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  1. barba
    4 months ago

    nature during my morning walks, hikes
    on my terrace
    my bed
    while cooking
    on my zafu

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    4 months ago

    Sharing good times with family and friends, spending time in nature, a nice sunny day, travel, going to a music event and spending time on the sailboat which is what I will be doing this week on Narragansett Bay.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      4 months ago

      How many people can sail in that sailboat Robin Ann?

  3. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    4 months ago

    I was delighted to see how many of us mentioned our home. Ever since my first studio apartment I have strived to create a home that nurtures me. I surround myself with beautiful things and keep the space as uncluttered as I can. I think clutter, BTW, mental and physical, takes away enormously from our peace of mind.
    The other place that nurtures me is my beloved choir. Regrettably, I am no longer able to sing with them on a regular basis. Last weekend my voice teacher, who has become a very good friend, came to visit and brought a stack of music scores and her uke. We made music together for about an hour and it was a glorious experience.
    And nature, of course, always. Especially the water. I live in a waterfront community with a beautiful harbor,

  4. Ose
    4 months ago

    Any place being with friends is nourishing us all; it feeds our soul as well as mine when being together just for talking may be or for cooking together or for listening deeply to each other. It is a gift of sorts, nourishing our hearts. It could be a book or music, singing or painting also. What is in common is that it touches the heart in joy, in understanding or in consolation. To share here with you also all together is one of the possible nourishing places for such being in the moment. Wishing all a happy weekend!

    1. Mary80448
      4 months ago

      Happy weekend to you O. Christina!
      Sending much love! ♥️♥️♥️

  5. Nannette
    4 months ago

    I love being in nature- the woods, forest and anywhere that the water runs. Nature and all that it brings make me peaceful and full of gratitude.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      4 months ago

      I second that Nannette.

  6. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    4 months ago

    The places that nourish me?
    Anywhere in nature. Its even better when
    accompanied by good conversation and
    some physical effort. That combination
    is such an elixir. It’s like a re adjustment
    of the chemicals in my brain. The effects
    of which last for a few days.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      4 months ago

      Amen, Charles.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Charlie, my parents, Ngoc, and I do that everyday; sometimes twice per day with once in the morning and again in the evening for as long as the NBA playoffs isn’t on and not raining.

  7. Barb C
    Barb C
    4 months ago

    My home, and that has been true through many moves to different cities and houses.
    Green places, whether that’s the large forested park near my home now, a manicured city park, a lush garden, a country road lined with trees, tree-covered mountain passes.
    Water places: creeks, rivers, ponds, lakes, the ocean, the inlet at the south end of Puget Sound near which I live that I walk along at least once a week.
    Art galleries where I can appreciate colors, forms, and artistic imagination.
    Places with live music performance.
    Places full of people who have come together for community or celebration: our weekly farmers’ market, a coffee shop with people around me talking, laughing and listening to each other, a festival or parade with people’s faces lighting up as they see something that moves them in some way.
    Places where I’m recognized as a regular.
    And, to be very literal about nourishment, certain restaurants! We really appreciate a great meal, professionally served. We walk downtown and go to one for brunch nearly every week. We know the servers’ names and they know ours. It’s like the theme song from “Cheers”.

  8. L
    4 months ago

    The Green Mountains in Vermont…especially around Stowe, hiking the Appalachian trail around Hawk Mountain in Pennsylvania, Northern California nature especially the Redwoods, Russian River, and Lake Tahoe.

    Listening to music, playing music for others, dancing outside in nature under the stars – any place this happens is nourishing.

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      My dad took us to Hawk Mountain when we were kids:)

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      I miss the Green Mountain, went to College up there!

  9. Carol Ann Conner
    4 months ago

    Good Morning All, When reading today’s question about places that nourish me, I realized that with my sister’s serious illness and all the challenges with getting her the help she needs, the only place that nourishes me is witnessing her faith and the precious present moment when I can manage to dwell in it. It reminds me of a story that is told about Mother Teresa.

    “Several different missionary organizations went to visit Mother Teresa to find out how she had successfully started her missions in so many challenging areas of the world. They wanted to know where she found funding for such big challenges. She told them that when she saw a need, she proceeded but didn’t organize too much.”

