today! and it felt amazing. I had class and took my sister to urgent care and then went grocery shopping, but i had plenty of downtime today. At urgent care i was going to do some homework because we were there for a few hours, then i decided nah, ill sit here with my sister and comfort her and spend time with her. We laid in the bed and watched some TV together. After class I tanned outside and read a book, i put off grocery shopping to do this, and i am very glad i did. Then in the evening i was doing some homework, but now i have even less to do tomorrow, giving myself lots of time to be over do 🙂
I read this question in the morning, then plunged into a day full of meetings–lots of doing. At the end of the day, riding my bike home after an improv class full of being in the moment, I took in the sights, scents and sounds around me. I may have been doing, in the sense that I was riding to get home at the end of the day, but I was also fully being, and it was delightful.
I did on Saturday, I felt exhausted and slept in. I knew I needed some down time to regroup and rest. It was a rainy day. I did go get my haircut and 5 pm Mass.
The other day when my friend and I went to the Muir Woods and walked through the forest. I focused on being present with nature and taking in the environment, looking at all the clover on the ground and listening to the different subtle sounds of the forest.
I now allow myself to take a nap in the daytime if I need it! All the messages about being lazy and unproductive try to crowd in, but taking a nap allows me to calm my mind and be in tune with my body.
If by “being”, you mean, being in the
moment or being present, I try to
catch myself and remind myself all
the time. It’s always a priority for me.
Now, of course I constantly get caught
up in the doing and try to come back
to being. But, I do feel like being requires
intention and a certain amount of effort.
But then aren’t I doing being?
This question has me chasing my tail.
When I was a young girl my Dad used to call Sundays “Family Days” which to me meant – you are stuck at home. 50 some years later, I still tend to stay close to home on Sundays. Yesterday my husband and I – who are new empty nesters – hung out on the couch together. We didn’t speak much as we both felt it was a day to stop and rest. I stared out the window watching rain fall and tried not to let the Type A part of me tell me I needed to be productive. Talked to God, read, snuggled under a blanket, watched a little tv, did our family zoom. It was restoring. My version of family day. Today I’m back to work but will carry that feeling with me.
This morning 🙏🏼 I usually start off with yoga/meditation, followed by reading and running a couple of miles. Today, I just needed to be still. I’m glad I did.
Every day I try to take a few minutes to just sit outside, look up at the trees around my house and just let my mind wander. I suppose it’s also that way when I take time in the mornings to go on this site.
I do it every morning when I wake up… once I feed the dogs and let them outside, I pour a cup of coffee and sit down for my meditation. I also try to take time to pause each day and appreciate where I am, the beauty around me… yesterday, we took the dogs to a park we’ve never been to before, and as we came to an opening in the path, you could see a river ahead, and it was so beautiful. Not many docks lined up this river, and the park was quiet. As my dog sniffed around, I was taking all that energy in, just being a part of the now.
In my mindset, I’ve always prioritized being over doing. However, as I’ve flowed into the river of working for my material life, I forgot to take care of my soul until I got stuck in those waters. Recently, I’ve realized that I must create space for my inner world. I’ve returned to listening to the Gospel, alongside answering daily questions here, and I’ve found peace in there.
Actually, I did consciously did this yesterday. I am committed to posting an answer to this daily question and posting a daily gratitude on the community page. I gave a talk early yesterday morning and as a result, my morning was very busy with preparation, getting dressed, eating, etc. I honored my personal commitment and answered the daily question. However, I realized I was cutting it close with time and rather than skip my daily gratitude I just honored myself and summarized it in one simple sentence “I am grateful for being.” I think it’s so auspicious that this is the next day question. It may not seem like a big deal to some. However, I think it’s a reflection of my commitment to having pauses every day. Without that time, life just becomes a hamster wheel.
For certain, most of my days are filled with doing some thing or other. I do take moments, admittedly, only moments, between “doing,“ where I just exist, sometimes praying, talking to God, or sitting quietly somewhere, just listening to the birds or if near the water, I’ll listen to the waves, seagulls, and ocean sounds all about in what feels to me like a state of being. For sure though I could invest much more time in being.
