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  1. Keena Barbour
    Keena Barbour

    Am I SURE about nursing school? I am terrified of how hard it will be on top of a full time job and how long it’s going to take. On the other hand, I need to give myself more credit because I AM actually smart enough. As for how long it will take, the time will pass anyway.

    4 months ago
  2. Oinks

    I want to stop making my career my identity. It’s just a job I do to earn a living. What else can become my identity?

    4 months ago
  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Will the weather be nice to stay on the sailboat over memorial week-end. When will I meet my son’s new girlfriend and will I like her immediately. They are going on a 5 day vacation this month together. Will my daughter get at least a part time job soon (but I am not pushing it at all) just question in my mind since I am supporting her. Will the migration of some of our lines of business into one system at work go smoothly at the end of this month.

    4 months ago
  4. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian

    What do I want to do with the rest of my life and how hard do I want to push myself?

    4 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Dolores, Indeed…I have that question as well. If you come up with something, Please share your thoughts.

      4 months ago
    2. Yram

      Yes, an excellent question fir me also. Let me know your answer!

      4 months ago
      1. Dolores Kazanjian
        Dolores Kazanjian

        Nannette and Yram thank you for the question. No easy answer comes up buy whatever it is includes kindness and making a difference.

        4 months ago
  5. Barb C
    Barb C

    On weekends I don’t make to-do lists. I make lists of possibilities that always include some restful and enjoyable activities as well as chores. That means my days always start with some questions.

    The list for today rests in part on the weather question: When do I get in some gardening around the rain forecast? It needs to come after my bike ride to the farmers’ market to buy some seed potatoes and I’m hoping they finally have basil plants, which would be a sign about future weather. I have spinach, yellow summer squash, and other seeds to plant too. Answering this also reminds me that I need to harvest rhubarb and prep it for the freezer, which I haven’t done before (first season growing rhubarb) so I guess the new question is “do I have to blanch it first?” I already researched harvesting so I know to pull rather than cut the stalks.

    Yesterday I did a lot: Long walk to brunch and farmers’ market, a bunch of prep work for my friend’s birthday party and then party attendance. Today’s list has to include going back to pick up the tables, chairs, tablecloths, and other things I brought.

    4 months ago
    1. Yram

      I do not blanch my rhubarb before I freeze it. Not sure of the proper procedure.

      4 months ago
    2. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      Isn’t the « everyday » wonderful, Barb?

      4 months ago
  6. Pilgrim

    Not exactly a new question, but one I pondered for the 2nd time this morning after many months of being somewhat homebound due to the fall I suffered a few months back. A week ago I said to myself, “I’m going to the beach on my own.” I chose a non-busy weekday, took my time, and it went well. So today, a beautiful Sunday morning, I said “I’m going in again. If it’s too busy, I may not stay.” It was a wonderful outing, although with a good amount of people. Everyone was careful on the pier, and I took my time. I am so grateful to be back in the neighborhood of possible.

    4 months ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      “……..the neighborhood of possible.” I like the sound, feel and meaning of that phrase also Pilgrim. Thank you.

      4 months ago
    2. Barb C
      Barb C

      “The neighborhood of possible” is a wonderful place! Thank you for this beautiful phrase. So glad you’re able to get out again a bit.

      4 months ago
  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    The word for the day, provoked the old
    question. Who am I. It’s a question that
    I don’t have a firm grasp of. I’m reading
    a book about the many “parts of us”.
    So that has me digging a bit deeper.

    4 months ago
  8. Yram

    It is not a new question but a repeated one.
    How can I thrive today when my physical being is not optimal and I have caregiving responsibilities?

    4 months ago
  9. Patti

    When will we get the time to go look at new homes? Will we find the right fit in an area we want to be in?
    Our home is going on the market this week, and we are planning to move to Western North Carolina – hopefully by the end of summer. I’m so excited!

    4 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Wishing you all the best, SunnyPatti on your new journey!!

      4 months ago
    2. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      A move, especially when it is our choice, is so energizing! Good luck and enjoy!

      4 months ago
    3. Michele

      I’m kinda shocked reading this – you’ve written many times how much you love your home in the County. I wish you luck on your new adventure! Looking forward to hearing all about it:)

      4 months ago
      1. Patti

        I still love my home and our property in the country, but we don’t like the community. Putting our business in this area really opened our eyes to how it really is, and the truth is that the people just really aren’t that nice. I hate to say that because I am such a positive, people-loving person. I grew up in the same county, but we are at the lower part of it now, and it’s like a whole separate world. I have never experienced such judgmental, racist people and the town leadership is absolutely atrocious. I could go on, but we’d rather just move on! It’s a shame, really, but sometimes life opens up new chapters you never expected and I have always loved the mountains! We have family in that area, and my dad grew up in TN not far from where we’re going to be, so I’ve loved it since I was a kid.

