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  1. L
    Loc Tran

    My 70th response to this question will give the people in charge of this website a small opportunity that can make a big difference down the line.

    3 months ago
  2. L
    Loc Tran

    Seeing the number of reflections explains my 2nd response to this question. It’s 66 now. This community has certainly helped me improved my social life in a manner that feels comfortable ever since joining right after Easter of this year.

    3 months ago
  3. Palm

    The opportunity of each moment to do what feels right has offer serendipities and unexpected blessings.
    Just this morning, I came to this site and, after a bit of a difficult night sleep, I read the word of the day by Malala Yousafzai: β€œAt night our fear is strong . . . but in the morning, in the light, we find our courage again.”

    3 months ago
  4. barba

    The chance to live here in a rich and free Germany. With more opportunities than you can take advantage of: Prosperity, education, democracy, peace …

    3 months ago
  5. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    In 2013, I applied for a seasonal office position at a small Boutique Hotel in Newport. I had been unemployed for a year taking some short contract positions during a recession. I was with the Hotel for a full year and helped implement a new payroll system. This lead to where I work today, with that experience I was hired permanently and have been employed with them for 10 years. My company has been honored for several years “Best places to Work”. I am so grateful for the small opportunity to become huge one for me!

    3 months ago
  6. Ose

    Once when I was young, there was the opportunity to work in a Hotel led by a female friend of our family. While staying there for room service and cleaning, the friend introduced me also how to cook well for her noble guests who came to spend their holidays there. It was an opportunity to improve what had been conveyed by my mother already, who was preparing delicious food for her family. Until today, The love vor cooking together and being inspired to preparing delicious food mostly without a recipe is giving joy and happiness to all of us so often. Thank you dearly to my mother and this friend who was feeling free to share her abilities and fun to bring joy and love to the table and to family and guests.

    3 months ago
  7. Barb C
    Barb C

    I love this question! I often think about serendipity and how small actions add up. I wrote a blog post about how bicycling led to many changes in my life and I won’t repeat all the details here; it’s at if you’re interested. The TL;DR is that starting to commute to work by bike led to volunteer leadership roles, love and marriage, a change of profession, moving to another city, another job change, and another move to the town we plan to live in for the rest of our lives (the last move isn’t in the blog post). So much has flowed from the city of Spokane putting a bike lane in front of my house.

    3 months ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Follow the flow of the dots like a connect the dots for young-uns!

      3 months ago
      1. Barb C
        Barb C

        We make the path by walking.

        3 months ago
      2. D

        Follow the dots I love this thought.

        3 months ago
  8. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    Thank you so much for all your amazing stories. They bring me hope and joy. For me, a small opportunity that has made a difference in my life is being a volunteer and helping the elderly with their English homework. Through this opportunity, I learn English alongside them, gain valuable insights from their life experiences, and, more importantly, I’ve become more patient than I used to be.
    Wishing you all a happy weekend!

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Combining your responses from today’s question and this question, My Ngoc, we have quite a bit of common ground with the people from our parents’ generation and older.
      1. Disabilities and diseases are closely linked.
      2. We have a lot of time to play with Waverly and Harper having mentioned about them before on comments from Sunnypatti and others.
      3. More time available opens up time for conversations about the past.
      4. We’ve done a fair amount of traveling and have been on quite a few trips together with my parents who love nature.
      In fact, we have more common ground with those people than the ones within our age group.

      3 months ago
  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    It’s the small opportunity’s that have
    made the big difference in my life.
    It never seems to be a straight line.
    One thing leads to another. Being open,
    saying yes, doing the thing that scares me,
    and questioning my motives have all led to
    change. Opportunity’s seem to appear
    after the moment of surrender. As I write
    this, it occurs to me that, that really is the
    I have been traveling and have missed the
    morning gratitude practice. I hope all is well
    with you, my gratitude people πŸ™

    3 months ago
    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      « Opportunities seem to appear after the moment of surrender ». Thank you SO much for this reminder, Charlie T.

      3 months ago
      1. D

        Yes I love this too!

        3 months ago
    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      How have you been Charlie T? Nice to read your reflection.