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today! and it felt amazing. I had class and took my sister to urgent care and then went grocery shopping, but i had plenty of downtime today. At urgent care i was going to do some homework because we were there for a few hours, then i decided nah, ill sit here with my sister and comfort her and spend time with her. We laid in the bed and watched some TV together. After class I tanned outside and read a book, i put off grocery shopping to do this, and i am very glad i did. Then in the evening i was doing some homework, but now i have even less to do tomorrow, giving myself lots of time to be over do 🙂
I read this question in the morning, then plunged into a day full of meetings–lots of doing. At the end of the day, riding my bike home after an improv class full of being in the moment, I took in the sights, scents and sounds around me. I may have been doing, in the sense that I was riding to get home at the end of the day, but I was also fully being, and it was delightful.
Improv sounds really fun!
I did on Saturday, I felt exhausted and slept in. I knew I needed some down time to regroup and rest. It was a rainy day. I did go get my haircut and 5 pm Mass.
The other day when my friend and I went to the Muir Woods and walked through the forest. I focused on being present with nature and taking in the environment, looking at all the clover on the ground and listening to the different subtle sounds of the forest.
Today, after spontaneously having booked really needed holidays, starting tomorrow for almost a week, and my heart sings!
I now allow myself to take a nap in the daytime if I need it! All the messages about being lazy and unproductive try to crowd in, but taking a nap allows me to calm my mind and be in tune with my body.
Naps are great!!
If by “being”, you mean, being in the
moment or being present, I try to
catch myself and remind myself all
the time. It’s always a priority for me.
Now, of course I constantly get caught
up in the doing and try to come back
to being. But, I do feel like being requires
intention and a certain amount of effort.
But then aren’t I doing being?
This question has me chasing my tail.
When I was a young girl my Dad used to call Sundays “Family Days” which to me meant – you are stuck at home. 50 some years later, I still tend to stay close to home on Sundays. Yesterday my husband and I – who are new empty nesters – hung out on the couch together. We didn’t speak much as we both felt it was a day to stop and rest. I stared out the window watching rain fall and tried not to let the Type A part of me tell me I needed to be productive. Talked to God, read, snuggled under a blanket, watched a little tv, did our family zoom. It was restoring. My version of family day. Today I’m back to work but will carry that feeling with me.
We just finished a weekend away. It really refreshed my soul. I want to remember to take “mimi” weekends during the day.
This morning 🙏🏼 I usually start off with yoga/meditation, followed by reading and running a couple of miles. Today, I just needed to be still. I’m glad I did.
Every day I try to take a few minutes to just sit outside, look up at the trees around my house and just let my mind wander. I suppose it’s also that way when I take time in the mornings to go on this site.
I do it every morning when I wake up… once I feed the dogs and let them outside, I pour a cup of coffee and sit down for my meditation. I also try to take time to pause each day and appreciate where I am, the beauty around me… yesterday, we took the dogs to a park we’ve never been to before, and as we came to an opening in the path, you could see a river ahead, and it was so beautiful. Not many docks lined up this river, and the park was quiet. As my dog sniffed around, I was taking all that energy in, just being a part of the now.
In my mindset, I’ve always prioritized being over doing. However, as I’ve flowed into the river of working for my material life, I forgot to take care of my soul until I got stuck in those waters. Recently, I’ve realized that I must create space for my inner world. I’ve returned to listening to the Gospel, alongside answering daily questions here, and I’ve found peace in there.
I’m glad the website is beneficial for you. I’ve certainly noticed it too.
Actually, I did consciously did this yesterday. I am committed to posting an answer to this daily question and posting a daily gratitude on the community page. I gave a talk early yesterday morning and as a result, my morning was very busy with preparation, getting dressed, eating, etc. I honored my personal commitment and answered the daily question. However, I realized I was cutting it close with time and rather than skip my daily gratitude I just honored myself and summarized it in one simple sentence “I am grateful for being.” I think it’s so auspicious that this is the next day question. It may not seem like a big deal to some. However, I think it’s a reflection of my commitment to having pauses every day. Without that time, life just becomes a hamster wheel.
For certain, most of my days are filled with doing some thing or other. I do take moments, admittedly, only moments, between “doing,“ where I just exist, sometimes praying, talking to God, or sitting quietly somewhere, just listening to the birds or if near the water, I’ll listen to the waves, seagulls, and ocean sounds all about in what feels to me like a state of being. For sure though I could invest much more time in being.