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  1. Ose
    19 hours ago

    Yes, like many mentioned already, random acts of kindness are a gift and benefit is present in uncounted ways. A smile, a kind word, kindness might open the door to ease, the gap between perceiving me and the other as seperate might melt away.

  2. sparrow51014
    22 hours ago

    I experience every day kindnesses too,
    the kind you don’t think about much
    because they happen all the time,
    like the opening of doors,
    letting someone pull their car out in front
    if there is a lot of traffic on the main road,
    giving up a shopping cart without asking for a quarter . . .
    these are the circles I generally travel in.
    I’ve left my debit card on the counters of more than a few shops,
    and the clerks
    have always saved them for me.
    Last week
    I left my handbag in the dollar store,
    and drove all over town looking for where I’d left it . . .
    I was sure that someone had stolen it
    and was thinking some very negative thoughts.
    Everything was in that handbag . . .
    credit card,
    debit card,
    insurance cards,
    discount cards from local markets,
    driver’s license,
    check book,
    proof of covid vaccinations,
    and $50.00,
    which was a Christmas gift from a friend.
    My last ditch effort
    was the dollar store.
    I flew back there,
    just as I was pulling into my driveway,
    ten miles away.
    The very kind clerk,
    a young man
    who I am sure was being paid the lowest possible minimum wage,
    beamed at me when I entered the store,
    and said immediately,
    “we have your handbag.”
    I could have kissed him,
    but thanked him profusely instead.
    He was a bit embarrassed,
    but obviously pleased
    that he could help keep my day from falling into ruins.
    He presented that “joyfulness of heart”
    that Mary mentioned.
    I will always be grateful
    for people like that . . .
    who don’t even think
    of doing the wrong thing. ♥

    1. Mary
      20 hours ago

      What a wonderful ending to such an upsetting day!

  3. Tyrone Clownsmith
    1 day ago

    This morning. A thoughtful man who had to be to work shortly was kind enough to pull over and pull my car out of the snow after I slid off the road. That was very nice of them even if AAA called to say they were almost there right when he unstuck me!

    I said I wish I had something to give him. Of course that wasn’t all I also said God Bless. Then said a prayer for his good fortune.

    I usually don’t like accepting acts of kindness but I’ve since abandoned that concept and will say prayers for anyone extending me kindness.

    I think more importantly for me I need to look for opportunities to do as many secret acts as I can

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      10 hours ago

      When you accept someone else’s offer of kindness, you’re doing them a kindness in return by allowing them to feel helpful (or polite, or whatever they’re expressing with their act).

    2. sparrow51014
      22 hours ago

      I have heard,
      dear Mustafa,
      that it is important
      that we do one kind thing for someone every day
      and never tell anyone else about it. ♥

    3. Avril
      1 day ago

      I’m glad you’re safe

  4. S
    Suzanne S
    1 day ago

    People are incredible, and kindness is more common than we often realize. In difficult moments, you see others stepping up to help, showing compassion and generosity. I truly admire the innate goodness in people. I have been surrounded by kind lovely people throughout my life, and it has touched and enriched my life.

    1. Avril
      1 day ago

      I believe in the inherent kindness of people as well. We are unkind when we forget ourselves.

  5. Carol Ann Conner
    1 day ago

    As Charlie T says in his post, “…..kindness is the only true currency.” No matter what is happening in the world, I can always choose to be kind in my small world. Knowing that is such a great comfort and benefit to me.

  6. Mary
    1 day ago

    Once I lost my wallet at the grocery store.
    I must have had my phone number in it,
    because a woman with a kind voice called me and told me she had found it.
    She gave me directions to the corner of a main road
    and her side street.
    She said she would meet me there,
    and I didn’t have to walk all the way down her long street.
    When I got there I called her
    She said she would start walking up the street and be there shortly.
    I told her I could start driving down the road to meet her.
    She said that she didn’t want to ask me to do that
    because I might be someone who has trouble walking.
    She met me with a a big smile on her face,
    and told me the money was still in the wallet.
    This kind woman was so pleased to be able to return my wallet to me.
    Her face was beaming.
    So much light from one person!
    I gave her some money to thank her,
    but I think she would have been just as pleased, if I hadn’t.
    This was a very kind woman who was joyful that she could help me.
    God grant me the same joyfulness of heart
    whenever I am able to help another.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      13 hours ago

      Mary, you express so well how a random act of kindness affects the receiver AND the giver. “So much light from one person!” – wow! Kindness seems one way to reshape our world.

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 day ago

    I have undoubtedly benefited from random acts of kindness. Small gestures that helped restore my faith in humanity. And I try to perpetuate acts of kindness whenever I can. I truly believe that kindness is the only true currency.

  8. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 day ago

    Last night. I rode my bike to work, then to the community center for the first night of another round of improv classes. When I arrived, the sign on the door told me the handicap button was out of order and they were sorry for the inconvenience. I muttered to myself, “It’s more than an inconvenience if you’re in a wheelchair!”

    I park my bike inside while I’m at class, which they’re kind enough to permit, so I started to wrestle the door open with one hand while holding my (heavily loaded e-bike) with the other. A security guard inside saw me and hastened to open the door and hold it for me. I thanked him profusely.

