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  1. Robin Ann

    For the past few Saturday or Sunday mornings I’ve slept for 10 hours. I think I am still recovering a little from COVID but also some mental stress. . The mornings sleeping in have been overcast or rainy so perfect for sleeping in. Saturday was a day of sailing and that is lots of mental relaxation.

    1 year ago
  2. J

    Physically resting, I give myself the time to get enough sleep. I have stayed disciplined sleeping at least 7 hours. It has helped me. However, mentally and emotionally, I have not been able to rest. I am experiencing a loss of a relationship with a person I loved so much, and they ended it. I don’t blame them for ending the relationship. But I am deeply affected by this loss. I wouldn’t have given up on them. So now, I find myself struggling to let my mind rest. It’s been weeks since i’ve been able to mentally and emotionally rest.

    1 year ago
    1. Robin Ann

      It is a very difficult situation to process, it takes time to heal and work thru the void. Each day will get better and glad you are here on this site with this group : )

      1 year ago
  3. Carol

    Truly resting has always been hard for me. I got a message at a very young age that you cannot have fun until all the work is done and we all know that the work is never done so to be at rest is a challenge. Truly resting implicates actually being able to relax. That’s hard for all of us who struggle with anxiety. Why? Because the mind is always on guard and the body is tense most of the time. All of that said, age has slowed me down and being retired affords me more time to stop, to pause and to to the best of my ability to calm my mind and encourage my body to relax.

    1 year ago
    1. J

      Hi! I really appreciate you sharing this, I was just wondering, I’m a person with anxiety issues, how do manage to cope with your anxiety?

      1 year ago
      1. Robin Ann

        My meditation is walking in nature and that helps me with my anxiety. Also sweet dream tea/ Hot bath.

        1 year ago
      2. Carol

        Jamie, This quote below from Eckhart Tolle might be helpful. And as Joseph says, taking time to meditate daily. Breath exercises also help me a lot. I stop…breath in to a count of 4 through my nose…hold breath for a count of 7 and release the breath through my mouth to a count of 8. Even doing that just 3 times helps my muscles to relax.

        You are not the thinker
        You are the awareness behind the thought.
        Watch the thought, feel the emotion; observe the reaction.
        Observe your thoughts. Don’t believe them.
        Whenever you are able to observe your mind, you are no longer trapped in it.
        Eckhart Tolle

        1 year ago
      3. Joseph McCann

        A daily meditation with some breath work has helped me Jamie.

        1 year ago
  4. Dolores Kazanjian

    Right now. Even though there are still lots of chores to do, I am out of steam.
    Old age has forced me to take a lot more rest periods than I would choose. I am a person who was always going at 200%. It is interesting to me how many people have posted that they are resting because their body forced them to. Maybe we shouldn’t wait.

    1 year ago
    1. Kevin

      I hear you there, Dolores! I’ve never been the nervous or anxiety type and I take that as a blessing. And yet, like you, I enjoy greatly being busy and doing what needs to be done. At 73, and now dealing with the limitations of ankylosing spondylitis, especially with its elevated pain levels, has forced me to rest after nearly every task that I do. Do some thing for 10 minutes or 20 minutes and then get on the floor, get my legs raised up and rest for 10 minutes before moving onto the next thing. Right now I am trying to get used to all that and one day it’s a blessing and the next day it’s a burden. So hopefully I will find middle ground with all of that at some point soon. Take care, best of luck to you Forward.

      1 year ago
  5. O.Christina

    Hi friends, on and off, falling asleep early is one of the big occasions to restore and be well again for my body and mind also. Last time will be tonight 😍Wishing all a relaxing sleep and waking to another day of beauty. Dear Kevin, if possible, please let us know about you, what happened. May be your A.S. has been troubling that much these days so that some rest is required? Sending light your way. May healing be yours. Blessings to you, wherever you are, dear friend. – oh, I just saw you are back!! So happy to get to know all is well and that you took some rest. All the best to you.

    1 year ago
    1. Kevin

      As for the A.S., my friend, you are actually about 70% correct in that dealing with my pain levels from this condition and during a particularly busy phase right now as my faith community prepares for an annual book fair in which we sell nearly 40,000 books over eight days, prompted me to pick and choose what I did and didn’t do over the past week. But truth be told I snuck in the back door and enjoyed reading responses from you all to each day’s daily question. Take care my friend and enjoy your rest also.

