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  1. Christina
    1 year ago

    Trying to remind myself on waking up to be starting grateful into the new day. And if not able then, being grateful for the silent morning hours before starting to work, time for just being still, for meditating, for some reflections concerning the questions here, for the beauty which is. Usually, somehow during the first light of the day shows its natural face, it appears and brightens up the day.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 year ago

    I am still very much working on my daily practice. I look forward to coming to this site and reading everyone’s reflections and pondering over my own. I have always been one for trying to find the positive from a negative. Life became overwhelming and somehow I found this site thank Goodness!! Between my faith and this site I have managed to “keep it together” . Thank you all who participate : )

  3. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    1 year ago

    I start each day facing my bedroom wall that has a collection of crosses and artifacts, and say “thank you, Lord for another day” or “this is the day the Lord has made; let me rejoice and be glad in it.” I write some version of that in my daily notebook. I start the computer part of my day with this site and this forum – a real blessing. And I try to remember to practice “Stop, look, go” throughout the day.

  4. Don
    Don Jones
    1 year ago

    I feel it is a way of being that is cultivated by leaning into this Life experience with an openness, perhaps seeking to know its full depth and dimension, as well as being alert to the powers and forces that encourage a self-centered mindset.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 year ago

      As often is the case another thoughtful and thought provoking reflection Don. Thank you,

  5. null
    1 year ago

    By choosing to be grateful.

    With enough curiosity anything can be a reason for gratitude. A break up, losing a job, negative emotions, a table, a saw, a trash can. The trick is in remembering to consider the value that thing brings to my life and appreciating it – there’s always something. Maybe it helped me become a better version of myself, maybe it opened up new opportunities, maybe it makes my life more convenient. It’s a matter of perspective. By finding the ways I’m grateful for things, my life is filled with gratitude.

  6. pkr29022
    1 year ago

    I start my day with gratefulness; as I rise I thank Source for this new & beautiful day.
    When I lay my head down at day’s end I consciously thank Source for all of my many blessings thru out the day.
    Gratefulness is a part of me, it just is. I feel so full when I am conscious of all I have been blessed with. I am very blessed & for that I am thankful. 🙏🏻✨

  7. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    I don’t recall how I first discovered this site, but it is now part of my morning routine: coffee, poetry, gratefulness. Sometimes I write my answer before reading others, sometimes I read other replies first for inspiration. Sometimes I come back later in the day to read replies after mine, or I read the final replies to the previous day’s question before moving on to the one for this day. You all remind me of more and more for which I can be grateful.
    When I truly pay attention, gratitude is there.
    When I am mindful, gratitude is there.
    When I think of how incredibly fortunate I have been in this life, gratitude is there.
    When I look at or talk with or hold those I love, gratitude is there.

  8. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    How do I practice living gratefully on a daily basis?

    My job is willingness. I do my best to look at every thing that happens with an open mind, open heart, with eyes to see and ears to hear. That’s basically my definition of an attitude of gratitude. When I was introduced to Toltec Wisdom several years ago, my teachers accented the importance of being mindful of the story I was telling myself. What story am I telling myself about this day, this situation? I have found that a good practice. It helps we challenge life-limiting thoughts and nurture life-giving awareness.. I’m currently reading a book by Martha Beck titled “The Way of Integrity.” I highly recommend it. It is challenging because it’s about awakening our own inner teacher. That teacher that cultural norms and dogmas have silenced. Thankfully, I realized many years ago that the important question for me is not “Who is God?” It is “Who am I?” To practice living gratefully I have to be willing to ask myself that question daily.

  9. Yram
    1 year ago


  10. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    1 year ago

    Each morning before coffee or anything else really, I spend 10 minutes or so doing breath work, gently moving my body, and inviting healing , loving energy into my heart, mind, body, and spirit. That is followed by recognizing people I know, and don’t know, who are in need of healing, loving energy. This practice opens my heart and puts my feet on the ground for the day. Presence and gratitude seem to partners in my days.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Lovely and a very helpful reminder for me. Thank you Mary Mantei

  11. J
    John Carley
    1 year ago

    When I wake up in the morning I begin with the waking gatha from the tradition of the order of interbeing:

    Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.