      3 months ago
      1. Charlie T
        Charlie T

        I have been very good, Joseph.
        Thank you πŸ™
        Camping on our way to a wedding
        here in Boise. Going to places I’ve
        never been. Mosquito bites, sun
        sets, camp fires, amazing geology,
        And now I’m going riding with an
        old friend. Doing the thing that
        brought us together so many years

        3 months ago
  10. Nannette

    Good Morning Everyone, I am not going to answer today’s question…as I just don’t have the strength right now. Early Thursday morning, I suffered a heart attack. Thankfully, my husband got me to the hospital (an ambulance where we live would have been too late!). I had a cardiac catheterization and the placements of two stents. Before this I was relatively healthy!! It was a total shock. I would like to ask all my friends here for prayers, whatever you believe in…please. I find strength in all of you. It is morning again…and I am alive, I would like to go home- but I think I may have at least another day in the hospital. Thank you all and God Bless You for thinking of me.

    3 months ago
    1. Michele

      Holy shit this was shocking to read Nannette! OMG! Wishing you a speedy recovery, as a former nurse I’m sure you will listen and do what your discharge instructions tell you to do. Sending lots of healing energy to you!

      3 months ago
    2. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      Nannette, thank you so much for letting us know. Godspeed on this journey, blessings on you and your medical team.

      3 months ago
    3. Palm


      3 months ago
    4. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      May healing thoughts find you with gods speed Nannette.

      3 months ago
    5. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Healing thoughts and prayers sent your way Nanette! Wow, so glad your husband was with you
      and quickly got you to the hospital!

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        Thank you, Robin Ann for your caring and for your prayers and thoughts. They mean alot to me!!

        3 months ago
    6. Ose

      Dear Nanette, happy that all went so well and that you had speedy support by your dear husband and later by the cardiologists! May you recover quickly and may you be well again soon.. Take care, dear friend, and may al blessings be with you.

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        O. Christina, Thank you so much….the Blessings are so imortant to me…and this group is such a support.

        3 months ago
    7. Barb C
      Barb C

      I’m amazed you’re even here to share this much, Nannette. Care and healing to you.

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        Thank you, Barb!! I appreciate your reply and concern.

        3 months ago
    8. Carol Ann Conner

      Nannette, I hope you can just lie back and let your body rest. Sending loving energy your way.

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        Thank you, Carol!! I am praying that :all will be well:. I appreciate your kindness always.

        3 months ago
    9. pkr29022

      Dear Nannette, I am so sorry to hear your news. May God heal you & surround you with healing light. I am praying for you & will continue to do so. πŸ™πŸ»βœ¨πŸ™πŸ»βœ¨πŸ™πŸ»
      Thank goodness for your loving husband.
      Stay strong, keep your thoughts positive.
      Prayers up for youβ€¦βœ¨πŸ©·πŸ™πŸ»βœ¨

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        Thank you, PKR, I am so apprciative of all the prayers and caring of you and all the people here. Thank you so very much. My heart is filled with love.

        3 months ago
    10. Ngoc Nguyen
      Ngoc Nguyen

      God be with you for healing and peace! Get well soon, Nennette! God hears our prayers.

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        Thank you Ngoc Nguyen, I am so thankful for your prayers, I know God is with me and soon…his will be done…I will be well.

        3 months ago
    11. Charlie T
      Charlie T

      Oh dear Nannette!, I am so glad you
      are recovering and that modern
      medicine has worked it’s magic.
      I’m thinking of you and sending
      strength and comfort.

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        Thank you, Charlie T….your message gives me comfort and peace…strength to know good people like you are supporting me.

        3 months ago
    12. Yram

      It is amazing hiw quickly our lives change. I am happy you got help quickly. Prayers for sure. We have a religious activity today and I will include you and your care team in the petitions.

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        YRAM, Thank you so much for including me and my prayer team in your prayerful activity today. I cannot tell you how much that means to me. Thank you, Thank you.

        3 months ago
    13. L
      Loc Tran

      Best wishes to you, Nannette. Get well soon.

      3 months ago
      1. Nannette

        Thank you Loc Tran for your message…I soon hope to be well. Thank you for your support.

        3 months ago
  11. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    While living in the Upper Peninsula of MI for 10 years, I was finding it hard to meet people where there was potential for deep, meaningful relationships. About 2 years in, I wondered aloud to my husband if I ever would.

    I had found a wonderful massage therapist « across the river » in Canada. One day, out of the blue, she mentioned friends of hers « in the states » were hosting a house concert and we should come. She checked with her friends, and we were welcome to join in the fun. I had said nothing to her about my loneliness.