      1 year ago
  6. Kevin

    Today’s daily question, offers me an opportunity to to say that the reason I have not been participating here for the last several days is because I was, “giving it a rest!“ I love this site, and greatly respect the people who participate here, but after participating for the last nine years, and missing only three days due to spinal surgery, I wanted to experience how it would feel not to participate for a short while. No particular reason, no complaints, other than having had an overly scheduled few weeks. And, of course, when today’s question was about rest, it gave me a signal that it’s time to return! Thanks, especially to the few folks here who tracked me down to make sure that I was okay and still on the planet!

    1 year ago
    1. Anna

      So happy to see you again dear Kevin,.
      Even if I haven’t published for a long time and I don’t know if I will write, I come to visit the Daily Question, every day. And I was waiting for you.

      1 year ago
      1. Kevin

        How kind of you, Anna, and you know, I have noticed your absence, and it’s a joy just to see your name there on the header, “Anna,“! So, the impish in me thinks, “That’s what it takes to seek you out… go hide for a few days? Gotcha!! Ha ha! > take care, hope all is well.

        1 year ago
    2. Don Jones

      I understand your actions. I feel the same sometimes about other forums from time to time. But, maybe it is a little selfish on my part, it is good to see you back.

      1 year ago
      1. Kevin

        Thank you, Don, a couple of the days I just decided to read other peoples contributions. I found that quite enjoyable and fulfilling and let it go at that. Hope this note finds you well, this new beginning of a brand new month.

        1 year ago
    3. Pilgrim

      Good to find you here today, Kevin, and to know you are okay! Blessings, my friend.

      1 year ago
      1. Kevin

        Oh, Pilgrim, my friend, thank you for your care and concern for me. I remain a fixture, sometimes shabby, sometimes ridiculously content, some days creaky, yet still on the right side of dirt! So sign me up for the day to follow. Take care.

        1 year ago
    4. Laura

      Glad you’re OK, and rested and ready.

      1 year ago
      1. Kevin

        I’m ready, I’m rested, bring it on, where am I? what day is it? Thank you, truly, Laura. This site, and people like you on it, are a blessing.

        1 year ago
  7. Emmaleah

    That is a tough one for me. I’m a single mom of a special needs child, I work two jobs and I’m also starting a new family agricultural venture. It seems as though there is never a moment to rest. However, I have made a promise to myself to really try. As far as physical rest, I have given myself permission to fall asleep at night when my son goes to sleep — despite the unfinished dishes and all the things I could theoretically accomplish. I still have my work cut out for me in making room for mental rest; but I did manage to schedule in TWO visits with friends AND a beach run last week. This is HUGE for me so hopefully it’s the start of a new era!

    1 year ago
    1. Kevin

      Goodness EMMALEAH, a special needs child and an agricultural pursuit? Of course that is hard! We have a special-needs granddaughter and I have farmed for many years in my younger days and know firsthand how very challenging doing anything agricultural is, from horticultural, crops, livestock, foul, to market gardening… there is nothing easy about that vocation.
      Support around you is key from people who understand what type of agriculture you are involved with, and, of course, support for you and your child are equally as crucial to have available to call upon as needed. Rest? It probably sounds like a joke to you, and you also know that it is necessary, somehow, to grab for yourself.
      Keep checking in here. There’s good stuff to be found at this website and good people that can feed the heart and soul and give you strength and nurture rest however it may come in stolen minutes.

      1 year ago
      1. Emmaleah

        Thank you, Kevin. I will definitely keep checking in. I visit this site often and get a great deal of inspiration and guidance. It is wonderful.

        1 year ago
    2. Laura

      Well done!

      1 year ago
  8. Pilgrim

    Before and after colonoscopy and surgery.
    I do a pretty good job of physical rest as needed, but I sure do struggle with resting my brain. Too much racing around up there!

    1 year ago
  9. KC

    With Barb, Charlie and Kevin, I have recent back injuries and pain which are requiring me to slow down and rest. Not easy!
    It is a huge adjustment, to listen to honour my body, in this case by back, and to not override it with what my mind wants and is used to. My mind is craving physical adventure, movement, social and cultural interaction. My body replies – are you sure? Will take things one breath, step at a time.

    Warm wishes for a beautiful Sunday, all…

    1 year ago
  10. Barb C

    This weekend is the beginning of a week off for me and I definitely plan to rest for real, as well as enjoy dates with my husband. We’ve been married 16 years and we’re doing 16 dates. Last year we did 15 dates for 15 years and decided we’ll do this every year. The dates aren’t all fancy or expensive, simply special time together, maybe doing something we haven’t done in a while.