    I am inspired by my ill sister’s perspective on all the delays in her treatment due to busy doctors, need for insurance approvals, messages missed because medical organizations call the wrong phone number, etc. It’s her life that hangs in the balance but she is a woman of strong faith and she just rolls with the punches and points out that we don’t know whether delays are good or bad. There is no dualism for her. She just expects that what she needs will be given even if that is the strength to let go and pass over.

    She is grounded in the moment and she is an inspiration. So the place, the space, that nourishes me is the NOW and this precious time with her.

    1. Yram
      4 months ago

      How beautiful is that. It sounds like your presence is a gift to her also. God bless your journeys.

    2. Michele
      4 months ago

      I love your sister’s optimism on whether delays are good or bad. It’s sad and frustrating dealing with insurance approvals, missed messages/wrong phone #’s (my dad dealt with some of this – having ppl call his wife’s # and not his while she was in the hosp etc).
      There have been many cases at work I’ve had where donors did not get meds due to not having insurance.. this is so sad in our Country.
      Continued prayers for you and your sister.

    3. Mary80448
      4 months ago

      Wow, Carol.
      Your sister’s attitude is amazing!
      Wishing many blessings for you and your sisters.

    4. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      4 months ago

      An inspiration. So well worded. Compassion, care and kindness to you and yours Carol.

    5. Nannette
      4 months ago

      Oh, Carol. What a special lady your sister is. May she be Blessed with all that she needs. What a comfort you must be to her. Thinking of you…prayers and love.

    6. Barb C
      Barb C
      4 months ago

      Your sister sounds so centered and amazing, and she’s lucky to have you to appreciate and support her.

  10. Michele
    4 months ago

    My home
    Hills Creek State Park
    Tampa’s Riverwalk and ending up at The Columbia Cafe for their awesome 1905 Salad
    A good place to have High Tea- The Talking Teacup in Chalfont, PA and 22 Moons Tea Room in Valrico, Fl – both incredible
    Enjoy the weekend everyone 🙂

    1. L
      4 months ago

      That Columbia Restaurant location is where I had my first real Cuban sandwich and I’ve been meaning to go back – such a chill spot along the river! Now I need to go check out this salad 🥗 🙂

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        4 months ago

        Lauryn, I love cuban sandwiches too. They’re sour. Chips on the side makes it even better.

  11. T
    Thomas Robinson
    4 months ago

    Last week I went to the beach with my family. I must admit that the mixture of sand, seawater, and sun…and sunblock oil…were more of an annoyance than just sitting on the balcony and enjoying the view. But I have a six year old nephew who LOVES the sea. Especially bouncing in the waves wearing his life jacket. Although that place was less than comfortable for me, it was nourishing watching him learning to relate to the power and wonders of nature. And even my mom and dad, who are very much not beach people, made there appearances briefly under the umbrella. Having the family all together was nourishing. What I take from that is that I don’t exactly get to pick the places that nourish me the most – because that would not have even made my top 10 list. The nourishing occurs where it occurs. My choice in it was simply wanting to be a part (even a memory) in the life of my nephew. Or I guess that could be a neighbor, a loved one, or a stranger. God seems to have a thing for choosing odd places when it wants to deliver a message or a memory.

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      “God seems to have a thing for choosing odd places when it wants to deliver a message or a memory” – loved this, thank you.

    2. Josie
      4 months ago

      Just beautiful, Thomas. I can relate. Thanks for posting this today.

  12. Yram
    4 months ago

    Anything nature nourishes me. I also feel nourished in my home alone with music playing and a beverage in my hand.

  13. L
    Loc Tran
    4 months ago

    The suburbs of the Twin Cities are my ideal living environment. It’s peaceful close to nature, gives me familiarity from childhood, and nourishes my soul.

  14. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    4 months ago

    My ideal living environment includes a home with a large window where I could sit on a cozy sofa, looking out at the snowy landscape. I’d love to live near a beautiful lake with a sidewalk where my family and I can enjoy walking during the summer and early fall. Living in nature nourishes my soul.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      My Ngoc, I love snow too. Fortunately, we have all that as if now.

  15. Avril
    4 months ago

    This is a well-timed question. I am hiking this morning in a beautiful enclave that’s lush on the banks of the Chatahoochee river in Georgia. I am nourished by time in nature. I walk, run, or hike almost daily on trails around my home. I am truly grateful my subdivision is on a little mountain with a 1.7 mile trail in it. There are many days when I sigh as I walk thru the door and reconnect with my sense of freedom and awe.

    1. Josie
      4 months ago

      Beautiful Avril. Continue to savor.

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