago

    Always everyone on this site – thank you
    My kids and family
    The beautiful full moon light that shines through my bedroom window – magical
    As far as things – I am having a new A/C unit installed today, yayyyy, mine is 16 yrs old and on its way out. Maybe not ‘shined light’ but shined cooler air which is much needed down here in FL 🌞

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      4 months ago

      Michele, You are a cool lady but I do understand your need for AC!

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Michele, I love how you find grattitude in the little things that are forgotten these days in a society that heavily focuses on 1st world problems. This aligns with one of my core values of simplicity. Having our basic needs met from: food, water, shelter, clothes, and electricity is enough for us to survive. Everything else are extras, and we have more than enough of those.

  15. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    4 months ago

    As recently as at this present moment. It is raining. First rain of the summer in a spot of the world that trends drier than wetter when it comes to moisture from the sky. I stagger planting in my garden and the last seeds planted are beginning to sprout. Water from the sky seems to work better that water from our house well. Maybe that is because I can take a break for at least today from watering and use less power to pump water. An added plus it that I cultivated and weeded yesterday.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Joseph, The Twin Cities was in a drought for 3yrs in a row prior to this year. We’ve been getting a lot of rain, and it’s nice to get help from mother nature. My parents, just like with many Minnesotans, have felt very relieved.

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