There is a meaning behind your purpose.
For example, I think one of my purposes is to be there for people. The meaning behind that is because due to the circumstances in my life, I did not grow up feeling like people were there for me. So now that I have grown and continue to heal, I want to be that for other people.
Carissa, this sounds like me all over again. Going into detail from yesterday’s question, I grew up in the traditional Asian setting. Those people are known to be caring, come off strong, and speak the truth as it is on the spot. Their style and mine are incompatible.
Now that I’ve found American group settings that I feel a sense of belonging and have overcome the trauma from the traditional Asian social settings, I want to help others with autism and other forms of mental illnesses be comfortable in their own skin whether it’s through storytelling, sharing my experiences, or bouncing ideas. There’s someone out there who will value us. We just haven’t found them yet.
meaning: what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action
purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists
The word purpose typically means that something was done for a reason. You get up and brush your teeth in the morning with a purpose. You want your smile to be healthy and clean and you want to get rid of morning breath. You do this so you can go about your day and talk openly with people. The meaning behind it may simply be wanting to have good hygiene, feel good about yourself, and even come off as more appealing to others.
We are raised to find a “purpose” in life and to discover life’s “meaning”. But truly, life should not be putting these expectations on you in a way to drag you down or stress you out. We are all human, and the best we can do is to lead our lives with kindness and love and find joy and humor in the little things. There isn’t something big meaning or purpose to life, but simply we are here to enjoy and experience it. If you happen to find your “purpose” good for you, but having a purpose doesn’t make your life anymore or any less meaningful. We are all humans, living life for the first time trying to experience everything we possibly can and harbor love for self, and love for others.
I did something Carol does on occasion: I looked up the dictionary definitions.
Purpose: something set up as an object or end to be attained; resolution, determination
Meaning: (after the definitions having to do with words themselves) something meant or intended; aim; significant quality, especially implication of a hidden or special significance
From these definitions I would say what Charlie said: living my life with purpose gives it meaning.
Meaning and purpose. To me, they are like an object and its shadow. Meaning is the object and purpose is the shadow. Sometimes I may not see the shadow until the sun shines. Many times, when someone questions me why I do something for them, most of the time, I answer just like that, with no purpose. For example, when I give my friend my favorite wristband, I just want to see her smile, and I thought that is the meaning of what I did. But when I read today’s question, I realized that everything I give or help others with always comes with a purpose: wanting to see someone smile is also a purpose. A sweet purpose!
I feel like, as Kevin said, the relationship between the two is just life. We all have a meaning and a purpose, whether we know what it is or not. We live and learn and dream… and sometimes the dream changes as we grow older while learning what we need to learn along our path.
Today’s question shows the value of learning from others. Overthinking is an easy thing to do. Just like with many others before me, I found it helpful seeing other responses.
“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.” Thomas Merton
Today, s quote says it all. For me, at this time and at my age, my purpose is an abiding intention to be present and whenever I accomplish that, I become a Presence that brings meaning to “the possibilities and challenges offered to me by the present moment.” As the character Colonel Potter in the sitcom “Mash” told his depressed and longing for home doctors and nurses in a Christmas episode, “If you ain’t where you’re at, you’re no where.”
I had to chew on this for a moment. I am grateful to those early birds who answered before me😍—especially Kevin. Life has meaning. As Laura says below, I don’t have to know the reason. For me, this is where faith comes in. I feel this Truth in my core. We want to know the meaning of everything—why did this happen, this shouldn’t happen, etc. We are like someone at the base of the mountain. We don’t have access to the full view. The Divine is at the apex. My job is to live life, remembering that I am not a random accident. I choose to live purposely, mindfully, and gratefully.
Today’s question was too philosophical for me this early in the day. So I read others’ responses from the “bottom up” vs. “top down” which is my usual way. Was very insightful. Always good to find a kindred spirit. Today Laura & Avril were mine. Thanks to both of you.
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The soul´s longing to lovingly reconnect with all which is is purpose and meaning.
l live my life a certain way because it holds special & unique meaning to me. Our meaning is also displayed in our purpose by our daily actions.
There is a meaning behind your purpose.
For example, I think one of my purposes is to be there for people. The meaning behind that is because due to the circumstances in my life, I did not grow up feeling like people were there for me. So now that I have grown and continue to heal, I want to be that for other people.
Carissa, this sounds like me all over again. Going into detail from yesterday’s question, I grew up in the traditional Asian setting. Those people are known to be caring, come off strong, and speak the truth as it is on the spot. Their style and mine are incompatible.