    I’ll add 4 more items to the list that represent kindness, although they also represent following the law in Washington state. When I’m riding I always take note of the drivers that move over a full lane to go around me, rather than coming within a few feet of me. I’m fortunate to mostly ride on quiet streets with little traffic, mostly with bike lanes, so this is more important in some locations than others. Yesterday two drivers moved over a full lane to go by me while I was on my way to the office, two on my way back (extra appreciated because by then it was dark).

    Thanks, kind people!

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      13 hours ago

      Some people know we are out there to take care of one another, Barb. I often wonder if those who are generous with road space are bikers themselves. Ride on, Sista!

  9. L
    1 day ago

    Every day on this site. The thoughtful responses, the collective wisdom, kindness, and honesty of everyone on here. I’m grateful to have learned so much here, your responses always open my eyes to new perspectives, so, thank you 🙏

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 day ago

      What a lovely answer, Lauryn. I agree!

  10. Carla
    1 day ago

    I received a call from a long time friend that she’s covering all the lodging costs of a conference I’m attending. It’s a very generous gift as costs in California are quite $$. Other random acts are surprise door openers when my hands are full. Happy Lunar New Year All! 🐍

    1. Avril
      1 day ago

      That’s awesome!

    2. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 day ago

      Mine is a door-opening story too. Such a small thing, and yet so large.

  11. Patti
    1 day ago

    A day after Hurricane Helene hit WNC, I was walking our dogs on the street we lived on and a neighbor a few doors down was out and said hello. We had never met before, and he said he had a generator running his well and that we could get some water if we needed it. While I had filled bottles and whatnot before the storm hit, with no running water at our house, we definitely needed water. He let me fill two large containers, giving us about 8 gallons of fresh water. It was a blessing for sure.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      13 hours ago

      Such generosity of spirit. ❤️

    2. Avril
      1 day ago

      I’m glad you made it through that harrowing ordeal.

      1. Patti
        10 hours ago

        It was awful, but my husband and I were lucky, all things considered. So many in that area are still affected by all of the loss and damage. I actually got a call from FEMA yesterday, which gave me hope that others who applied for help may finally be getting it.

  12. Avril
    1 day ago

    Yesterday, both of my parents, independently, lost their wallets and debit cards. It was bananas. The credit card company agent was exceptional. Later we went to the bank and my father had no ID– it was in the lost wallet. They recognized him and bent the rules managing the account and allowed me to be put on to protect him in the future. It was a harrowing experienced, but it turned out peacefully.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      12 hours ago

      Avril, this could I’ve gone so many ways, yet it turned out “peacefully”. I am grateful for all involved. In this age of anonymity, Amazon ordering, everything available on-line, this is a reminder that doing business locally and in person has great value.

      1. Yram
        12 hours ago

        Tha nk you for sharing this lovely story. There is something to be said about personal interaction.

    2. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 day ago

      So sorry this happened to them, Avril. They’re lucky to have you to help and the bank people did the perfect thing.

      It strikes me that this is a return on the time investment of your father regularly going into the bank in person so they recognize him. My banking is 100% online with no branch of our credit union where we live so we would be on the phone with someone who’d never met us if we needed to deal with a problem. (Not that they aren’t helpful–it’s just not the same.)

      1. Avril
        1 day ago

        I agree–I thought it was archaic. But, they said, “hello Mr. James” when we walked in. Their routines are important. Human interaction is important. We will continued going in monthly to help maintain his autonomy.

  13. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    1 day ago

    Just as simple as when I hold the door for someone, and they grin at me in return. That all contributes to my joyful day.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 day ago

      I wrote my answer before reading others. I’m scrolling down and here’s yet another one related to opening doors for other people. Love it.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      1 day ago

      My Ngoc, a little goes a long ways. Like we’ve said before many times, there’s no need to wait for the big 1. That’s too uncertain.

  14. L
    Loc Tran
    1 day ago

    This morning, I woke up to a high-school reunion invite from my buddy, Mitch. Now, I’m a part of the FB group.
    1 of my mom’s friends sent a video wishing me a Happy Lunar New Year. I replied back on Ngoc and my behalf wishing her a Happy Lunar New Year full of health, happiness, and fortune.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 day ago

      Chúc Tết vui vẻ!

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        1 day ago

        Thanks Barb. Happy Lunar New Year to you too. Good job with your Vietnamese writing.

    2. sparrow51014
      1 day ago

      A very happy Lunar New Year,
      dear Loc . . .
      it this the year of the snake?

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        1 day ago

        Yes it is, Sparrow. Happy Lunar New Year to you as well.

    3. Yram
      1 day ago

      Greetings for a good year!

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        1 day ago

        Happy Lunar New Year to you as well, Yram.

  15. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    2 days ago

    This past Monday, my husband and I both had early morning appts. I headed to physical therapy, and didn’t eat my full breakfast before I left. When I returned home at 9 am, my husband was gone for the morning. He had taken the time to set a place for me at the table, set my tea bag and cup out, and my bowl for oats. I felt so cared for by his simple, thoughtful gestures. Especially knowing he was in a bit of a hurry that morning as well. Two benefits, the first one I mentioned. The second, an affirmation of how a simple kindness affects a person’s well-being and influences how they, in turn, may affect another’s well-being in some way.

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