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  1. O.Christina

    No idea to reply to this question. May be being quirky is just not appearing to my mind? Dear Kevin, you are missed. Hope all is well with you. May you and all have a lovely Sunday.

    8 months ago
  2. Robin Ann

    I guess I am a bit quirky in that I’ve always have been huge into nature even as a child. I used to bring home a bird that fell out of a nest or a turtle from near a river. I am sure I drove my Mother crazy lol! Just not your typical “girly girl” at all. Loved climbing trees and playing kickball growing up. I am still very much into nature, dress very casual and never wear makeup hardly ever. Not into the typical household things either like house decorating, baking or cooking either now in my early 60’s. Just keep things simple and it frees me up for more adventures!

    8 months ago
  3. Don Jones

    I am like a moth to the flame when it comes to wood. I adore its colours, textures, fragrances, the grains, working with it with my hands, crafting it into beautiful furniture and decor. I look at the timbers in old buildings and bridges and quietly talk to them, and when I visit other areas, I am fascinated by different species that I have never seen before. I have got collections of pieces or wood that somehow followed me home and I have a shed full of broken antiques that I like to recycle and conserve. I give my wood creations names.

    8 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Thank you Don. That reminds me of my father talking. He made many things out of many types of wood until he had a stroke 14 years ago.

      8 months ago
  4. pkr

    I don’t feel I have one quirky thing that I appreciate. I believe that in general, overall, I am quirky. I am very quirky in what I think, believe. I definitely march to my own drummer. I abhor all those “shoulds” society says I am suppose to be & do. I appreciate me & all my quirkiness!

    8 months ago
  5. Maeve

    I am happy to think of myself as quirky in my actions and sense of humor. I don’t buy a lot of new clothes; I wash and reuse plastic bags to an obsessive extent; I refuse to buy a car, and relay only on my bike and public transportation; I put goat’s milk in my coffee; I am always mixing up my students’ names in class to the extent that they tell me I need to see a “brain doctor.”
    Recently, in order to give my brain a break at the end of the work day, I watch short videos of farriers trimming horses’ hooves. It’s oddly satisfying.

    dictionary definition of quirky: “unusual in especially an interesting or appealing way; having many quirks”
    Why wouldn’t one want to be quirky? It’s the spice of life!

    8 months ago
    1. Michele

      I have some weird videos I like to watch too that are satisfying – dental scaling-removing tartar from teeth – soooo satisfying, ear wax/blackheads removal

      8 months ago
  6. Charlie T

    I don’t consider myself quirky, in the
    way that I know some pretty quirky
    people. I guess my habit of changing
    topics, on a dime, while conversing with
    friends, could be considered a quirk.
    I have been told that sometimes a
    conversation with me is like a “wild
    dune buggy ride”. It’s true. My work
    mate said I should have some sort of
    signal when I’m changing topics. 😁
    I’m okay with this. I like it when my mind
    is in the flow and one thought is leading
    to another thought. Skipping and jumping

    8 months ago
    1. Maeve

      Sounds unique as well as quirky!

      8 months ago
  7. Yram

    I find worms very fascinating!

    8 months ago
  8. Carol

    Regretfully, I’ve never been labeled “quirky.” I was definitely raised to be a rule follower and it took me many years to challenge the rules I was taught.

    8 months ago
    1. Michele

      Carol – stop and look at your Profile pic – that is a bit quirky, lol.

      8 months ago
  9. Nannette

    I can’t think of any quirkiness…but then again…I am me! 🙂 I am obsessed with animals…and that may indeed be quirky. I worry about animals that I read about…I despair over animals that I cannot help…but I love my animals beyond all measure. My empathy is perhaps abnormal…but I would rather care than not. I love hear all your replies!!

    8 months ago
  10. Ngoc Nguyen

    God created me, filled me with introversion and empathy so they are vehicles promote deep connection between me and other hearts. I appreciate for these characteristics. They bring me gratefulness and brokenness, the tastes of life.

    8 months ago
  11. A
    Asmita Banerjee

    that my brain works 10 times faster and better than any part of myself

    8 months ago
  12. Michele

    my laugh
    my daily visit to
    my SOD (Shiny Object Disorder)

    8 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      I am sure my daughter would agree Michele that I am also afflicted by SOD!

      8 months ago
      1. Michele

        My SOD was in full swing yesterday at EPCOT although I invented a new one while we were in Morocco – COD, Colorful Object Disorder, lol.

        8 months ago
    2. Yram

      Thank you for shathe site. I am married to a Scorpio! The comments were fun to read. I love that today can be NATIONAL CIDER DAY.

      8 months ago
      1. Michele

        I laughed when I saw that it was Nat’l Married to a Scorpio Day. 🤣 They truly have National days for EVERYTHING now.

        8 months ago
  13. Pilgrim

    I have a song lyric that goes with pretty much everything. It could bust out at any moment. Sometimes a quote will do the same.

    8 months ago
    1. Michele

      love it!

      8 months ago
  14. Joseph McCann

    My wife’s birthdate is December 25th. She watches Hallmark Christmas movies incessantly. The channel plays reruns’ all month long for their Christmas in July. All of November, at least in the evenings, the movies begin in earnest. In December the channel goes into overdrive. Cheryl also watches Lifetime Channel throughout the year. I have dubbed Lifetime as the Murder and Mayhem Channel and Hallmark as the Fantasy Channel. I then like to give the Christmas movies storyline a Lifetime influence. My quirky sense of humor is appreciated by me and every once in a while, I detect a slight grin from Cheryl. although she does not appreciate my quirkiness as much as I crack my own self up!

    8 months ago
    1. Maeve

      :). Great!

      8 months ago
    2. Nannette

      Joseph! You crack ME up!! 🙂 Have a great day…and watch a Hallmark movie for me!!

      8 months ago
    3. Josie


      8 months ago
  15. EJP

    I have many “quirks”…..all of which I greatly appreciate as they make me the unique person that I am.

    8 months ago

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