    I have a cycle of 6 chants that I chant daily:
    Om Namah Shivaya,
    Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu,
    Om mani padme hum,
    I have arrived, I am home, in the here and in the now, I am solid, I am free, in the infinite I dwell,
    Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.

    I endeavor to be fully present in each action of the day, to notice and listen, to connect and ask permission. By living in this way I notice the gifts that are being offered and express gratitude always for them.

    Journalling, sitting, walking, breathing consciously are always on the menu but don’t have a fixed time of practice.

    Being well fed and well rested and keeping good medicine on hand is also very much a part of my practice. Taking good care of the vessel so that I can be resilient and dynamic and be of service.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 year ago

      Wow! Your daily practice is very inspiring!

    2. S
      Ana Maria
      1 year ago

      Thank you John, how beautiful!

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Your answer is a meditation. Thank you.

  12. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    I pause, take a breath, and see the
    world through grateful eyes.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Charlie, The power of perspective…I love the term:grateful eyes!

  13. Patti
    1 year ago

    I start each morning with meditation and then journalling, which includes listing some things I am grateful for. Then I come here 🙂 I’ve had a gratitude practice for quite some years now, and it’s such a part of my life now that I can’t imagine any other way.

  14. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    1 year ago

    My husband and I share self-esteem at the end of the day, every day to practice our gratefully living on basis. We are convinced to find at least one thing that increases positive thinking each day. Even though that was the day that I failed my exam, there must be something to be grateful for such as: a delicious dish from my mother in-law, or a sweet conversation that I had with my mom over the phone. Obviously, gratefulness is in our heart and our mind, not circumstance nor fortune.

    1. Linda72766
      1 year ago

      I love what you wrote: Gratefulness is in our heart and mind, not circumstance nor fortune. Thank you for this reminder.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      “…Obviously, gratefulness is in our heart and our mind, not circumstance nor fortune.” Such wisdom and deep felt truth…reminds me of a saying that stopped me dead in my tracks several years ago…”A blinding glimpse of the obvious!” Your words were and are definitely one of those “Ah-Ha moments” for me.

  15. Nannette
    1 year ago

    After reading the daily morning news- which is what I never do before coming to this site….and which I did this morning….I am feeling so worried about our country and add on to that the wars in Israel, Gaza and Ukraine…oh my!! But I have to remind myseslf that there is good in this world and good in our country. I am grateful that I live where I live….and that I can hear the birds sing. I do not hear artillary or bombs, or screams. For whatever reason, I am where I am…and in my own world…Thanks be to God, I have peace. I am greateful that I have family visiting for a few days…and tomorrow I get to see more family. I have not seen them in 2 years…since my brother passed away. My twin nieces and husbands and my sisiter in law are visiting WV. It is the second time in 20 years that the nieces have visited…and my SIL has never been here. So for the next few days; I will be very grateful and happy to see members of my family that I do not see often. I will delight in the foliage, and sounds of Fall….and last but never least I practice living gratefully by coming to this wonderful site with such wise and holy people.. It is the people herer that give me hope. Thank you!

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 year ago

      When my Mother was very ill she was told by her Doctor to stay away from the news. I do try to as best I can but I also know
      that one can not avoid it entirely either.

    2. Dolores Kazanjian
      Dolores Kazanjian
      1 year ago

      Nannette. I try never to start the day with the news. I usually start with the second section of our local paper (Newsday) – Comic strips, puzzles, local events. Later is time enough for the news. Yes, the world has gone crazy. What keeps running through my mind is the line from Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind”: How many deaths does is take ’til we now that too many people have died? But I try to focus on the people who are kind and loving, including the beautiful souls who post here.

    3. S
      Ana Maria
      1 year ago

      Enjoy the company of your loved ones. What a gift!

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