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  1. Ose
    4 months ago

    Probably during joyful hours while being with dear friends who unexpectedly came to visit. We all were so happy to have the rare chance for meeting and each of us was just fully present for each of us. Thank you life for these wonderful moments!

  2. Michi
    4 months ago

    Just today when I woke up besides my partner, cuddled her and was vividly aware that there is a living, breathing, loving, wonderful human being next to me, deciding to wake up next to me every day, and THIS day in particular.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    4 months ago

    What immediately came to my mind was when my daughter was scheduled for open heart surgery. My only focus was on the present and being there for her before her surgery. I luckily had a non-stop flight. I travelled from Rhode Island to Florida with only a few days notice. Fort Lauderdale Airport was very busy and traffic was insane. I walked to the terminal (the bus line was a mile long) that had rental cars and later realized I had blisters forming but I made it in plenty of time so I could walk down beside her as they rolled her bed down for surgery. She cried and we told each other “I love you”.

    1. Mary
      4 months ago

      Such a beautiful story Robin Ann.
      I know it meant the world to your daughter
      that you were with her.

  4. Emmaleah46781
    4 months ago

    Last week I was hiking in the mountains where I go weekly for work to take water samples from a stream. It is a beautiful place, but since I go so often I don’t always take the time to notice it’s beauty or peacefulness. Last week I took the time to jump in the stream and float on my back for a bit, and as I lie there looking up at the tree canopy, I felt a moment of presence and gratitude. To be honest, these are rare for me. I come to this site daily to help me remember to be present, but I often speed through my days stressing about what needs to get done. When I am able to take the time to stop and be present and grateful, my heart fills up.
    I hope you all have a blessed week.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      4 months ago

      Emmaleah, your story reminds me to remember where I am more often. You have given me a strong visual reference. And one I love. Thank you.🩷

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      Love that you did that!!

  5. Carol Ann Conner
    4 months ago

    A couple of days before my sister’s death, I walked into the bedroom she was staying in at my home and she was lying on her side. When she heard me, she turned and said, “I love you” and it was like an electrically charged wave of energy traveled from her eyes to my heart. Just thinking about it brings me fully into this moment. It is my thought that the power of love has nothing to do with neediness or romance. It’s the love that Presence is made of. It defies and incapacitates fear. What a gift she gave me. We are called to BE the LOVE we seek and we can only do that one moment at a time. Agape

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      What a beautiful memory Carol.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      4 months ago

      So lovely Caeol.

    3. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago


    4. Patti
      4 months ago

      Thank you for sharing this, Carol.

  6. j
    4 months ago

    I have hard time being fully present. I’m trying to work on this now. Maybe the last vacation I had with my kids there were moments when I was present. This is hard for me.

  7. Antoinette88615
    4 months ago

    I was fully present at a meeting I had this evening which was being translated from Korean to English for me. I appreciated being included and cared for. Im trying to pray as much as I can even though I have a lot of things coming up into my mind. Thanks to all of you here for listening and participating here .

  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    4 months ago

    Oh boy. I struggle with this. So hmm… let’s see, apparently it’s been a while. There are moments in my day, when I’m pondering the Daily Question or riding my bike on some challenging trail or when
    I’m able to fully meditate and focus on my breath.
    But I must say, these moments are fleeting.

  9. Barb C
    Barb C
    4 months ago

    Two come to mind, one happy, one sad.

    The happy–I’m taking swing dancing lessons with my husband and we had a class Friday night. We were learning a new move involving complicated movements with our arms and each of us turning and we got it down. He’s a very good dancer. Moving to the music together is wonderful and I don’t think of anything else.

    The sad–Yesterday I was on a chatty phone call with my younger sister. We haven’t talked in a while and it was one of our long catching-up calls. During these I often move around and do little chores, in this case putting away the laundry and making the bed with clean sheets while listening on my headset.

    When she told me we wouldn’t have our New Year’s visit we’d been planning this year because her partner has prostate cancer and will be having surgery, I stopped everything, sat down, and listened completely with my whole heart.

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      My dad had prostate cancer (also has CML). He had the robotic sx and had it removed. A lot with technology now.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      Thinking of your family Barb. I have a dear friend that had the surgery and is so far doing fine.

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      4 months ago

      My husband was a wonderful dancer, too, Barb. You’ve jogged a lot of memories!

  10. Mary
    4 months ago

    I recall being fully present in quiet moments.
    Sitting in the living room after dinner,
    noticing my husband, my cats,
    the weather, the quiet,
    and noticing myself
    feeling content and grateful.

  11. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    4 months ago

    During a caregiving task, when I was really trying to be present and listen to what the person was needing and not go too fast or too slow.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      4 months ago

      I’m sure they felt that focused attention and care, Elizabeth.

  12. L
    4 months ago

    Floating in the ocean, hiking, playing music, cooking, riding roller coasters…. all of these this bring me fully present.

    Hurricane Milton will do that as well – in a much less pleasant way. I’m pretty scared of this storm, it’s going to be a long 12 hours.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      Be safe Lauryn, what area do you live in? stock up on food/water!

    2. Barb C
      Barb C
      4 months ago

      Good luck riding out the storm, Lauryn.

  13. Yram
    4 months ago

    The other day we talked to our sons. The youngest gave us a detailed description of the job he is currently on. I did not understand most of what he explained. I was tempted to get up and do something. I resisted and listened to the full explanation. It gave me an appreciation for the hidden work electricians do to keep our technology in working order. Who would think all that goes on underground.

  14. Jenifer
    4 months ago

    I moved in with my dad about two weeks ago. I’ve been busy moving and unpacking and working and trying to still go out and see friends. Been very much go go go.
    I’m learning how to play the banjo and last night I was showing my dad what I’ve learned so far. He had told me once how he always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but never took lessons and feels like he’s “too old” to start now. I gave him a mini lesson with the banjo and I was fully present while watching him play. He would make the silliest face and laugh when he couldn’t get it right but after some practice, he got the hang out it and couldn’t stop smiling. I’m very lucky to have had this special moment with him.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      Love it!

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      4 months ago


    3. Barb C
      Barb C
      4 months ago

      This sounds delightful! He’s lucky to have a special moment with his daughter too.

  15. Patti
    4 months ago

    Yesterday while we were walking a greenway in Charlotte. The weather was cool, the sky was gray. It’s a pretty greenway that goes by a creek and eventually leads to a large park/rec center. There were lots of others on the path, walking, biking, and jogging. It felt good to be walking with my husband and dogs. I’m grateful that having to leave brought us to Charlotte. We like it here, and we like it so much that we found a place to live and will be moving again soon!

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      Wishing you a smooth move again!

      1. Patti
        4 months ago

        Not exactly what we had in mind when we came to WNC, but the storm really took away the market we were coming to serve. At least we didn’t buy a home and have the resources and ability to move. The house we’re currently in has a lot of issues, so it really is a blessing.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      I’ve heard Charlotte area was very nice!

      1. Patti
        4 months ago

        It’s really nice there, and we’re looking forward to it!

    3. Mary
      4 months ago

      Hi Sunnypatti
      I’m so glad you found yet another beautiful place to live!

      1. Patti
        4 months ago

        Thank you 🙂

    4. Yram
      4 months ago

      I am happy to hear that arewas not damaged.

      1. Patti
        4 months ago

        One of the girls at the hotel desk said there were lots of areas without power before we arrived last week, but overall, they did great out that way.

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