Now that I’ve found American group settings that I feel a sense of belonging and have overcome the trauma from the traditional Asian social settings, I want to help others with autism and other forms of mental illnesses be comfortable in their own skin whether it’s through storytelling, sharing my experiences, or bouncing ideas. There’s someone out there who will value us. We just haven’t found them yet.
The meaning is the personal definition or takeaway, and the purpose is the motivation.
Purpose is the intent to do something, and meaning is what I make of it. Both are important in my life’s journey.
meaning: what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action
purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists
The word purpose typically means that something was done for a reason. You get up and brush your teeth in the morning with a purpose. You want your smile to be healthy and clean and you want to get rid of morning breath. You do this so you can go about your day and talk openly with people. The meaning behind it may simply be wanting to have good hygiene, feel good about yourself, and even come off as more appealing to others.
We are raised to find a “purpose” in life and to discover life’s “meaning”. But truly, life should not be putting these expectations on you in a way to drag you down or stress you out. We are all human, and the best we can do is to lead our lives with kindness and love and find joy and humor in the little things. There isn’t something big meaning or purpose to life, but simply we are here to enjoy and experience it. If you happen to find your “purpose” good for you, but having a purpose doesn’t make your life anymore or any less meaningful. We are all humans, living life for the first time trying to experience everything we possibly can and harbor love for self, and love for others.
I did something Carol does on occasion: I looked up the dictionary definitions.
Purpose: something set up as an object or end to be attained; resolution, determination
Meaning: (after the definitions having to do with words themselves) something meant or intended; aim; significant quality, especially implication of a hidden or special significance
From these definitions I would say what Charlie said: living my life with purpose gives it meaning.
I think it can go in both ways like a mobius strip
Ah, I like this. Thank you Avril.
Great question. Both words have a lot
to do with intention. Living my life
with a simple intention, has given
it meaning.
Amen to that, Charlie!
Meaning and purpose. To me, they are like an object and its shadow. Meaning is the object and purpose is the shadow. Sometimes I may not see the shadow until the sun shines. Many times, when someone questions me why I do something for them, most of the time, I answer just like that, with no purpose. For example, when I give my friend my favorite wristband, I just want to see her smile, and I thought that is the meaning of what I did. But when I read today’s question, I realized that everything I give or help others with always comes with a purpose: wanting to see someone smile is also a purpose. A sweet purpose!
So beautiful– you made me smile, too.
Both look the same. Based on your interpretation, I see meaning being more visible. Purpose is more hidden. The 2nd one comes out on its terms.
Maybe meaning is “why I get out of bed each day” and purpose is what I do during the day.
This question does not have a definitive answer. I was glad to hear the wisdom of others. Thank you!
Yram, great response; simple, short, sweet, and straight to the point.
I feel like, as Kevin said, the relationship between the two is just life. We all have a meaning and a purpose, whether we know what it is or not. We live and learn and dream… and sometimes the dream changes as we grow older while learning what we need to learn along our path.
Today’s question shows the value of learning from others. Overthinking is an easy thing to do. Just like with many others before me, I found it helpful seeing other responses.
“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.” Thomas Merton
Today, s quote says it all. For me, at this time and at my age, my purpose is an abiding intention to be present and whenever I accomplish that, I become a Presence that brings meaning to “the possibilities and challenges offered to me by the present moment.” As the character Colonel Potter in the sitcom “Mash” told his depressed and longing for home doctors and nurses in a Christmas episode, “If you ain’t where you’re at, you’re no where.”
Now Here or No Where, my choice moment by moment.
Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation for today touches on today’s question:
Thank you for the link, Carol. I needed that this morning!
“Now Here or No Where, my choice moment by moment.” Succinct & very helpful. Thanks, Carol.
I had to chew on this for a moment. I am grateful to those early birds who answered before me😍—especially Kevin. Life has meaning. As Laura says below, I don’t have to know the reason. For me, this is where faith comes in. I feel this Truth in my core. We want to know the meaning of everything—why did this happen, this shouldn’t happen, etc. We are like someone at the base of the mountain. We don’t have access to the full view. The Divine is at the apex. My job is to live life, remembering that I am not a random accident. I choose to live purposely, mindfully, and gratefully.
Today’s question was too philosophical for me this early in the day. So I read others’ responses from the “bottom up” vs. “top down” which is my usual way. Was very insightful. Always good to find a kindred spirit. Today Laura & Avril were mine. Thanks to both of you.
I felt the same way at first, too. I appreciate your thoughtful words. I love how we are all helping each other to stretch today.
Lessons Learned
Looking forward to reading other responses to this one today.
Happy National Pet Day! 💖
Furry babies!