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  1. TofuLove75790
    6 months ago

    I’m kind of arriving at this perception of like — if you are going to do something, really man do it. Like if you are going to rest fully embrace resting, if you are going to watch TV, full embrace enjoyment of that experience and moment — whatever you do just fully embrace with openness and curiosity and appreciation without like the hang ups so much, oh I shouldn’t be resting, I have so much to do — but like really rest, really suck that up and be like MMMMmmm yes, this rest is delicious and just fully deeply appreciate whatever you are doing! If you are going to do something really do it.

  2. barba
    6 months ago

    I always console myself with small micro-breaks throughout the day. But really stopping, just looking, resting, for longer than a few moments? I can’t remember. I think I’ll first define for myself what a break is for me.

  3. Ose
    6 months ago

    good question! What a good treat after this week! May everyone have a good rest and recover.

  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    6 months ago

    I plan on doing this tomorrow. I have the day off and I know I need the rest.

  5. Antoinette88615
    6 months ago

    Good question! I need to work on this a lot because I have aversion to rest and I have a lot of minds that come up about resting and not accomplishing things so I guilt myself into always being productive. This is an opportunity to let that go! Thank you 🙏

  6. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    Today is that day! I slept in, after working
    very late at a wedding last night. I have been
    going non stop for about a month now.
    I need this day. I will attempt to recharge
    for the coming busy week. I am grateful for
    the work and the ability to do the work.
    Right now, I’m enjoying this moment.
    Sitting in my new back yard, watching my
    cats explore their new surroundings.

  7. Nannette
    6 months ago

    Since my health took a turn…I don’t seem to have a choice. I sit and rest during the day as I need it. I don’t sleep well at sometimes during the day…I get a short nap.

    Question!! Does anyone know if Kevin is OK? I was not here for several weeks and I am wondering if he posted something about taking a break and I missed it. When one of the “regulars” don’t post; I get concerned. Hoping Kevin and his family are all well.

    1. Yram
      6 months ago

      Yes, my wonderment also.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      A wise and good human Kevin is.

    3. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      6 months ago

      I miss Kevin and his post too.
      I’m assuming he’s just taking a break.

      1. Antoinette88615
        6 months ago

        Yes hope he’s well and I feel like we are all welcome and regulars here . I appreciate that we see each other and value each other. Thank you 🙏

        1. Nannette
          6 months ago

          Yes, Antoinette…I did not mean to say that some were not welcome here..ever!! Everyone who comes to this site is a Blessing. Kevin has been a contributor for years and years…so his thoughts and wisdom have been missed very much by me. I am sorry if my comment offended you. That was certainly not my intent.

  8. aly alva
    6 months ago

    I believe rest is just as important as being active. So I always give myself permission to rest especially after long day or week. Life is about balance. Happy Sunday everyone.

  9. Yram
    6 months ago

    This is a good question. I don’t think I fully rest.
    Thanks for the comments.

  10. Josie
    6 months ago

    For the past year or so, I’ve made a concerted effort to keep Sunday as a true “Sabbath”~~ a day of rest. This has made the biggest difference in my life. Happy Sunday, all.🌞🕊

  11. Patti
    6 months ago

    While my sleep has been getting better, last Saturday is when I gave myself full permission to rest. I had not slept much more than about an hour the night before, and we had a brunch delivery Saturday midmorning. Up early, got the job done, and when we went home, I promptly got in bed. I slept on and off all afternoon, but definitely got a solid 2 hour nap in. My husband woke me up so that we could take the dogs to the park, and I could feel the effects of doing good for myself instead of just doing-doing-doing since I usually hate wasting daylight hours.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      As some old-timers I knew would say “Daylights a burnin”!

      1. Patti
        6 months ago

        I remember my grandpa saying that when I was a kid! I think it’s ingrained in my brain!!

  12. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago

    That’s only becoming easier for me to do these days having my: career, love, and most important of all, inner lives established.

  13. Laura
    6 months ago

    Yesterday I had a list of things I wanted to get done but after a morning bike ride and lunch, I opted to enjoy Olympics coverage.
    The break from the usual tyranny of tasks did me a world of good.

    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      6 months ago

      “The tyranny of tasks”.
      That is so good. 😊

  14. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago
  15. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    6 months ago

    Thank you so much for today’s question. It reminds me that I haven’t given myself permission for a true rest in a while. I easily give myself daily physical rest. However, even when I’m lying down, my mind is still busy with many things until it becomes very tired and unintentionally brings me to sleep.
    I also wake up easily during the night and find it difficult to get back to sleep. Luckily, the “Back to Sleep” in the Soothing Pod app successfully brings me back to sleep.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday!

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      My Ngoc, I’ve noticed you putting in great effort to resolve these sleep problems. Throughout all these years I’ve gotten closer to you, I’ve noticed that these problems come and go on their terms. Staying in nurture mode does reduce the intensity from worse to bad.

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