    So on a cold wintry night in March, we knocked on the door of a farm house built in the late 1800’s. Our host answered the door so warmly, and as we stepped in I immediately felt embraced by warmth and love. Two weeks later, I called our host, re-introduced myself, and asked Leslie is she would like to meet for coffee. The rest is an amazing story of friendship and adventure. Our husbands became close friends, the four of us and their children have become close, have travelled together, celebrated together, and weathered difficult times together. We left the Upper Peninsula 11 years ago. We still travel to be with them and vice-versa. So saying yes to an invitation expanded my life in so many ways, and that expansion continues to this day.

    3 months ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Love your story Mary!

      3 months ago
    2. Barb C
      Barb C

      That’s wonderful, Mary. I met my best friend of many years through her husband, who served on some committees I was also on. She became my yoga teacher and officiated at my wedding and that of my older daughter, among many gifts of time and love. Those connections give us so much.

      3 months ago
    3. L
      Loc Tran

      That’s quite the adventure, Mary. It goes to show that we live in a social world. Networking is powerful.

      3 months ago
      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei

        Amen my Friend.

        3 months ago
  12. L
    Loc Tran

    Reading “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” was a small opportunity that has made a big difference in my life. Humility, concentration, emptiness, and purity are my takeaways. Here are a couple Shunryu Suzuki quotes I have down.
    1. “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”
    2. “Form is form. Emptiness is emptiness.”

    3 months ago
  13. Patti

    The very poor paying job at a natural grocery store after getting fired by some cult people I worked for… that job at Earth Fare led me to gain 4 promotions in a year, and then the opportunity to go and run the cheese & wine department at Whole Foods where I met my husband who was running the culinary department. Whole Foods also put me thru the Certified Cheese Professional program where I learned so much and have taken that knowledge with me into our own business. Meeting my husband is the best part of all of that!

    3 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Love this! As a cheese lover (it’s the reason I’m a vegetarian, not a vegan) I’m fascinated by the idea of that class, too.

      3 months ago
  14. Michele

    Getting more than one quote from a company … I just had my AC replaced and there was a $3000 difference between quotes. I am so happy with the service I received – left a positive review:)
    Enjoy the weekend everyone.

    3 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Whoa, that’s a big difference! We’ve been getting by without air conditioning (in Olympia, WA), although the first summer after we moved here we experienced the heat dome that set records and killed people. A heat pump may be in our future.

      3 months ago
    2. pkr29022

      Michele, happy it all worked out for you.
      I am so thankful my AC issue got fixed, as well.
      Have a beautiful weekend. Bless you..πŸ™πŸ»βœ¨πŸ™πŸ»

      3 months ago
    3. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      You too, Michelle. Savor that win!πŸ˜‰

      3 months ago
  15. Butterfly

    I’ve lived with a chronic illness since I was 15. Two major traumas made it worse each time. The second one, a major operation, caused me to become mostly bed-bound. It was devastating and I was trapped in an upstairs bedroom. It was like being buried alive. After 4 years I was able to get the downstairs of the house adapted and moved into the main living area. From here I have a full view of the back garden and decided to watch and record all the birds that visited. A few months later I happened to see a small sort of advert in a nature magazine from the British Trust for Ornithology asking for volunteer garden bird watchers. I signed up and have been recording the birds and other wildlife for the past 17 years. It is fascinating to see the changes over the years and has given me a sense of purpose in a very limited life-style.

    3 months ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      The yellow and black swallowtails are busy pollinating in my neck of the woods dear Butterfly.

      3 months ago
    2. Barb C
      Barb C

      I’m so glad you live where nature comes to you, Butterfly. My husband and I make notes about the birds we see but not in any consistent way. A couple of years ago I started making recordings for the Dawn Chorus citizen science effort, capturing the very early bird sounds at my house. It arose out of the hush that fell over the planet when COVID first hit and people realized they could hear birds and other creatures they had never heard before. Birds are wonderful!

      3 months ago
    3. pkr29022

      Butterfly, thank you for sharing.
      Hope new birds find their way to your garden & to your love for them.
      I admire your attitude.
      Happy bird watchingβ€¦βœ¨πŸͺΆπŸ¦‰πŸ©·

      3 months ago
    4. Charlie T
      Charlie T

      Butterfly, you inspire me.
      My wife is a fan of butterflies and
      we recently camped in a meadow
      full of butterflies. They seemed so
      curious and were a lovely
      entertainment. The mosquitoes,
      not so much 😁

      3 months ago
    5. Yram

      A very lovely story. Thanks for sharing!

      3 months ago

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