    Unfortunately the restful part will be complicated by the way my back went out yesterday; I can’t move without making the kind of noise you make when something really hurts. Hoping that resolves so my time off is restful and my relaxation is done by choice, not forced. And one of our dates is planned to be a bike ride with a picnic to a park where we’ll throw a Frisbee around, so the back problem had better resolve.

    Speaking of back pain makes me think of Kevin. Like the rest of us I’m hoping he will be back with us soon, wherever he is.

    1 year ago
    1. Robin Ann

      Barb, love your idea for the dates! How cute. I hope your back feels better soon and that you are icing it!!

      1 year ago
    2. KC


      What a beautiful idea – 16 dates for 16 years. What a gift you are giving each other – and especially to make the dates uncomplicated, rather than fancy.

      I hope that you are able to rest your back as much as it needs. Also that the next week offers you time to rest, and you and your husband to truly savour your time together, and the days…

      I too am missing Kevin, and hoping he is ok, and able to join us back here very soon!

      1 year ago
      1. Kevin

        Hello Barb, thanks for your kindness and concern, I am back, and I am fine…mostly. I snuck away for a week or so, partly due to busyness, and partly due to wanting to pause and see how I felt not participating diligently each and every day. The verdict? I think I spent about as much time reading other people’s posts as I did for the time it would’ve taken me to contribute my own!

        1 year ago
  11. Charlie T

    It’s been a while. But, due to my back
    being a bit wonky today, I’m going
    to just hang out around the house.
    Spend some time meditating, stretching,
    and doing a few chores. A full day just for
    me. I’m grateful I have this time.
    The truth is, I have a hard time just
    relaxing. I’m constantly feeling anxious
    or guilty about not getting things done.
    Today I will try to just enjoy what I have
    and be here in this moment.

    1 year ago
    1. Don Jones

      The first time I studied the Sabbath, I thought, yeah, I get it in the days of lots of physical labour but not now. I am not sure why I thought mental fatigue didn’t require rest. Rest is important for body and mind, but I find I have to consciously give myself permission to rest otherwise it turns into not having permission to rest.

      1 year ago
    2. KC


      Wishing you ease as you take the day to hang around, look after your back, and let go of feeling the pull to do other things….

      Warmly, KC

      1 year ago
    3. Barb C

      You and me both on the back problem today. This weekend is the start of a week of vacation for me and yesterday I started having back pain. Not sure what I did to overdo but this spikes my plans for some gardening. Definitely planning to take it easy–no choice! I hope your mind can rest along with your body today.

      1 year ago
  12. Yram

    I just came back from a mini vacation. My family was in town and I did just that. I listened to the various bird songs, ate the deliciously prepared food, watch and listened to the cheers of water tubers and came home to 2 monarch butterfly caterpillars resting on my parsley plant. I gave myself permission and enjoyed every minute.

    1 year ago
  13. Josie

    I love when the Gratefulness daily quote & this Reflection quote mirror each other. Just confirms I am on the right track. My “word” for July & August is Rest. I begin today after a fruitful yet busy past couple of months of “work.” My companion reading happens to be “Sabbath as Resistance.” Another confirmation. Happy Sabbath, all.

    1 year ago
  14. therealest

    I feel like even when im finished with big stress causers, i tell myself i can relax, but my unconsciousness contradicts that. I’m always thinking about the next thing so i never end up truly relaxing. I know this is harmful as it almost seems like I’m never truly getting a break, so I’m very likely to feel insanely burnt out. I hope to change this soon. The last time i can remember is when i was younger.

    1 year ago
  15. Nannette

    I have not slept well for a few nights. Yesterday was muggy and on and off rain. My husband who is always …and I mean always doing something on our “farm” ( a term used in WV for those with land…we do not have any farm it is a loose term). There is always soemthing to be fixed or mowed or built! Yesterday, Peter sat and read most all day…I am usually busy with our cats and dogs and the house….cleaning, cooking….etc. So I joined my husband in a day of being lazy. I read…..we did not have any set meals…we used leftovers and it was a glorious day. I said a prayer of thanks before going to bed. Last night…I fell asleep and slept through the night…grateful for the gift of rest. Today we have a 2.5 hour drive to one of Peter’s college friends party celebrating their 40 th Wedding Anniversary. I am not one to want to leave the animals for that long…but they will have had their breakfast and been out….so they will enjoy a day of rest in the air conditioned house. Our dog, Clancy would rather be on the porch…but we will be gone far too long for him to be outside ….so when we get home they should be well rested…and Peter and I will be very glad to be back on the “farm”. Wishing you all a Super Sunday- however you spend it. Blessings and I am so grateful for all of you.

    1 year ago

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