        4 months ago
        1. Michele

          ‘life opens up new chapters you never expected’, love this 🙂

          4 months ago
    4. Laura

      Welcome to North Carolina!

      4 months ago
      1. Patti

        I’m in South Carolina now, and have been to NC hundreds of times for mountain hiking and surfing all over the coast. It’s a great state that we look forward to making our new home in 🙂

        4 months ago
    5. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      How exciting!

      4 months ago
    6. Barb C
      Barb C

      That’s huge! Good luck!

      4 months ago
  10. Michele

    I am meeting former co-workers from a previous job years ago – I haven’t seen many in a long time – looking forward to catching up.
    Have a nice peaceful relaxing Sunday everyone.

    4 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Have fun, Michele. I understand that feeling. I have a best buddy name Josh a couple years younger than me who’s blind I met at a blind and low vision summer transition program back in 2010. He lives 5hrs away from me driving. It’s super exciting when we’re able to see each other. Having to depend on family members makes that harder amplifying those feelings. I live in the Twin Cities, and he lives in Virginia, MN.

      4 months ago
  11. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    Recently, this question has been on my mind: When will my mom’s visa interview take place? I can’t wait to walk with her in the park we usually visit and take her to the restaurants we enjoy. I’m counting the days until we can do those things together. Wishing you all a nice Sunday!

    4 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Wishing your mom a successful interview!

      4 months ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, I’m very excited for you. As someone who was close to my mom myself during childhood, I can imagine the excitement of being able to do that again. If I was in your shoes, I can imagine those feelings being amped up.

      4 months ago
  12. J

    What do saturation, richness, music and sketching all have in common?

    I think I have been trying to answer this question for more than two years.

    4 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Can you say more about “saturation”? This is an intriguing list.

      4 months ago
  13. L
    Loc Tran

    My zen practices have led to Shunryu Suzuki lately. A question that has arised is “How can I increase accessability for those on the same boat as me while honoring Suzuki’s works?” First of all, having only 10% vision in my right eye along with a mild case of autism and bipolar mania makes zen extra challenging. Based on my understanding of “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind”, convenience communication is king. Therefore, a lot of either short way speech or nonverbal cues are utilized. Exploring the world for ourselves is one of the pillers in buddhism.
    Just like Suzuki himself, I straddle between old and new school. Being passionate in zen buddhism from Phil Jackson and having disabilities are the driving forces behind my goal from the first paragraph. Phil’s 11 zen principles were greatly influenced by the man himself. Suzuki’s works only work well with nondisabled people, because he came of age at a time where mental health was still taboo even in the west. That wasn’t too long ago; just somewhere in the mid 20th century.
    I also straddle between the American and Vietnamese culture. That was the case with Suzuki too between American and Japanese. My focus is on 1 on 1 connections as someone who straddles the line in many groups. Quality over quanity. 1 follower is all we need. That’s already a good starting point. Deeper relationships are encouraged, and it’s a lot easier to have that with less people.
    Suzuki did talk about enless possibilities in the beginner’s mind and limitted possibilities in the expert mind. I’ll add in the intermediate mind concept. There are many possibilities there. Intermediate is close to beginner’s. Before the expert level comes advance.
    Based on right understanding, I learned that zen requires letting go of the desire for clarrity. Learning to be convenient with clarrity feels more realistic for me. The emphasis is on communication itself when all said and done. By-pass convenience and clarrity. I encourage using all forms of communication.

    4 months ago
  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    It is another beautiful spring morning in northern Michigan. Spring came very early this year, and it dawned on me yesterday that we still have a month before the summer solstice. On Sunday mornings, I look over my upcoming week to have an overview of what’s up.. A question I had been noodling around just before I opened was, « what are some ways I can spend my time this summer that are novel and keep me outdoors ? ». I actually wrote on my calendar, take a fresh look, don’t get stuck. Simple, but important to me. A beautiful day to each of you.

    4 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Mary, same here in Mini. I’m not far from you. Great question. I’ll be going on walks with Ngoc and my family outdoors.

      4 months ago
  15. D

    First I just read the rest of yesterday’s responses and wanted to thank Barb and everyone for your reply.

    This is the time of day my mind starts contemplating it is also the time of day I try to stop it from doing so. I will ponder my questions later as to try to keep the mind on peace, gratitude, and faith.

    4 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      We have the same habit; I also go back and read responses to yesterday’s question posted after I was on the site.

      4 months ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      Deann, I’m with you. Early in the morning around this time is when we’re at our creative peak. Coming from a good night sleep helps. A lot of ideas fire away. It’s high risk, high reward. I can totally understand why you strive to stop the stream to keep the peace for the day. Being close to the center is the best place.

      4 months ago

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